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Picture of the Day


A two year old child Vishnavi offering food to her mother Sangeetha, a construction labour, lost her both hands in a accident during construction of a building in Multai Township in Madhya Pradhesh in 2001

Speechless .... Truly pic of the day ..May ALLAH bless her both.
Peacocks can fly for short distances. They look so beautiful while flying



The big cats at Thailand's controversial Tiger Temple: The Tiger Temple in the western province of Kanchanaburi - about 80 km from Bangkok - began life in 1999 when the first female cub was brought to Wat Pa Luangta Bua Yannasampanno, a Buddhist sanctuary, and was cared for by the monks. Since then, it has evolved into a much larger wildlife haven and is now a major tourist attraction in Thailand.

It is one of the few places in the world that allows visitors to touch tigers. For a basic entrance fee - or 'donation' - of 1,000 baht (about £20), visitors get a tour of the site and the chance to enter the sanctuary's Tiger Canyon, a quarry with a rocky pool at one end containing a dozen or so sleeping tigers chained to the ground.

The temple has been forced to strenuously deny accusations that its big cat residents are sedated to allow tourists to have their pictures taken with them.


Syria, Homs April 25th, 2012
they found this Syrian Muslim woman murdered,
do you see that little machine in her finger, it’s a counter for remembrance of Allah (it’s like a little electronic ring of tasbeeh to count how many times you remember Allah)
May Allah accept her as a shahidah (martyr) and grant her highest level in Jannah
and may HE grant Syrian people victory over the enemies of Islam, ameen


Syria, Homs April 25th, 2012
they found this Syrian Muslim woman murdered,
do you see that little machine in her finger, it’s a counter for remembrance of Allah (it’s like a little electronic ring of tasbeeh to count how many times you remember Allah)
May Allah accept her as a shahidah (martyr) and grant her highest level in Jannah
and may HE grant Syrian people victory over the enemies of Islam, ameen


Fight in syria is really a fight of Islam????? No wonder muslims today are in so much trouble...
Awww I dont Like the pik ov glz in a forum like that :((

Ameen For the Murdered grl May Allah forgive her and may her soul rest in peace

this photo is one of the protesters (anti scaf)in egypt yet he can sleep easy while the the army troops are in his back this just shows how great our army is and whatever happen every egyptian knows that our army is our shield and sword no matter what happen
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