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Philippines near Pact to increase U.S. troops, Aquino Says

Let's start out by correcting "and a more interesting". You have made several grammatical errors in your post, please sir. I can point out the others too if you wish.

If you want to start things off by being petty about my typing skills (and others) we can run all your posts through a microscope and put you in your place.

As for how well China and Taiwan are getting along...
China Rejects Xi Meeting With Taiwan President Ma at APEC - Bloomberg

The man pictured in your post is just an "honorary" chairman of the KMT.
You know full well who the real chairman. If you do not you are completely clueless.
Ma Ying-jeou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"He is also the current Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT)"

Since the 2008 election of President Ma Ying-jeou, who favors closer ties with the mainland, Beijing has taken a more conciliatory approach. Cross-strait trade has nearly doubled over the course of Mr. Ma’s presidency, reaching $197 billion last year. Nearly three million Chinese traveled to Taiwan last year, constituting the largest single group of visitors after Taiwan’s easing of restrictions on mainland arrivals starting in 2008.

Taiwan’s economy depends on trade, and China is its biggest export destination and source of a huge trade surplus. China is central to the supply chains of Taiwanese manufacturers, and 80 percent of Taiwanese foreign direct investment goes to China. A significant add-on to the free trade agreement in the area of services and trade awaits ratification in Taiwan’s legislature.

The area across the strait from Taiwan is lined with Chinese missiles. Chinese influence and opposition restricts Taiwan’s participation in international society, including signing other bilateral and regional economic agreements. China exerts influence on hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese businesspeople residing in China, and has started to target Taiwanese politics, allegedly contributing to election campaigns, mobilizing influential supporters and investing in Taiwanese media.

Of course I know who the chairman is. The honorary chairman Lien Chan is also the chairman of KMT from 2000 to 2005. We reject the meeting because of his "president" identity, however there always should be someone who can do his job to stand out. Living in China, I've already read much more similar news like that one you posted above. Everyone can find as many negative news about the relations between China and Taiwan as he can. And that's just exactly what you westerns countries have always been trying to achieve. Even when China and Taiwan's relation is getting better, you still try to destroy the peace in many ways. I don't care about it.

See the quotes above? Chinese influence and opposition restricts Taiwan’s participation in international society, including signing other bilateral and regional economic agreements. China can trade freely with the world, but Taiwan? They have very limited choices, "Taiwan's economy rely heavily on trade", said by themselves.

China is now Taiwan’s most important trading partner – Taiwan’s largest export destination and second largest source of imports - representing over 21 percent of total trade.

In 1992, Taiwan’s total trade was over $180 billion and represented 82 percent of GDP. In 2012, Taiwan’s trade represented 140 percent of GDP and was valued at over $650 billion.

Taiwan's exports to mainland China accounted for 39.8% of the islands total exports, making China Taiwan's most important overseas market. In 2010, this number is just 28%.

So if Taiwan declares independence, the only one who suffers will be Taiwan. That's why Taiwan don't dare to do this.

Taiwan's Economic Opportunities and Challenges and the Importance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership | Brookings Institution
Air defense zone, who can establish it? What are the guide lines? It's not regulated, there is no treaty, there are no rules, the US invented it, they are enforcing it, but they are not making it official rule where every country gets one.

China setup the zone, why did China do that? Only the US and allies have it, did China think the US would obey it? Did China think it would solve the issue? No way China thought that, then why?

Well, this brings me to my first point, there are no clear rules regarding this, essentially it's just a line a a map, it doesn't mean crap.

Chinese defense zone establishes this fact, the US flying into the zone is the same as flying into a trap, because what it's really saying is, these zones are worthless and means nothing.

The US just made their zones meaningless, for our zones are established the exact same way as the US did, and under the exact conditions the US used, so if ours is invalid, then so are theirs.

This won't mean much now, but as our air force matures, with introduction of fifth gen fighters, large number of 4++ fighters, semi stealth anti ship fighters, strategic transport, AEW, large air refueling aircraft, and electronic warfare planes, and more, we will fly into your zones and make all zones in Asia irrelevant, as we can point to US actions, except this time we will back it up with our air force.

The Americans think they got us by the balls, but it is China that has the initiative.

You probably misunderstood the use of Air Defence Identification zone set by the US government

Under the Civil Aviation Act, the Area under ADIZ does not count as a restrictive airspace, it can if that is an restrictive air corridor, but it could also be an commercial air corridor

The US set up North America ADIZ inthe time with heightened tension with USSR when Russia bomber and Fighter Aircraft routinely came close to US air space, the Main job for ADIZ is to identify any incoming aircraft and the NORAD can class them between Green (Civilian airliners), Blue (Friendly military aircraft) or Red (hostile Aircraft). The process is commonly know as (Bogey to Bandit)

However, contrary to many believe, the responsibility of Identification is not on the aircraft itself, but the nation that erect the zone, which serve as the basic line they need to know one aircraft intention before entering or purposely entering in their own airspace. In short, it serve as an early warning system so the defense personnel can have enough time to launch sortie to intercept the bogey or bandit when the need arise

