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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte calls Barack Obama 'son of a wh*re'

I know who they favor more, but I also know who struck these nations with an A-bomb and napalm bombings. It wasn't China I can assure you.
Ever think that A bomb help China independence??
If not because of the yank beating the japs in ww2, you Chinese and most Asia will be japanese slave right now
Ever think that A bomb help China independence??
If not because of the yank beating the japs in ww2, you Chinese and most Asia will be japanese slave right now

LOL what an unbelievably lame excuse. If this is how far you are willing to stoop to justify the American nuke bombing... How about the Vietnam war? Any thoughts or justifications?

I'm very anti-Trump, I think he'd be a terrible president, and I hope he will lose by a landslide come November. He'd be a disaster for this country.

The problem is the partisan politics. He could be a rotting corpse and he'd still get at least 40% of the Republican vote.

I think he's going to lose though, in most of the polls he's at a disadvantage, and he's done almost everything he can do to alienate minorities. That should boost turnout for the dems.

It is much more than that. It is an ugly mindset prevalent among many racist inbred rednecks. Now we have witnessed the scale of the problem. In Trump's own words, it is HUGE. In fact, the US is a very divided society as far as race and other vital issues are concerned. This is not a one off.

I'm glad you denounce him though.
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LOL what an unbelievably lame excuse. If this is how far you are willing to stoop to justify the American nuke bombing... How about the Vietnam war? Any thoughts or justifications?

It is much more than that. It is an ugly mindset prevalent among many racist inbred rednecks.
I don't justified it, those are history, we don't live in the past, get over it!!
I don't justified it, those are history, we don't live in the past, get over it!!

You did justify it. I've heard the sick justification many times before. Usually from sick souls that would go to extreme lengths to defend their US heel licking. Whether Japan was wrong at the time didn't justify the nuke attack against so many innocent people. Yep, let's just forget the Vietnam war and Hiroshima nuking. Let's just pretend it never happened and let's focus on maligning evil China.
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Duterte simply said what 90% head of states in this world would but won't say in fear of US reprisals.
Or won't say not because of fear of a backlash but they carry them selves in a mature fashion, not stooping down to a level of elementary school grounds banter, using words that are more calculated.

Can you imagine a diplomatic world where diplomats are foul mouthed lower class inhabitants who hurl insults to feed their own ego? It will become a tremendous mess. The ordinary people will follow suit and become a pack of degenerates.
It is much more than that. It is an ugly mindset prevalent among many racist inbred rednecks. Now we have witnessed the scale of the problem. In Trump's own words, it is HUGE. In fact, the US is a very divided on race and many other vital issues. This is not a one off.

I'm glad you denounce him though.
As many are voting against Hillary as for Trump's policies, as well as vice versa re Hillary. Neither candidate is well liked on a large scale, and Hillary is almost seen as the devil by Republicans. If Obama was running for a 3rd term he would be winning by a landslide. Its actually funny because his approval rating has gone up during this election.t

I'd expect you'd hear the same rhetoric used to defend Duterte to defend Trump.

He's only against Illegal immigrants and he's just being bombastic, he isn't against muslims, just against Terrorism and there are a lot of concerns about the spate of Muslim terrorism, American Muslims won't be affected etc etc.

It might even be true that that's all he's concerned about, but he still gives terrible unimplementable policy ideas and is unable to control what he says.
As many are voting against Hillary as for Trump's policies, as well as vice versa re Hillary. Neither candidate is well liked on a large scale, and Hillary is almost seen as the devil by Republicans. If Obama was running for a 3rd term he would be winning by a landslide. Its actually funny because his approval rating has gone up during this election.t

I'd expect you'd hear the same rhetoric used to defend Duterte to defend Trump.

He's only against Illegal immigrants and he's just being bombastic, he isn't against muslims, just against Terrorism and there are a lot of concerns about the spate of Muslim terrorism, American Muslims won't be affected etc etc.

It might even be true that that's all he's concerned about, but he still gives terrible unimplementable policy ideas and is unable to control what he says.

The Republicans don't have much to say anymore. Their party has been smashed to bits and pieces by a clown like Trump. Hillary might be a devil, but Trump and the Republicans are much worse. Obama is spineless in my opinion. America is ruled by powerful corporations. Corporations who decide which country to invade next etc. These corporations have not even spared the American people. The economic meltdown and housing bubble is a good example. I blame Obama's inaction against powerful US corporations. That's because he is subservient to these powerful corporations.

There is no such thing as Muslim terrorism just like there is no Christian terrorism because one white guy decides to kill black Church goers with his automatic machine gun. People abuse religion, politics etc. to further their political agenda. We should make that clear distinction. If there wasn't religion, murderers and haters would have found something else to justify their hateful cause. I don't oppose measures against illegal immigration, but Trump is a proven racist. Your don't say stuff like Mexicans are rapists or Muslims are terrorists and brandish an entire people. Not to mention the KKK mishap and so many other offensive things. He has done this deliberately and he has enough supporters who back his nasty ideas. Nothing in the entire universe can defend his blatant racist thoughts.

