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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China

1. Every man in VN have to have military training even when you study in university :).

I served in the military as well and I find it strange someone who also served in the military is so eager to jump into a war. But I suppose that's what makes us all different.

2. When we strong enough to protect the whole SCS(east sea), it's so uncomfortable for us to see US navy roaming around, so we must request her to Leave , and I think she will leave bcz is't pointless to fight against VN just for having the military clout and influence in ASEAN.

The US has been here for years and developed a trust in the region which is hard to replace. Again without the ASEAN co-operation I don't see how you are going to project your power considering that as mentioned you don't refine enough fuel to meet domestic demand not to mention policing the region. Also if you think Indonesia, Malaysia or Singapore is comfortable with a fellow Asean member policing the region you obviously are unaware of the politics here, we seem like buddy - buddy on the surface for politics but its not always the case. Vietnam coming into our region will be deemed a threat.

Speaking of policing Vietnam currently doesn't even police the Malacca straits of pirates a joint task by Singapore Malaysia and Indonesia and you want to use the straits to control China?

No offence but you dismiss the fellow members of the ASEAN as insignificant so you can definitively count out any support from us on this forum.
1.I served in the military as well and I find it strange someone who also served in the military is so eager to jump into a war. But I suppose that's what makes us all different.

T2.he US has been here for years and developed a trust in the region which is hard to replace. Again without the ASEAN co-operation I don't see how you are going to project your power considering that as mentioned you don't refine enough fuel to meet domestic demand not to mention policing the region. Also if you think Indonesia, Malaysia or Singapore is comfortable with a fellow Asean member policing the region you obviously are unaware of the politics here, we seem like buddy - buddy on the surface for politics but its not always the case. Vietnam coming into our region will be deemed a threat.

Speaking of policing Vietnam currently doesn't even police the Malacca straits of pirates a joint task by Singapore Malaysia and Indonesia and you want to use the straits to control China?

No offence but you dismiss the fellow members of the ASEAN as insignificant so you can definitively count out any support from us on this forum.
1. I said VN don't wanna fight against ASEAN already, what do you want more from us ??Hand over our territory to your ancesstor's home- CHina ??

2. We will replace USA, bcz we don't need US protection in ASEAN, and Uncle Sam seem agree with us, you can not stop it .you have No choice , see what USA did to his ally South VN, don't hope he will stay in ASEAN to protect you forever, bro.

3. Indonesia seems want to have join patrol with us , so pls let ASEAN people protect ASEAN region. US is tired now, let him go home and rest in peace.
I do not think ASEAN are really interested in risking a fight with China. It is not in their practical interests. Too much is at stake for them to tolerate a big devastation on their land and their economy. Sorry to disappoint you India and Vietnam. ^^

Nobody wants to fight first. it is only when push comes to shove, that things get nasty. Cut out your expansionist ego and see how friendly the entire region becomes to China. ASEAN is not interested in fighting with you at all. Only some members of ASEAN and some non-members have a problem; which to say, form a significant part of your neighborhood.
hehe, don't forget we're the Third most powerful military on Earth during 80s-90s , both US-CHina tried to beat us during 80s, but failed.

That's because you had a powerful backer - the USSR.

Now, we still can buy Russia weapon in Credit , still have very brave soldiers, we may not the Third most powerful military now, but it's not hard for us to stay on Top five after US-Russia-CHina-India.:)

It is expensive to stay on the top five. At present, even the military of Singapore far outclass that of Vietnam's. Quantity has little or no relevance these days.
1.That's because you had a powerful backer - the USSR.

2.It is expensive to stay on the top five. At present, even the military of Singapore far outclass that of Vietnam's. Quantity has little or no relevance these days.
1. We still got Russia's support now, she even suggest Vietnam- Indonesia should colaborate to buy a Carrier, Nothing change :)

2. Are you sure ??Does Singapore have any Ballistic missile or weapon of mass destruction such as CBU-55 like VN ??
2. Are you sure ??Does Singapore have any Ballistic missile or weapon of mass destruction such as CBU-55 like VN ??

