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Photos That Prove India And Pakistan Are Just The Same


Thats the most stupid and hilarious thread I have seen.

Please tell me this is a joke.

Pakistanis and Germans are the same, both drink water.

I don't know about Pakistanis but Indians and Germans are same people.

Europeans and Indians – divided or united by DNA? | Russia & India Report

that plot is from some blog. lol

See the genetic distance between different ethnic groups here


Do you see any Sindhi saying he is similar to pathan? Nope right? Now look at the difference between Sindhi and high caste brahmin from north india UP for exemple. The distance is even bigger! Forget about normal Indians, remember UP brahmin is highest caste.

See here, even north indians are not similar to any Pak ethnic group.


Have you seen any Pakistani saying he is persian or arab genetically? This will be pretty insulting for any honourable Pakistani. Because indus people have their own unique identity.
Saag is in the list of my pointless foods from South Asia.
Apart from goat or steak its my favorite cant get enough of it.But the only problem i have with saag is the older i get the more heartburn it causes.
Apart from goat or steak its my favorite cant get enough of it.But the only problem i have with saag is the older i get the more heartburn it causes.

Heartburns from Saag? Is some one poisoning you.:lol:

You just compared His Excellency Armstrong the Great with an Indian ! :bad:

Comparing me to a Kashmiri from Srinagar is one thing but comparing me to a bloke from Kerala or Bangalore ? :what:

I'm neither that bright (I got a C in Physics) nor did I just make a new app for android ! :unsure:

I dunno why its so hard for you Indians to understand that having a shared history does not mean having the same history. Having some cultural, linguistic and ethnic overlaps with a fist full of Indians doesn't make us the same people ! :argh:

We are the people of Indus; our ancestors have lived here alongside this river for thousands of years and have interacted with all the areas that were in geographical proximity to us which in today's term would mean 'India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, China and the Middle East' ! :)

Heck even we Pakistanis are not the same people; we're very....very diverse ! How can we then be the same as Indians when a fraction of Indians and some Pakistanis have some cultural, linguistic and ethnic overlaps ? And mind you even in that sense there are marked differences between those who have these overlaps.

Unfortunately you and us share the same history. :)
Today Lahore might 've been a part of India (because Lahore had nearly the same percentage of Muslim and non-Muslim population before independence) and then @Armstrong would 've been an Indian.

It would never have been a part of India 'cause I was destined to be born here ! :smokin:

Besides lets not deal on the basis of surmise otherwise a lot of places could've gone to Pakistan too like Junagadh and Firozpur ! :)
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Heartburns from Saag? Is some one poisoning you.:lol:
I dont know what is happening to me seem to have it all the time.Went to doctors about it got prescribed omeprazole tablets.He told me not to eat spicy food told him straight that is impossible
You just compared His Excellency Armstrong the Great with an Indian ! :bad:
Okay then I'll compare his excellency with a Bangladeshi :P

It would never have been a part of India 'cause I was destined to be born here ! :smokin:
I'm glad that the land where Amyyyyy was born, was given to pakistan.
I really want to visit LAHORE city ....someday!
you know that saying in punjabi which goes "if you've not seen Lahore then you're yet to be born".
I wish.....
Besides lets not deal on the basis of surmise otherwise a lot of places could've gone to Pakistan too like Junagadh and Firozpur ! :)
And then there were a lot more cities from your side which should 've been given to India. :coffee:
I dont know what is happening to me seem to have it all the time.Went to doctors about it got prescribed omeprazole tablets.He told me not to eat spicy food told him straight that is impossible

You are getting old.:P
You are getting old.:P
I know mate and i hate it. Years ago i used to come back from the gym and still do things now i need a nap.Even caught myself making groaning sounds as i get up from sofa
I know mate and i hate it. Years ago i used to come back from the gym and still do things now i need a nap.Even caught myself making groaning sounds as i get up from sofa

The reality is that till the Indus, we are exactly the same. Indic bloodlines. Beyond the Indus are the Iranic bloodlines.

What you see in Pakistan today is the result of trying to mix oil with water. Never going to happen.

You do not have a terrorism problem. You have a classic clash of civilizations problem.
Bro, to be honest, the ones that do are usually the Iranic non-Urdu speaking ones. The Baloch and the Pashtuns. I really care two figs if they act like racist retards with us. Especially for me as a Maratha its laughable.

But if they are racist with us, they are probably racist with you guys as well internally. Though its all hunky dory lovefest neighborly loving for millenia brothers in arms of Islam out here in front of us.
I'm a Pashtun with origins from Iran and Afghanistan but believe me our tribe doesn't speak Pushto or as Colour_Less_Sky would prefer Pukhto and neither Punjabi yet we're completely at home in Punjab since atleast 300 years. Pakistani are same all over except negligible numbers. Even some Pashtuns too happen to be jet black what you say about it?

Yes we've terrorism, it may look from India like clash of civilization but you can't give judgment since you haven't lived here and don't know psyche of people here. Yes we got loopholes but they don't make us kill each other beside the ones doing it for money. That's our enemies propogate plus the shia-sunni rift.
No. Even dravidians are related to Northies as per DNA. Its just some traits are different due to white influence on North Indians due to expansion from North West. Mostly Kazakhasthan side during KUSHAAN ear.

God, some people are just desperate.

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