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PIA negotiating $2b deals amid declining orders


Apr 24, 2007
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PIA negotiating $2b deals amid declining orders

By: Amraiz Khan | Published: July 08, 2009

LAHORE - In mid June, PIA entered into negotiations with Boeing and Airbus for procurement of 27 new aircrafts of worth more than $2 billion at list prices.

The deals could be one of the major narrow-body sales campaigns of 2009, and was revealed to Flight Daily News at the Paris Air Show by PIA Managing Director Capt Mohammed Aijaz Haroon.

It is worth mentioning here that the deal is being struck when there is recession worldwide, due to which, Boeing and Airbus have secured a grand total of just four new aircraft orders between them in the first three months of 2009.

The world’s airlines have ordered a total of just 50 aircrafts in the first quarter (28 for Boeing, 22 for Airbus), but they have cancelled 46 (32 for Boeing, 14 for Airbus), for a net order gain of just four aircraft. This is a massive turnaround from the 709 aircraft ordered in the first three months of 2008 (289 for Boeing and 420 for Airbus).

Speaking after signing a deal at the show with Thales for a RealitySeven Boeing 777-300ER full-flight simulator, Aijaz said the airline has completed the evaluation for the expansion of its fleet. “We’re looking at the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737. We’ve had meetings with Airbus and Boeing and are waiting for their final numbers. We expect to finalise a deal within the next few weeks.”

This PIA deal, if it goes through, will be the biggest purchase order by an airline in 2009, while the world’s aviation industry is facing its worst crisis since the great recession. Losses for 2009 are estimated to be in the range of $9 billion and this estimate is based on Brent Fuel prices of $56 per barrel. The Asia Pacific airlines are expected to account for one third of industry losses in 2009. The crisis has been further aggravated by the worldwide threat of terrorism, which coupled with economic recession, has dealt a severe blow to aviation industry. In such times, airlines have embarked on tightening belts, freeze on recruitments and aircraft induction, and adopted new marketing strategies, utilizing their best talents to retain their share of revenue, both passenger and cargo.

I hope this deal doesn't go through. There's bound to be a hell lot of kickbacks and commission for Zardari and his blood sucking jiyalas in the PIA. :frown:
Is there a credible source to this and not a blog report, as this is a mega deal and in current economic circumstances why would the GOP risk so much, though 51% PIA is privately owned, I highly doubt that any business man that mental to invest in extra aircraft units, they could make the business slump your asking more output and if sales are down your digging your grave with it.
What would be the state of affairs with the PIA because of recession , i know that AI is in complete mess because of that and also due to mismanagement and government has finally woken up and there would be a major revamp of the top management.
i read a similar news few weeks back as well.
PIA did perform quite well recently. atleast they came to the green zone. i havent had a chance to travel by PIA recently but my friend told me that it is better than british airways. i wanted to by PIA ticket for my comin trip to pakistan but it was too expansive.
Is there a credible source to this and not a blog report, as this is a mega deal and in current economic circumstances why would the GOP risk so much, though 51% PIA is privately owned, I highly doubt that any business man that mental to invest in extra aircraft units, they could make the business slump your asking more output and if sales are down your digging your grave with it.

check this link:

PARIS AIR SHOW: PIA in final discussions with Airbus and Boeing for major narrowbody deal
PIA needs to turn into a private air line. But the question is who has the money in Pakistan that much to operate it successfully.

PIA currently is crap. Some of its members are over paid, and have been given jobs not on merit.
Tell you the truth the last few times have been to pakistan the service from PIA was excellent.

You gotta give to the pak govts the things what need to be privatised are not and the ones that should be kept in state control are sold off.
The Weird $2b PIA Deal Which has Raised a Billion Questions

Dec 2-8, 2002

By M. Malkham (Opinion)

ISLAMABAD: The European Community is up in arms against Pakistan, cutting down its textile quotas. Half of the Jamali cabinet, and some outgoing ministers of the Musharraf Cabinet, are dumb struck. Every one knows and believes Pakistan has committed a grave mistake by buying 8 US Boeing 777 aircraft under Washington’s pressure.

