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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China

Wake up , bro, your Navy have No real battle for long time, you also don't have any Nuclear carrier like US during VN war , you can not operate carrier mission also, Your Navy is still weak .

We don't need nuclear powered carriers to reach Vietnam neither does it take nuclear powered carriers to wipe out Vietnam's naval assets and coastal defenses. The Spratly Islands incident was prove that you don't need much experience to defeat the Vietnamese navy considering that the Chinese Navy had little experience back then also. I would imagine the experience carried over from then till now is suffice.

We can manufacture Yakhont, so we will have alot for your war ship , Russia is still protect VN now bcz we're help her to sell alot of weapon in ASEAN , that why, you cna do Nothing even when we have some guard points inside your Red line :P

You will not have the capability to detect the ships nor have the ability to launch them once your factories, command centers and radars are destroyed. Russia isn't protecting VN at all, it is just business my friend. There is nothing Vietnam can do to help them increase their sales especially if no one cares about Vietnam's own ambitions and influence in the region. Vietnam will simply sink itself deeper and still have to payoff whatever it owes the Russians ;)

Uncle Sam doesn't help us to make Nuke bomb, but we can make it secretly , even Iran can do it also , but we're different with Iran bcz we have the right to enrich uranium when Iran doesn't have.

Fact of the matter is neither has the rights to. Neither would ASEAN countries, Japan as well as South Korea will be too happy to have another North Korea running around without leash in the region :lol:

US will solve nuclear issue with his allies, I don't care, CIA can assassinate any Allies's President-Prriminister if they don't listen to US, every Allies countries will have to obey to US's order :P

Unfortunately, this isn't the 60's and 70's. It no longer works like that. You are talking about killing in bright day light here. Besides they are called allies for a reason. US is strong but it will not make it obvious despite your personal well wishing. Not only are a number of ASEAN countries being successful, stable and peaceful, they are far more beneficial to the global economy than Vietnam can ever imagine to be especially if they think and act like what you think they will do. There is little Vietnam can do to convince and unite the rest of ASEAN let alone get US, India and Russia to fully commit and support its cause. It will continue to be so until Vietnam becomes big enough to make a mark or serious contribution to the global economy and politics. However, that will not be anytime soon, because it is not in the interest of America to prop up another communist country in the region of their interest.
We already have a North Korea and having another potential thorn to its future interests and ambitions would be a big no no. :)

CHina is US's threat now , I think you need Vn more than we need you , just stay away from SCS(east sea), so, we will cooperate with you :P

Truth is, it cannot be called a threat, instead you can call it "competition". It is extremely unlikely to see China venture out and invade America now or anytime soon. However, by letting Vietnam become too ambitious and to become another North Korea will become a threat to the region, affecting America and its allies. I don't think America would be too please to have a pro Russia North Korea and Vietnam in Asia. If you want protection like how we protected North Korea over the years, then the only sensible option for Vietnam is to be nice, listen and respect other members of ASEAN (don't act like big brother) and cooperate with China. :lol:
Obambam said:
We don't need nuclear powered carriers to reach Vietnam neither does it take nuclear powered carriers to wipe out Vietnam's naval assets and coastal defenses. The Spratly Islands incident was prove that you don't need much experience to defeat the Vietnamese navy considering that the Chinese Navy had little experience back then also. I would imagine the experience carried over from then till now is suffice.
WHy don't you ask your Govt. to tell the Truth about Spratly Islands incident ??We sent 6 to 7 Mig-21 and ready to drop bomb to your soldiers, but finally we canceled it bcz we did not want to have one more battle field on East side , it's so hard to fought against Cambodia-Thailand - CHina with US's support on West and North side already.

Now, you have NO big daddy support, you can not do anything even destroy our guard points inside disputed zone :P
Obambam said:
You will not have the capability to detect the ships nor have the ability to launch them once your factories, command centers and radars are destroyed. Russia isn't protecting VN at all, it is just business my friend. There is nothing Vietnam can do to help them increase their sales especially if no one cares about Vietnam's own ambitions and influence in the region. Vietnam will simply sink itself deeper and still have to payoff whatever it owes the Russians
Oh, really ??so tell your Govt. to send some warship and move inside our Yakhont's range, you will se what will happend , don't just talk and talk when your warship just stay inside the dock :P
Obambam said:
Fact of the matter is neither has the rights to. Neither would ASEAN countries, Japan as well as South Korea will be too happy to have another North Korea running around without leash in the region
Of course we don't have the rights to, but we can make it secrectly by new tech and no one can detect it bcz we have the right to enrich uranium in our soil :P
Obambam said:
Truth is, it cannot be called a threat, instead you can call it "competition". It is extremely unlikely to see China venture out and invade America now or anytime soon. However, by letting Vietnam become too ambitious and to become another North Korea will become a threat to the region, affecting America and its allies. I don't think America would be too please to have a pro Russia North Korea and Vietnam in Asia. If you want protection like how we protected North Korea over the years, then the only sensible option for Vietnam is to be nice, listen and respect other members of ASEAN (don't act like big brother) and cooperate with China.
Oh, whatever , but Vn don't have any kind of missile that can reach to US's soil like you , so, we will never be US's threat .

