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Photos of Taliban training camp "Mu'askar Abu Bakr As-Siddiq" in Kunduz province, Northern Afghanis

Well, it just shows source of their income. Doesn't answer my question. From where does they get the state of the are weapons. Those illiterates don't have the knowledge to setup hit-Tech ordinance factories, nor do they have direct access to any ports. Then who supply them the military grade weapons in this volume to sustain a long war ????
there is no rocket science required to assemble Aks and IEDs but i am also interested to know who is providing them with the state of the art expensive weapons so expensive and technological advance even we don't have them
there is no rocket science required to assemble Aks and IEDs but i am also interested to know who is providing them with the state of the art expensive weapons so expensive and technological advance even we don't have them

You must be naive to think that only few IED's and AK's alone can turn the tide of war in someones favor. If that were the case the alleged Mujahideen would have overwhelmed Indian army in Kashmir by now. :p:
You must be naive to think that only few IED's and AK's alone can turn the tide of war in someones favor.
well I never saw them flying aircrafts and sailing battleships

f that were the case the alleged Mujahideen would have overwhelmed Indian army in Kashmir by now
if killing a few school kids is an achievement for you
Of-course if they are holding an assault rifle, because then they mean business irrespective of their age
raid a house with a Div level force rape women arrest old men and kill young kids and call it a successful military op thats the Indian SOP in Kashmir

I bet you might have seem tons of images of the same innocent kids with military grade weapons in social media and google images.
No I didnt
Whatever sails your boat. But the world acknowledges our part not what you may wish them to believe. It's more than enough a recognition for us. :p:
really 3 decades and still can't stop a rebellion started by young kids lmao it should be taught as the biggest failure in military academies
First: One must not go-away with the caption, if it’s written as Kunduz, it doesn’t mean its Kunduz, can you prove it?
one thing which i cant understand is Taliban are controlling over 50% of the territory in Afghanistan why would they be needing a training camp inside Pakistan a country which unlike others has zero tolerance towards terrorism

Second: Pakistan has history to send its plainclothes army into Afghanistan, like we have seen in the time of Hamid Gul, an acceptable fact... may be "A Pakistan Army's Militant wing for proxies"
you should be thankful to those men for saving you from soviets or else you'd be speaking Russian today
Pakistan has history to send its plainclothes army into Afghanistan
Afghanistan also tried that in bajur but that didnt went so good
You better read history first then we will debate!
i'll suggest you the same
first your leader invited soviets for installing communism and then your people(including your parent considering you were also a refugee) ran to Pakistan for food and shelter
and begged for armed support
Using weapons and making are two different things. An area where a country like India is actually struggling. :angry:

As far as I know. Almost all of the Taliban are illiterate or religious seminary educated. I haven never heard of any highly educated Talib. Yet they seem to be sitting on a cache of sophisticated military grade weapons which requires state of the are ordinance factories or import from a friendly country. I don't think they have the education or technical knowledge to setup such sophisticated factories. Then from where does they acquire the chunk of their weapons which seems like it will never exhaust ???? Ever thought ?????? :azn::azn::azn::azn::azn:
The Problem with Indians is that,they don't have any knowledge about Afghanistan and Taliban.Scores of Talibans are X-Soldiers and Officers of DRA.Who joined Talib ranks after fall of Kabul.Taliban don't have any sophisticated wepons,they have what was left from soviet war in Afghanistan.There are two of there major weapons sources.
1)Barter of Drugs with Weapons.Mafias from Europe, America,India and Pakistan would supply them weapon into Afghanistan.Sourceing is very easier,you get chemicals from India to make IED's,rest weapons are sourced out from East Europe.
2)Confasticated/Stolen/Purchased weapons from ANA,Police,ISAF and Militias.

Taliban ambushes some times begin with an IED going off followed by a volley of Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), recoilless rifle, mortar, medium machine gun (PK, PKM) fire, and if they can get them heavier DsHK 12.7 and 14.5 mm machine guns. Recently in Helmand province there are reports of sharpshooters armed with old bolt action Lee Enfields, Mosin Nagants and occasionally SVD sniper rifles. These weapons are supported by AK-47 carrying members of the unit. Assaults on bases especially at the battle of Wanat describe RPG fire hitting like machine gun fire.
Weapons Used by Talibans.

IED and Mines:

All kinds of IED's ranging from Suicide vests to SVBIED'S.Explosive is either made from Commerically available Chemicals,Few like AA are supplied from India rest tons of explosives are sourced from Duds.
When Soviets left,they left 10 to 30 million laid and unlaid mines in Afghanistan from there Arsenal
Small Arms:
Ak-47 M/S/MS,Type 56 i/ii are favourite small Arm of Talibs and almost every foot soldier is carrying it,other includes M16,TT,Norinco CQ,G3,Ak74 N/U,Type 54 Pistol,Makarov PM,PPsh-41,M1.
7.62x39mm,7.62x54R,7.62x51NATO and 5.56 are widely used calibers.