The two billion dollar deal, in hush-hush and mysterious circumstances has yet to be explained by the finance and aviation managers of Pakistan. But before they do so, the European Community has already protested and cut almost $ 24 million worth of Pakistan’s textile quotas, duties are being raised on more than 100 items, and anti-dumping measures are in the works.

“In a dramatic about turn, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has announced that it will buy US-made Boeing 777s instead of the French-made Airbus-310 in a major overhaul of the national carrier. At the weekend, in leaks to the local media, PIA indicated that it would buy the French craft. However, in a move that reflects deep divisions within the PIA board, the decision was reversed 24 hours later,” Asia Times reported as early as August 28. Click here for Report

Pakistan’s new Commerce Minister, Humayun Akhtar Khan, is rushing to the EU countries immediately after the Ramadan Holidays to talk about these cuts but he is not very happy with the Boeing deal himself. What can he offer the EU countries is hard to guess. But Opposition Parties in the National Assembly are preparing to take on the left overs of the Musharraf cabinet on this issue in a major political battle as they try to get back power from un-elected favorites of a dictator.

Pakistan International Airlines, which bought six Jumbo jets from Cathay Pacific Airlines in July this very year, took off in a whiff and signed a deal with the US for another 8 long haul aircraft, specially at a time when other world airlines are getting rid of similar aircraft in view of slump in the aviation industry. The deal was signed amid conflicting statements issued by PIA officials. Some said four aircraft were under consideration, then the figure became six and when the deal was signed, it was for eight 777s.

"We have proposed to buy four Boeing 777 aircraft and the proposal is being processed by Ex-Im bank," Imran Gardezi, the airline's general manager for media affairs said, in a report published by the Aviation Times on October 23, 2002. Click Here for Report

According to a leading Pakistani newspaper, the Boeing 777s Pakistan has purchased at $250 million a piece were being offered by a US airline at $86 million a piece. And naturally no one was asking for cash. Loans would have been available, as are in the present case. So why pay three times more price per piece is the big question no one has answered.

But an earlier story in the Asia Times gave hugely different figures. It said: "The US Import and Export Bank has shown a willingness to provide 60 percent financing if PIA opts to buy Boeing craft, while the manufacturers of the A-340 Airbus have offered to make available 75 percent financing if their craft are bought. Click Here for Report

"With this knowledge, the PIA constituted an evaluation committee headed by Air Vice Marshal Salim Arshad, which traveled to Seattle and Paris to assess the purchase of either the Boeing or the Airbus.

"Boeing has offered three new 777-200ERs for delivery in 2003-04 at a cost of $120.96 million to $127 million each. Airbus has offered two new A-340-300 white bodies at $101.9 million each and two white tail A-340-300s at $84 million each.

A sources in Foreign office confided that it had been conveyed to Pakistan in so many words because EU is under pressure from member states to review concessions given to Pakistan. According to an EU diplomat ‘We feel betrayed by the PIA deal, , we think PIA went back on a gentleman's agreement with Airbus and buckled under political pressure from US. We feel since we had helped Pakistan at the time of its need, Pakistan should have been more considerate in dealing with us.’

According to aviation experts Pakistan has done the biggest deal ever with the US Boeing Company. PIA Chairman Hamid Nawaz Khan finalized the deal but the civilian MD Ahmed Saeed conveniently absented himself to avoid future accountability.

According to ‘Dawn’, PIA was already in an air pocket and was being sucked down after 9/11. “Uncertainties in the region, particularly the war-like situation between Pakistan and India and the closure of Indian air space since January 1, 2002, had resulted in the stoppage of the PIA operations in the regional market, adversely affecting the traffic and revenue generations.”

The government had already injected Rs500 million in 2001 to improve the liquidity of the airline and keep it in air, and then subsequent to June 2002, a further equity of Rs400 million was injected by the government.

After 9/11, the timely sovereign indemnity provided by the government to the National Insurance Company (NIC) saved the airline from huge insurance premiums which had risen from $12 million annually to $40 million. The Corporation incurred accumulated losses of Rs12.02 billion up to June 30, 2002 as against the share capital and reserves of Rs8.01 billion.