If he is not against American Muslims he would have never hurt the feelings of the parents of the deceased Pakistani Muslim American soldier. If he is not against American Muslims he would have never uttered the idea to monitor and compile a database of all Muslims in the US. There are countless other examples where Trump has clearly demonstrated that he is a anti-Muslim bigot.
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Trump would be a real disaster for US if elected. He would further segregate and alienate certain segments of the society, tearing the delicate social fabric of the US. Sure the man has acquired large sums of wealth by making wise investments but he is not the smartest individual to lead a nation. A head of state role doesn't suit him, if anything make a real mess of the country.
The Republicans don't have much to say anymore. Their party has been smashed to bits and pieces by a clown like Trump. Hillary might be a devil, but Trump and the Republicans are much worse. Obama is spineless in my opinion. America is ruled by powerful corporations. Corporations who decide which country to invade next etc. These corporations have not even spared the American people. The economic meltdown and housing bubble is a good example.

There is no such thing as Muslim terrorism just like there is no Christian terrorism because one white guy decides to kill black Church goers with his automatic machine gun. People abuse religion, politics etc. to further their political agenda. We should make that clear distinction. If there wasn't religion, murderers and haters would have found something else to justify their hateful cause. I don't oppose measures against illegal immigration, but Trump is a proven racist. Your don't say stuff like Mexicans are rapists or Muslims are terrorists and brandish an entire people. Not to mention the KKK mishap and so many other offensive things. He has done this deliberately and he has enough supporters who back his nasty ideas. Nothing in the entire universe can defend his blatant racist thoughts.

If he is not against American Muslims he would have never hurt the feelings of the parents of the deceased Pakistani Muslim American soldier. If he is not against American Muslims he would have never uttered the idea to monitor and compile a database of all Muslims in the US. There are countless other examples where Trump has clearly demonstrated that he is a anti-Muslim bigot.

Lol well I can't defend them that well, if you talk to Trump supporters maybe they'll give a better accounting, maybe not. Not my argument though. The Republican party is in dire straits though, I wouldn't be surprised if they lost control of the senate.

As for Obama I think he's done as well as can be expected from a president who has checks on his power.

The economy has recovered under his tenure to a great extent and he hasn't placed the US full on into a crisis. I think on the whole he's been a good president, and I don't think he's been spineless, just deliberate and careful with how he uses US power. He's made some bad decisions, but nothing that's affected the US too badly and in areas of only peripheral US interest. He's been a positive for US foreign policy in Asia, arguably the more pressing concern for US interests, and was able to cobble together an economic coalition against Russia in response to Crimea and Ukraine.

Overall he left the country in a better position than when he came in, i'd say that makes him a good president.
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Lol well I can't defend them that well, if you talk to Trump supporters maybe they'll give a better accounting, maybe not. Not my argument though. The Republican party is in dire straits though, I wouldn't be surprised if they lost control of the senate.

Well, at least you condemned the bigot. That's enough for me. Arguing with Trump supporters serves no purpose. They have already made up their mind and their racist motives is what drives them.
Ahahahahah...... RFLMAO.:rofl:
This guy makes me laugh. I like him for that.
First he said if China Invades Philippines islands, he and every Filipinos will fight the Chinese to their last blood. :lol:. Chinese members here were rightfully making fun of his comment and telling him off. Lol
Now he has been having a go with the U.N and Obama. Son of a whore. Not even Kim Jung Un is this stupid/db and emotional to the point of using such words. :cheesy:
Can't blame him though. He comes from an uneducated/illiterate background. Such words are common in the streets/ghetto. Lol
I'm not surprised though, what do you expect from an illiterate who recently said he wanted to be the first to rape a catholic nun before she was murdered(she was gang raped and murdered by a gang), since she looked so beautiful.:woot:
This guy needs a psychiatric. Before then I'm enjoying his funny comments. I just pity Filipinos having a had of state who acts like he has mental problems. :omghaha:
Filipino should understand USA will invadethem if they get cross China better fight against common enemy USA
Ever think that A bomb help China independence??
If not because of the yank beating the japs in ww2, you Chinese and most Asia will be japanese slave right now

if this if that, if the dutch eliminated the local like british did, we might only know Indonesian from museum specimen. lol
If we were like the native Indonesian, dutch would have occupied China as well. Fortunately we defeated dutch in 1662 and Portugese in 1523. hahah

Some sense for you, Japanese had struggled in China for 14 years, they had lost 600,000 soldiers, their economy had been in brink of collapse. Japan want to occupy China, they still had lot of tough mission, occupying Mongolia and Siberia to bloack China' north border, occupying Burma and India to block southwest border and central Asia to block west border. indonesian as dutch slave 400 years of course fear them, presume it could win.
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