Unguided 122mm and 107mm rockets are used in single and multiple launch configuration. There are what are often used when the news mentions a rocket attack at such and such a place.BM-21 Grad,Chinese Type 63MBRL is abundent along it's 107mm ammo.

Rocket Propelled Grenades:
Can knock out a humvee, Bradley, or a Stryker with one hit can be effective against heavier armor if fired from behind or the sides. Against infantry the RPG has anti personnel effects similar to that of a grenade.
RPG-7 Range Max Effective 500 meters can fire a variety of anti armor and personnel rounds Rate of fire up to 6 per minute. You see Taliban gunners carrying the launch tube and several rounds in a back pack. Other members of the unit will also carry rounds for the weapon.
Talibs have been seen using RPG-7,RPG-18,Type 69 RPG and Gustov.

Recoilless Rifle
Supplied by West during soviet invasion,RR's like....
SPG-9 73 mm there are many images of this weapon in theater as well. It has a range of 1000-1300 meters and can fire anti tank or anti personnel rounds.
B-10 82 mm fires a larger warhead with a maximum aimed ranged of 1000 meters and maximum range of 4500 m.

Are more effective than the same caliber of artillery shell due to a higher busting charge because the round does not have to be fired down a rifled barrel.
Russian/Chinese/Pakistani: 82 MM Mortar: Range 4100 m max can fire up to 30 rounds per minute. Casualty radius 30m for troops in the open 18 meters for troops on the ground.

Heavy Machine Guns: Have been used for fixed defenses, prepared ambushes, and attacks on bases. As their name implies these things are heavy and take a lot of manpower to set up and keep the weapon fed.These weapons can defeat the armor of a humvee and the KPV can penetrate a Stryker and Bradley if they are not up armored.HMG's like DsHk 12.7,Type 54HMG,KPV 14mm,ZPU,ZU 23-2 and Oerlikon 20mm are used in Ambushes and fixed defence.
PKM,FN Mag and RPK's are primary Light Machine guns carried by Talibs from time of soviet union.

Sniper rifles:
SVD's,Mosin Nagant and .303.
: This is a mixed bag from all over the world,this includes F1,M67,Type 1 Grenade,M26,Mill Bombs.
2018: 17 years after US invasion of Afghanistan,Talibs can be seen with weapons like M16,M4,M9,SCAR H/L,Gustov,FN MAG,M2's etc,Today they have been fielding NVG'S,TV'S and sophisticted Devices.

All Of above weapons are pretty simple and almost one can operate them with little training.
Other then IED's which are made by Professionals.l,none of these weapons requires Graduates to operate.
If that were the case the alleged Mujahideen would have overwhelmed Indian army in Kashmir by now.
Indian Army wouldn't be able to hold if kashmiris have complex IED's,Robust weapons like Talibans and Tough Training above all and unlimited logistics support.
And you call this above map of yours the solid proof ???? :undecided::undecided::undecided::undecided:

No wonder why Pakistan loose every other case in International Courts and Forums, if this is the level with which you provide proof. LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The map is out of date. BBC has confirmed today Taliban have control in 70% of Afghanistan.
Well who is denying the facts on ground ??? What I am trying to say from the beginning, is irrespective of nationalities, a random tweet can't be considered as a credible source. I hope, at-least someone who understood that may support me here. :)

You're right, but i don't think it is a random tweet. For a start the guy is a journalist in the region. Secondly the "pictures" seem like screengrabs from a video which google suggests belows to some Taliban media channel. I think you're probably clutching at straws if you think it's a staged photo somewhere other than in Afghanistan. I mean there are videos of these guys driving around US humvees and Toyota pickups in convoy. A video on todays BBC site shows loads of guys in Musa Kala (the current Taliban HQ in Afghanistan) armed with American firearms.
The very recent attacks that shattered Humanity but not the inhumans!
Just for a record!
nuking Afghanistan an killing all afghanis is in the best interest of this world we need to get rid of these subhumans ASAP they not doing any good towards humanity except producing terrorists and drugs

spot the irony gentlemen
Were your security officials sleeping?
For what are they getting paid?
After every 1-KM there is a checkpoint, how these Indians and Afghans make a way?
Have you got a bit of intellect?
Using weapons and making are two different things. An area where a country like India is actually struggling. :angry:

As far as I know. Almost all of the Taliban are illiterate or religious seminary educated. I haven never heard of any highly educated Talib. Yet they seem to be sitting on a cache of sophisticated military grade weapons which requires state of the are ordinance factories or import from a friendly country. I don't think they have the education or technical knowledge to setup such sophisticated factories. Then from where does they acquire the chunk of their weapons which seems like it will never exhaust ???? Ever thought ?????? :azn::azn::azn::azn::azn:

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