Uncle Sam doesn't like VN, just like Vn doesn't like him also, but we have same trouble maker in SCS(east sea), and Uncle Sam doesn't have much time to keep free navigation in SCS(East sea), so he ceded his power in ASEAN to VN and we will help him to keep free navigation there, that's all :P

---------- Post added at 09:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

Not just that I am surprised with his supposed travels to the region he still does not understand how ASEAN politics work.
Oh, I traveld around ASEAN and I only see Chinese seems dominate the whole ASEAN economy, and Vn is not happy about it :P

' Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely '
We did recognize your backstabbing behavior as well.

We did also recognize backstabbing politic of China to Vietnam to get favor of US. There isn't too much complexity as Chinese guys said abover to Sino - US relationship, it's easy to guest out.
We did also recognize backstabbing politic of China to Vietnam to get favor of US. There isn't too much complexity as Chinese guys said abover to Sino - US relationship, it's easy to guest out.

Because of the Sino-Soviet split, we had to temporarily side with the US, and you should blame your govt for not staying neutral in that matter.
We did also recognize backstabbing politic of China to Vietnam to get favor of US. There isn't too much complexity as Chinese guys said abover to Sino - US relationship, it's easy to guest out.

Why are there so many illegal Vietnamese immigrants in China, so many that they are changing the demographics of Guangxi? Why do they hate Vietnam so much that they would swim to China?
Rechoice said:
After 1979, Vietnam has enough knowledge and understanding to dirty politic of China.
Because of the Sino-Soviet split, we had to temporarily side with the US, and you should blame your govt of not staying neutral in that matter.
Pls go back to the thread, bro.

SCS(east sea) belong to ASEAN nations, CHina have No sovereignty here, so, go home CHinese , don't bully your small neighbours. No one backstabed you , but people see you killed VNese in our sea territory.
below_freezing said:
Why are there so many illegal Vietnamese immigrants in China, so many that they are changing the demographics of Guangxi? Why do they hate Vietnam so much that they would swim to China?
bcz we got US sanction , we're poor and need money . You should ask your self why a 'Rich 'country like you also have lots of illegal Chinese workers sneak into VN to work.
Pls go back to the thread, bro.

SCS(east sea) belong to ASEAN nations, CHina have No sovereignty here, so, go home CHinese , don't bully your small nations, No one backstabed you , but people see you killed our people in our sea territory.

Home? Xisha and Nansha are parts of our home. :cheers:
bcz we got US sanction , we're poor and need money . You should ask your self why a 'Rich 'country like you also have lots of illegal Chinese workers sneak into VN to work.

There are still more illegal Viet immgrants in China than vice versa.

Just like there are more Viet brides marrying to the Chinese men than the other way around. :coffee:
Home? Xisha and Nansha are parts of our home. :cheers:
Hehe, if you think our home is your, so you have to fight, but problem is Rich CHinese don't wanna die in battle , don't want their merchant ship got shot in Malacca too, so , just keep dreaming, poor boy :P.
There are still more illegal Viet immgrants in China than vice versa.

Just like there are more Viet brides marrying to the Chinese men than the Chinese women marrying to the Viet men.
So, send them home to make an equal if you want, and we will force our Govt. to send them to work in better place :P.

More VN girl got married with CHina just show that China lack of female, and that means People are so angry with your Govt. bcz they can not Govern China well :P

Jasmine revolution coming soon to solve all CHina problem :woot:
Hehe, if you think our home is your, so you have to fight, but problem is Rich CHinese don't wanna die in battle , don't want their merchan ship got shot in Malacca, so , just keep dreaming, poor boy :P.

So, send them home to make an equal if you want, and we will force our Govt. to send them to work in better place :P.

More VN girl got married with CHina just show that China lack of female, and that means They're so angry with your Govt. bcz they can not Govern China well :P

Jasmine revolution coming soon to solve all CHina problem :woot:

In fact, we have far more money to support the uprising of the Jasmine revolution in your country, meanwhile we will also support your Vietcong to crack down the revolution. In exchange, they will re-recognize our sovereignty on Nansha just for the sake of their power just like they did 40 years ago.

You should not trust your Vietcong so much, since they had the past record of betraying the sovereignty of Vietnam. :azn:

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