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Fairy Chimney Hotel in Göreme, Turkey.

Ships over Ship ?

This is the biggest ship on the planet that can carry anything from a complete Oil Refinery to Military Warships and Submarines! Blue Marlin is owned by Dockwise Shipping of the Netherlands and was previously owned by Offshore Heavy Transport of Oslo, Norway, who built it in 2000.
Blue Marlin once delivered the oil platform Thunder Horse PDQ, weighing 60,000 tons, to Corpus Christi, Texas for completion.
Furthermore, in 2005 Blue Marlin moved the gas refinery Snøhvit from its construction site in Cádiz to Hammerfest in 11 days.

Dear it may be a shock for most of the forum members that Mr. Altaf is not an office holder of MQM............therefore he could not be charged for any of the unlawful activity of MQM on technical grounds.......... and to the best of my knowledge this situation exist from the begin of MQM..........if anybody ever notice the wordings use for him in media as “MQM ke Quaid/Rehnooma”
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