You don't want to say that one out loud. You just never know when America and friends may want to lash out on Vietnam one day base on exactly that. Just like what happened to Iraq and being a communist country does not help that. ;)

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You don't want to say that one out loud. You just never know when America and friends may want to lash out on Vietnam one day base on exactly that. Just like what happened to Iraq and being a communist country does not help that. ;)

Hehe, but US and friends don't want to do it, all Uncle Sam can do is told us to sign on some trash paper , and he still doesn't want to mention anything about CBU-55 that left in VN :lol:
Vietnam Special Weapons

In congressional testimony in 1988, the Director of Naval Intelligence indicated that Vietnam was in the process of developing, or already had, chemical weapons. Newspaper reports suggest that Vietnam may have obtained chemical weapons from the former Soviet Union. Vietnam is also reported to have captured large stocks of U.S. riot control agents during and at the end of the Vietnam War. No public references have been made to an indigenous production capacity.

By 2009 Viet Nam had acceded to and fulfilled its obligations under the following international disarmament agreements:

Vietnam Special Weapons

anyway, we're friendly country ASEAN countries such as Laos-Camb will be in safe with our protection :P
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Hehe, but US and friends don't want to do it, all Uncle Sam can do is told us to sign on some trash paper , and he still doesn't want to mention anything about CBU-55 that left in VN :lol:

Vietnam Special Weapons

anyway, we're friendly country ASEAN countries such as Laos-Camb will be in safe with our protection :P

You simply cannot be so sure about America and its friends, especially since Vietnam is still a communist country with WMD. All they need is a simple reason to start a war. Both Iraq and Libya are perfect examples. They can simply accuse Vietnam of being a dictatorship with WMD and is threatening the stability of the ASEAN region.
It is unwise to intimidate fellow ASEAN countries and try to act like the big brother. Afterall, ASEAN were initially formed to counter the threat of Vietnam. It is not a good idea to arose and ignite the suspicion that Vietnam is intimidating and using its neighbor to its own advantage within the region.
India would be the only one able to (to a degree) protect Vietnam since uncle Sam has no intentions of protecting Vietnam the way Vietnam is to Laos and Cambodia. ;)
You simply cannot be so sure about America and its friends, especially since Vietnam is still a communist country with WMD. All they need is a simple reason to start a war. Both Iraq and Libya are perfect examples. They can simply accuse Vietnam of being a dictatorship with WMD and is threatening the stability of the ASEAN region.
It is unwise to intimidate fellow ASEAN countries and try to act like the big brother. Afterall, ASEAN were initially formed to counter the threat of Vietnam. It is not a good idea to arose and ignite the suspicion that Vietnam is intimidating and using its neighbor to its own advantage within the region.
India would be the only one able to (to a degree) protect Vietnam since uncle Sam has no intentions of protecting Vietnam the way Vietnam is to Laos and Cambodia. ;)

1/Hehe, VN is not US's threat now. When VN-USSR were US's threat , he support you to fought against VN-USSR. Now, you're US's threat, he will support VN to fight against you .We're just one of Five countries having powerful bomb , Russia-CHina-India still a biger threat to US . :P

Don't forget US just allowed VN to enrich uranium, that can make Nuke bomd also :P

2/ We don't act like big brother, just bcz some Singaporian and Malaysian don't know what kind of weapon we have, so we just tell them about our Weapon of Mass Destruction that they never dream to have, that's all ^^
2/ We don't act like big brother, just bcz some Singaporian and Malaysian don't know what kind of weapon we have, so we just tell them about our Weapon of Mass Destruction that they never dream to have, that's all ^^

Look, you can keep bragging about your supposedly "weapon of mass destruction" against nations that have nothing against you, but pay one visit to Malaysia and Singapore, and you'll realize that economically we're worlds apart.

I suggest you sell your "weapons of mass destruction" and focus on building your economy and helping the poor people of your country first.
Look, you can keep bragging about your supposedly "weapon of mass destruction" against nations that have nothing against you, but pay one visit to Malaysia and Singapore, and you'll realize that economically we're worlds apart.

I suggest you sell your "weapons of mass destruction" and focus on building your economy and helping the poor people of your country first.
You know why we're poor, right ?? US embargo us bcz we possess WMD , but things are changing now , US seems tired, he wanna leave ASEAN and transfer power to VN, we will develope very fast , bro ^^

We're free man, we will do whatever we want, we sure will be No 1 in ASEAN soon ^^
You know why we're poor, right ?? US embrgo us bcz we possess WMD , but things are changing now , US seems tired, he wanna leave ASEAN and transfer power to VN, we will develope very fast , bro ^^

Yes, as a fellow South-East Asian, it's my sincere hope that you develop fast.

But really man, leave your ambitions of wanting to be the big brother of ASEAN or something. This isn't South Asia, or Middle-East, in ASEAN, we're all all equal, no reason for us to have un-necessary conflicts.
Yes, as a fellow South-East Asian, it's my sincere hope that you develop fast.

