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Philippine Warship in Standoff With China Vessels

the majority of killing are the thugs on Han Chinese. Nothing like what is going on in Kashmir and the red corridor states in india now!

we are pretty used to indian lies
2008 Gurjar unrest in Rajasthan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
read this article.....in these protests many policemen and military personnel were killed, due to showing restraint against these protestors...
the gurjars actually threatened to carry arms and start patrolling Delhi if their demands were not met. Still, the govt. didn't bring out the big guns and started rolling tanks on them. They suggested a peaceful alternative which was then accepted by the gurjars...
hahaah I find that the moment you said it was wrong. But I testing your courage against your beloved party to tell the name of MR. BO ! BO Yibo was that that difficult for you :P

you are more ignorant and futile than you appear. we have been discussing about Bo's fiasco since day 1 on PDF!
you are more ignorant and futile than you appear. we have been discussing about Bo's fiasco since day 1 on PDF!
No I started it today. When some of you say capable of your party can be president while repling to can Tibetians be president.
Why are you so ashamed of this FIASCO

And why you can't tell his name to me ? He was your leader. What's problem :D

BTW thanks for the idea. I will try to remind our Chineses friends of this Fiasco in every thread where it is need to mention. Thank you :D
Shame!!!....... Regional Power/ Emerging World Power"s Coast Guard ship has been intercepted by Philippines War Ship. And they are in a state of Stand off.

I mean, it really needs guts to do that & Philippines really have balls as they did this with the Giant Panda.

But most shameful is, that such a big Regional cum World Power is merely standing there and doing nothing. It seems Chinese only knows to bark and nothing else.

I will not be surprised that one day a Somalian Pirate ship will have a stand off with Chinese Navy over territory issue.

With all those Megatons, Alfa, Bita & Gama........ still they are just lip warriors.
Shame!!!....... Regional Power/ Emerging World Power"s Coast Guard ship has been intercepted by Philippines War Ship. And they are in a state of Stand off.

I mean, it really needs guts to do that & Philippines really have balls as they did this with the Giant Panda.

But most shameful is, that such a big Regional cum World Power is merely standing there and doing nothing. It seems Chinese only knows to bark and nothing else.

I will not be surprised that one day a Somalian Pirate ship will have a stand off with Chinese Navy over territory issue.

With all those Megatons, Alfa, Bita & Gama........ still they are just lip warriors.

well..what can they do???they caught within another country's border..like "Thief"...so they can't do anything but issuing more "Warning".. :lol:
Shame!!!....... Regional Power/ Emerging World Power"s Coast Guard ship has been intercepted by Philippines War Ship. And they are in a state of Stand off.

I mean, it really needs guts to do that & Philippines really have balls as they did this with the Giant Panda.

But most shameful is, that such a big Regional cum World Power is merely standing there and doing nothing. It seems Chinese only knows to bark and nothing else.

I will not be surprised that one day a Somalian Pirate ship will have a stand off with Chinese Navy over territory issue.

With all those Megatons, Alfa, Bita & Gama........ still they are just lip warriors.

full of bs as usual from you ,shame???? no, courageous yes we only need to send two tiny vessels to face off with the bigest warship of philipine lol
full of bs as usual from you ,shame???? no, courageous yes we only need to send two tiny vessels to face off with the bigest warship of philipine lol

but futile "Courage"..they got captured... :lol:
well..what can they do???they caught within another country's border..like "Thief"...so they can't do anything but issuing more "Warning".. :lol:

you have problem understanding reading or both? this is a face off not a warning fool

but futile "Courage"..they got captured... :lol:

NOw you do have problem understanding captured and standoff enough said
It's not an international water, but Philippines EEZ.

Palau police shot and killed the Chinese fishing boat captain and China didn't protest. China won't do anything if this boat's captain is shot and killed too, so Philippines may open fire within its EEZ if the Chinese fishing boat resists detainment.

If shooting is not enough, ramming also works well. Make sure to aim for the propeller so the Chinese boat can't flee.

Wonderful. Please do it. This will give PLAN the reason to wipe out PN and take spratly. Please please... I bet u to do it.
you can't even name of the person on topic correctly which carries no more than a very few alphabets. how much more can your boss demand higher level of mentally engaging works from you? :rofl:
tell anyone to have me arrested now, I am waiting!

they are still fumbling with the operating manual!:rofl:

well one thing i didnt understand..........
why are you unable to say the name???????????????

are you woried that CPC is monitopring your posts & youwill be in trouble for saying the name ??????????

GOD I didnt know how you people live in fear...... dont even allowed to take a name in a international fourm.
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