Each country can set their own ADIZ and base on the ICAO freedom of navigation rules, anyone can enter and leave any ADIZ as or when they are international airspace. Of course, if the aircraft entered an overlapped Sovereign airspace and ADIZ, that would be another story

The ADIZ is very useful to identify any unknown aircraft which about to enter or leave your airspace, it give you time to breath and prepare the next step. However, ADIZ only be useful if the host nation can ID all unknown inbound otherwise it will defeat the purpose of the ADIZ, that only able when the host have an air cforce capability to challenge all unknown and unidentified radio contact, which in US case, 1,000 plus contact per month during the height of Cold War

So Is the ADIZ in the US is useless? No, I don't think so, US have enough resource to Identify each and every unknown contact come under the ADIZ, and ADIZ is what exactly needed to prevent Iranian flight 655 accidental shot down, thus decrease the chance of accident

However, if you ask me whether or not ADIZ is useful in China? Depends, depend if Chinese have enough resource to go up in the air everytime they ran in an unknown radio contact
Philippine is a Christian country.

They dislike China, as well as the rest of non-Christian SE Asia. From the arch-rival of Muslims states at the south to the statue-worshiper infidels at the west.

Philippine is always belong to another Christian country like US and EU.
Whether it's US base or philippine bases there will be a lot of happy filipino women.

What can expect from arrogant neo nazi no sense at all

Philippine is a Christian country.

They dislike China, as well as the rest of non-Christian SE Asia. From the arch-rival of Muslims states at the south to the statue-worshiper infidels at the west.

Philippine is always belong to another Christian country like US and EU.

Its Philippines imperialist

i can assure you they will build brothels there too the next week the US bases are completed

Wow sir am a filipino i know my constitution well are you telling me you know the laws of my country better than me?
What can expect from arrogant neo nazi no sense at all

Let's just call it what it is. Men go to Philippines for one thing: cheap ho's and cheap alcohol. It's been the playground for Spanish and Chinese for centuries.
You probably misunderstood the use of Air Defence Identification zone set by the US government

Under the Civil Aviation Act, the Area under ADIZ does not count as a restrictive airspace, it can if that is an restrictive air corridor, but it could also be an commercial air corridor

The US set up North America ADIZ inthe time with heightened tension with USSR when Russia bomber and Fighter Aircraft routinely came close to US air space, the Main job for ADIZ is to identify any incoming aircraft and the NORAD can class them between Green (Civilian airliners), Blue (Friendly military aircraft) or Red (hostile Aircraft). The process is commonly know as (Bogey to Bandit)

However, contrary to many believe, the responsibility of Identification is not on the aircraft itself, but the nation that erect the zone, which serve as the basic line they need to know one aircraft intention before entering or purposely entering in their own airspace. In short, it serve as an early warning system so the defense personnel can have enough time to launch sortie to intercept the bogey or bandit when the need arise

Each country can set their own ADIZ and base on the ICAO freedom of navigation rules, anyone can enter and leave any ADIZ as or when they are international airspace. Of course, if the aircraft entered an overlapped Sovereign airspace and ADIZ, that would be another story

The ADIZ is very useful to identify any unknown aircraft which about to enter or leave your airspace, it give you time to breath and prepare the next step. However, ADIZ only be useful if the host nation can ID all unknown inbound otherwise it will defeat the purpose of the ADIZ, that only able when the host have an air cforce capability to challenge all unknown and unidentified radio contact, which in US case, 1,000 plus contact per month during the height of Cold War

So Is the ADIZ in the US is useless? No, I don't think so, US have enough resource to Identify each and every unknown contact come under the ADIZ, and ADIZ is what exactly needed to prevent Iranian flight 655 accidental shot down, thus decrease the chance of accident

However, if you ask me whether or not ADIZ is useful in China? Depends, depend if Chinese have enough resource to go up in the air everytime they ran in an unknown radio contact
Fair. But to add to you. Our ADIZ intention is the same. We never said it's a no flight zone or no plane can't enter. There is this belief that we restrict planes from operating in our ADIZ. Wrong.

Furthermore, we want to assure you that we have the capability to enforce our ADIZ; otherwise, we would not setting it up. Our capability to enforce will only increase as we continue to modernize our Air Force. It is advantageous for us to initialize the ADIZ process today and get the international communities acquaint with it because in the future we might set up more in the Southern area to protect our long coast. Yes, there will be some cry, some yelling, and some protest. We expect it. Most importantly, our goal is accomplished and that is we have an ADIZ to monitor incoming planes in the future.
Let's just call it what it is. Men go to Philippines for one thing: cheap ho's and cheap alcohol. It's been the playground for Spanish and Chinese for centuries.

Wow did your undisputed history also told you that nonsense imperialist
We kicked your Yankee *** out of North Korea in the Korean War.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Say what? You guys failed to take South Korea in the first place. You pushed North Korea to invade South Korea in a surprise, when that failed you intervene in a surprised invasion and tried again to invade South Korea and still failed. South Korea still exists and thats what matters.
In the absence of credible military deterrent, aligning the country with those of the US military is the only viable option. To prevent Chinese excursion into Philippine territories, help must come from those that can best project military power. At this moment only the US is strong enough to oppose Chinese aggression in West Philippine Sea.
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