As of that date, the current liabilities exceeded its current assets by Rs15.86 billion. In order to address the above problems and to enable the Corporation to meet its liabilities when due, the government firmed up a generous financial package, increasing the burden on the budget. Under this package it issued guarantees for raising long-term loans of Rs20.5 billion. Next it made a commitment to provide equity contribution to the Corporation over the next four years to cover the interest payments on the above loan up to a cumulative contribution equivalent to the accumulated losses of the Corporation.

As part of the above financial packages, the Corporation has obtained a short-term bridge financing of Rs4.73 billion and Rs4.9 billion in the form of restructuring of the existing debt into long-term debt with five years maturity from the commercial banks secured against the guarantee issued by the government during the financial year 2001. The short-term bridge financing has been rolled over during the period. The Corporation has incurred interest amounting to Rs900 million on the financing obtained as interest costs during the period from August 2001 to June 2002.

What has the Corporation done with all this financial injection from the budget? Well, the first thing it did was to window-dress the balance sheet to show a profit after tax of Rs447 million (a paltry $7 million). Next on the basis of this so-called profit (it makes one wonder how a company which has accumulated losses of Rs12.02 billion and the liabilities of Rs15.86 billion can even think of talking of profits), the board of directors decided to distribute if not the entire profit, but at least a substantial chunk of it among themselves as bonus.

This is the first time in the last 15 years for the airline staff to receive a bonus and that too, very very generous - even the lowliest employee received around Rs10,000. No one would grudge this for the low employees but it should have been based on the real profits, not on window-dressing. But all this was peanuts.

The profit was shown not for the bonus distribution but to justify a $2 billion deal which would have been unthinkable for a losing organization like the PIA, otherwise. The decision is to buy 8 Boeing aircraft at a total cost of $2 billion most of which will come as loans from the US Exim Bank and the down-payment too, amounting to $150 million has been arranged through commercial loans. The PIA has proudly announced that it has awarded the UBL, the Citibank and the Islamic Development Bank the mandate and arrange $150 million to finance its fleet replacement program.

The financing envisages a one-year facility of $85 million to be replaced by a three-year facility of $150 million. In the $85 million facility, the UBL and the Citibank/Saudi American bank have underwritten $45 million and 4$0 million, respectively. The IDB has agreed to underwrite $70 million in the three-year facility.

On November 14, only two days before the coming into being of an elected parliament after a lapse of three years, the Chairman PIAC and the Secretary Defence signed a deal in Washington DC for 8 Boeing 777s. The order includes three 777-200ER, two 777-200 LR and three 777-300 ER aircraft for use on the PIA's long-haul routes. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2004 and will continue to 2008.
According to one aviation analyst what has surprised him was that the PIA, which has just acquired from the Cathy Pacific six Boeing 747-300's, a long-range aircraft, has now sought an outright purchase of 8B777 which is also a long-range aircraft. Everybody, and his auntie knows that the revenue earning sectors of the PIA have always been the Gulf and the Middle East sectors. And there has also been a steady growth in revenue on the PIA's Manchester route. But the Trans-Atlantic sectors are not on break-even level because of fierce competition. It does not, therefore, make financial sense for an airline like the PIA to acquire such a large number of long-range aircraft which would be economical only on trans-atlantic route.

The PIA Board of Directors have claimed that the B777 due for delivery in 2004 will replace the A300 B4 aircraft, a medium-range aircraft with a spacious underbelly cargo carrying capacity that makes it ideal for use on the Gulf and the Middle East sectors. But then the question is how does the airline plan to repay the mounting debt when the routes on which these aircraft are to fly are not breaking even.

How, and via which route has the Board of Directors reached to the laughable conclusion that the airline's passenger traffic would grow at the rate of 3 per cent between 2000-2011 and its cargo traffic would grow at the rate of 7.5 per cent during the same period is not known. Aviation experts question these assumptions.

These experts also recall that the PIA management had earlier claimed that the total cost of 8 new Boeing 777 would be under $900 million only! It is said that the United Airlines, a US airline company after canceling its fleet replacement and expansion program due to massive recession in the international airline sector had offered to sell three new B777 to the PIA at a price of $86 million a piece (against $250 million a piece the PIA will be paying to the Boeing company under the deal it had inked on November 16), and was also willing to further reduce it by another $5 million.