But really man, leave your ambitions of wanting to be the big brother of ASEAN or something. This isn't South Asia, or Middle-East, in ASEAN, we're all all equal, no reason for us to have un-necessary conflicts.
Pls don't misunderstand about VN and attack us like Pol Pot, we never wanna attack any ASEAN countries . See how we help and protect Laos-Camb now , they have No threat from China or US , they have No terrorist , we respect all ASEAN nations .

If Phil need our protection, we can help her also, we should buy a strong association like NATO, so ASEAN people can trust that : our power is just for protect ASEAN against any threat from US or CHina.
1/Hehe, VN is not US's threat now. When VN-USSR were US's threat , he support you to fought against VN-USSR. Now, you're US's threat, he will support VN to fight against you .We're just one of Five countries having powerful bomb , Russia-CHina-India still a biger threat to US . :P

Don't forget US just allowed VN to enrich uranium, that can make Nuke bomd also :P

You can say so, but only for the time being. If Vietnam makes the wrong move and annoys the other members of ASEAN then things may not be as merry as you said it would be.
You say they permit, but Vietnam still is incapable of enriching enough uranium to produce nukes. Moreover, what will members of ASEAN think about it? It's not as simple as you make it seem my friend. In terms of threat, China, India and Russia are more of big business partners than enemies. Vietnam on the other hand offers very little to the table other than being the pawn that gets placed around the chessboard by all these big players (America, China, India and Russia). In reality, Vietnam is not all that strong. Just look at the size of your navy and the size and how dated your fighter planes are for a better picture. Economy and technology wise Malaysia and Singapore are already miles ahead, thanks to their early developments.

2/ We don't act like big brother, just bcz some Singaporian and Malaysian don't know what kind of weapon we have, so we just tell them about our Weapon of Mass Destruction that they never dream to have, that's all ^^

I am sure they already know. Vietnam is not all that big you know. By being boastful and intimidating will not win you many friends, especially when you need them more than they need you right now. :)
You can say so, but only for the time being. If Vietnam makes the wrong move and annoys the other members of ASEAN then things may not be as merry as you said it would be.

You say they permit, but Vietnam still is incapable of enriching enough uranium to produce nukes. Moreover, what will members of ASEAN think about it? It's not as simple as you make it seem my friend. In terms of threat, China, India and Russia are more of big business partners than enemies. Vietnam on the other hand offers very little to the table other than being the pawn that gets placed around the chessboard by all these big players (America, China, India and Russia). In reality, Vietnam is not all that strong. Just look at the size of your navy and the size and how dated your fighter planes are for a better picture. Economy and technology wise Malaysia and Singapore are already miles ahead, thanks to their early developments.

As I said, we will not make any trouble to ASEAN nations , we just wanna build up a strong assiciation like NATO to protect our region from any threat. We're small now , but we're strong enough to face with you in SCS(east sea), our Navy is still weak , but we have Yakhont-Brahmos to defend our sea territory , that why, you can not have any oil rig in disputed zone now even you tried to colaborate with Phillipine to do it. :P

Making Nuke bomb is quite easy now, when we have Nuclear plant, we can make it by new technology .
Scientists have long sought easier ways to make the costly material known as enriched uranium - the fuel of nuclear reactors and bombs, now produced only in giant industrial plants.

One idea, a half-century old, has been to do it with nothing more substantial than lasers and their rays of concentrated light. This futuristic approach has always proved too expensive and difficult for anything but laboratory experimentation.

Until now.

In a little-known effort, General Electric has successfully tested laser enrichment for two years and is seeking federal permission to build a $1 billion plant that would make reactor fuel by the ton.

But critics fear that if the work succeeds and the secret gets out, rogue states and terrorists could make bomb fuel in much smaller plants that are difficult to detect.

Iran has already succeeded with laser enrichment in the lab, and nuclear experts worry that GE's accomplishment might inspire Tehran to build a plant easily hidden from the world's eyes.

Read more: Lasers create nuclear fuel, fear of rogue bombs - Home Page - NewsObserver.com

Obambam said:
2. I am sure they already know. Vietnam is not all that big you know. By being boastful and intimidating will not win you many friends, especially when you need them more than they need you right now.
As I said: some ASEAN friends in PDF wanna know what kind of weapons we have, so I just simply answer the question , that's all, we intimidate No one , bro :P

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