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PIA has 860 registered pilots out of 40 percent has fake degrees.262 licenses fake. Minister


May 21, 2006
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A bomb shell dropped by minister sahib in NA session during PIA crash investigation briefing.
Your take please ... Also 262 pilot licenses are fake. Few pilots already admits they didn't pass the exam, someone else took the exam for them...
@Shabi1 and rest please
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If true, they can start operating those Metro Cabs parked outside Jinnah International - until they get their documents cleared up.

I'm sure they've already made enough to keep 'em afloat till then.
Believe me lots of qualified pilots sitting on bench , because they don't have good sifarish. Plus, lots qualified pilots serving foreign airlines ... I have seen ex PAF pilots serving private commercial flying companies in US.
Axact university :lol:
yup .. we have democracy and free speech in parliament...and we address the issue in open forum. We don't hide wrong doings in the name of nationalism ..
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A bomb shell dropped by minister sahib in NA session during PIA crash investigation briefing.
Your take please ...
@Shabi1 and rest please
Reason why they've been trying to move PIA HQ to Islamabad. Too much influence of PPP and MQM in Karachi, won't allow action against illegal hirings. PALPA needs to be fixed too, they operate like a mafia.
I hope everyone remembers how PIA CEO Arshad Malik had to make a press conference in his starting days while holding a MP-5.
Airline staff unions will again mobilize and go on strikes but I expect current gov to be bold enough to move ahead on cleansing and expect the media/public to support them this time.
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Shameful & actually horrifying..

Btw just waiting to hear a news of a stay order on the inquiry report and its findings from xyz court on the petition by PALPA & PIA mafia..:rolleyes1:
Should criminally prosecute the recruiters and the perpetrators. Heavy fines + moderate prison sentences..
Their entire service in the last decade has been below par. Avid PIA customers have switched to GCC airlines due to this.
Their entire service in the last decade has been below par. Avid PIA customers have switched to GCC airlines due to this.
We already lost all lucrative routes and sign total dirty contracts, which favor foreign airlines. Plus, new airports are badly designed. No transit lounge for foreign airlines. Staff is all garbage. Unions are sucking them like leeches. In western airline each plane feed 45 to 50 people and in Pakistan each plane feed almost 1000 people. PIA is extremely over staffed.

Good luck people a new explosion in investigation, 262 pilots has fake licenses. Jali credentials ... @niaz , @Shabi1 a new investigation.
Few pilots already admits they didn't pass the exam, someone else took the exam for them...
Axact university :lol:
Oh that's funny. Did you come up with that on your own?

You know what's really funny coming from you - a person who's own country has produced a number of Fake Pilots.

Would you like me to send you the list...?
Fake degrees is surprising but really not that big of a deal

In most countries you don't need a degree to fly a plane, you just need to know how to fly the plane.
Same PIA was turned into profit by Pervez Musharraf and had offers for privatizations, but Imran Khan came to streets along with his best friend Asif Ali Zardari.
More than 600 airline staffers including pilots possess fake degrees, reveals Sarwar
  • Minister says almost 40 percent pilots have fake licenses and lack flying experience
Fahad Zulfikar Updated June 24, 2020

(Karachi) Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar transpired that there are more than 600 staff members in airlines including pilots possessed fake degrees and licenses.

Highlighting details of the plane crash investigation report in Islamabad on Wednesday, he said that PIA took action against the pilots and dismissed them over the matter. "There are 860 active pilots in the country and of them, 262 pilots did not even take their exams themselves."

He revealed almost 40 percent pilots have fake licenses and lack flying experience. He added that the government had started to take action against all such pilots.

He said the pilot and the Air Traffic Controller did not follow the procedure that led to the Pakistan International Airline (PIA) crash incident. He claimed the plane was 100 per cent okay and in working condition.

Sarwar said that the pilots were not “focused” because of the coronavirus outbreak. "“The pilots discussed about coronavirus pandemic in the last half-an-hour. They were not focused as their families were affected," he stated.

PIA plane carrying 99 on-board crashes in Karachi

He maintained that both the pilot and co-pilot were fit and experienced. "There was no technical fault in the plane while data from the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) was decoded in the presence of foreign experts," he highlighted.

He said the plane took its first flight on May 7 and the crash happened on May 22. In between, it completed six flights successfully; five to and from Karachi and one to Sharjah.

"The pilot on the final approach did not identify any technical fault as well. At a distance of 10 miles from runway, the plane should have been at an altitude of 2,500 feet but it was around 7,220 feet. This was the first irregularity," he mentioned.

The aviation minister said the ATC told the pilot thrice that the plane was too low to land but he refused to listen. Another important factor was that the pilot closed the landing gears at a distance of five nautical miles from the runway even though they were open before, he added.

PIA plane crash: Airbus investigation team arrives in Karachi

Khan said that the plane was on auto-landing but the pilot brought it back to manual landing before the crash. It should have come in at 40 degrees but it dived at 60 degrees, he added.

The minister also blamed the pilots' "overconfidence and lack of focus" for the crash.

Regarding past crashes, including the Air Blue crash in 2010, Bojha Airlines crash in 2012, plane crash in Chitral in 2016 and the crash landing of a plane in Gilgit in 2019, he said that Air Blu and Bojha Airlines crash occurred due to human error and various breaches of flying discipline.

He added that the technical fault in the Chitral incident was so complicated that the plane manufacturer itself has not been able to reach a conclusion yet.

However, he said that the reports of the accidents will also be made public after completing investigations.

On May 22, PIA flight PK8303, carrying 99 people including 8 crew members, crashed into a residential area near Karachi airport. There were only two survivors.



Thank ppp for hiring these fake people in return for votes
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