And according to another source when the airline market was growing steadily before 9/11, and when there was no stagnation in the aircraft making sector, many airlines had booked orders for the same type and make of aircraft at prices lower than what Pakistan has agreed to pay now for the same aircraft when the aircraft industry is facing a serious slump in orders.

The aircraft manufacturers have never been so pressed for seeking new orders than they are today. So, the argument that we are getting them cheaper in a declining market also does not hold. And looking at the actual projections of growth in the passenger and cargo traffic in the coming years, it is impossible to believe that the PIA would earn enough from the new addition to meet its amortization obligations in time without the help from the budget.

So, why this deal? And that too at a time when Pakistan's economy is still in the grips of stagnation and we are obliged under the IMF conditionalities to reduce as much as possible the burden on the budget by privaitizing anything and everything which the public sector cannot handle without the budgetary support?

The Weird $2b PIA Deal Which has Raised a Billion Questions
An article dated 2002 with nothing but innuendo, half truths and venom

Decency is too much to expect from Pakistani politicians and their supporters.
if PIA goes american (Boeing) which is most likely, and the a/c under consideration are the 737-900 series for domestic and ME services, the deal will be financed by the EXIM bank of the US (just like the 777 deal) with loan guarantees by the GoP.

PIA is in dire straits as it just dosnt have enough a/c to cater for the domestic and ME service routes (which are their most profitable with high loads). at the moment the ATR-42 is being over-worked (and already one a/c has suffered a belly landing at Lhr airport) and the pilots are over-worked (12 hour shifts) which is against the rules of operations (8 hrs max).
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PIA waiting for govt’s nod for 27 new planes: MD

MULTAN: The national flag carrier was awaiting the government’s approval to induct 27 new planes to its fleet in five-year period.

Managing Director Pakistan International Airline (PIA) Captain Muhammad Ijaz Haroon said this on Friday while talking to media persons. He said that the government was extending full support to PIA and added that there existed no political influence in recruitment and postings. To a question, he said that as per PIA law, new pilots have to perform their duty on contract basis for three years and decision to regularise them is taken on the basis of their performance.

To another question, he said that he himself was a pilot but added that no one including pilots should be given preferential treatment.

He said that if pilots commit mistake then they would have to face accountability. He, however, added if one is innocent and truthful then he should defend himself fearlessly.

He claimed that 90 percent accidents occur due to human error whether in the air, on road or rail track. To a question on 2006 fokker crash in Multan, he said that media should raise demand for making public the inquiry report regarding this tragic incident.

Haroon said that efforts were being made to get planes on lease but added that there exists some problems in its way.

He disclosed that market share of PIA has increased by two percent in comparison to last year but added that PIA was still facing Rs 30 billion deficit per year including Rs 26 billion caused by increase in foreign exchange rates. He opined that PIA would not have faced troubles it was in today had fares been enhanced in 2004 in accordance with the then rise in price of petroleum products. He said that haj fares have also been reduced to facilitate people.

He said that the national flag carrier was still facing shortage of cabin crew staff.

To another question, he said that PIA will continue to operate flights from Peshawar airport as long as the airport remains operational. He admitted there were dangers involved due to troubled situation in tribal areas but added that it was the responsibility of the government and PIA to facilitate the people of Peshawar and other adjoining areas.

An article dated 2002 with nothing but innuendo, half truths and venom

Decency is too much to expect from Pakistani politicians and their supporters.

There are certainly a lot of facts before the "half truths and venom" come a long, these things have happened and its going to count whether or not the deal is feasible. Since the government will hold 49% of the stake of this deal and it is important that what steps are taken now wont hurt Pakistan in the Future, since there are plenty of examples around the world relating to unnecessary large built up airlines, examples such as KLM which went bust after having dominated much of the world with its service due to one of the reasons being it had a large fleet, its very expensive to have your planes not flying at times it becomes a burden and in PIA case we see that happening since PIA use to fly 747-jumbo to UK but now has halted that service with airbus and 777.
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