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Picture of the Day

Standing by FC

ISLAMABAD: Citizens place flowers to pay tribute to the FC personnel killed in Saturday’s suicide attack. app

Romeo Dev, the world's smallest bodybuilder stands next to a model of the tallest human being, to promote an exhibition in Piccadilly Circus, London.
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Indigeneous Cricket.... making of another Sachin
Making of Sachin.JPG

Was that calender in runing for the ugliest calender competition?
Should of put some sort of warining before posting those pictures?
Funny Pictureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss!?!?!/.a.s;d.com

Hi do you know what time it is?

Time for you to get a ....in WATCH!!!

Funny but not so true.
Free larki? How can someone turn down that deal? :P

Atom 'Bumb' siri paye :P

12 Years of education in 60 days? Damn we're awesome!

Pentium IV! Now only for 399 rs per KILO! :D

Copyrights? No thank you!

Open 25 hours!

Pentium IV! Now only for 399 rs per KILO! :D

Copyrights? No thank you!

Open 25 hours!

This should have been posted in my thread :) i m sure you know which one...
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