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Philippine 'massacre clan' enjoys election wins

I think if Filipinos start working for the betterment of their entire country, they would be out of the crap they are in. I mean voting for murderers? That is just too much to take. Some (Not all) Filipinos have a damaged culture according to James Fallows.

James Fallows, a prominent American columnist wrote in 1987 that Filipinos due to their "damaged culture" are only loyal to their family and barrio. There is a lack of love, patriotism and nationalism for the country as a whole. I kind of see that in Zero_wing's reply. He said, the murderers who were elected were from a different barrio from a different island, so he does not care. He only cares about what happens in his barrio. 25 years later I guess J. Fallows' assertions still hold true for some Pinoys.

Here is some parts of the article:

Filipinos pride themselves on their lifelong loyalty to family, schoolmates, compadres, members of the same tribe, residents of the same barangay. The mutual tenderness among the people of Smoky Mountain is enough to break your heart. But when observing Filipino friendships I thought often of the Mafia families portrayed in The Godfather: total devotion to those within the circle, total war on those outside. Because the boundaries of decedent treatment are limited to the family or tribe, they exclude at least 90 percent of the people in the country. And because of this fragmentation--this lack of nationalism--people treat each other worse in the Philippines than in any other Asian country I have seen.

here is the link to the article

A Damaged Culture: A New Philippines? - James Fallows - The Atlantic

It is very long and of course some of the assumptions no longer hold true as it was written over 25 years ago.
I fail too find humor when a world renowned columnist find your culture "damaged". :hitwall:

And why should i care? one this person opinion why should i care? his not qualified or train to make statement like that? i can say that's about it or Americans (this just an example guys sorry) are gun loving yahoo's because they do things like this but what bases what science in the end of that's it? its just facts with no scientific process so again what's your point?
And why should i care? one this person opinion why should i care? his not qualified or train to make statement like that? i can say that's about it or Americans (this just an example guys sorry) are gun loving yahoo's because they do things like this but what bases what science in the end of that's it? its just facts with no scientific process so again what's your point?

Why apologize to the Americans when you are arguing to one. You failed.

Anyway, read post #16 AGAIN, AND READ CAREFULLY
We certainly do not elect family members who were complicit in murders unlike you.

Philippine would be better off still under American control. US treated the people of Philippine much better than their current government treat them.

We certainly do not elect family members who were complicit in murders unlike you.

Philippine would be better off still under American control. US treated the people of Philippine much better than their current government treat them.
Philippine would be better off still under American control. US treated the people of Philippine much better than their current government treat them.

Philippine would be better off still under American control. US treated the people of Philippine much better than their current government treat them.

Wow MAtopac red guard speaks tell us oh loyal red guard what is true? :rofl:

Why apologize to the Americans when you are arguing to one. You failed.

Anyway, read post #16 AGAIN, AND READ CAREFULLY

Dude i said this one why should i take in to count a person with no know who about sociology?
The insecurity of witnesses is a key problem in addressing impunity. Authorities in the Philippines, ranked third worst on CPJ’s index, have yet to make headway in the prosecution of dozens of suspects in a politically motivated massacre in Maguindanao province that claimed the lives of more than 50 people, including 32 journalists and media workers, in 2009. Three witnesses in the Maguindanao case have themselves been murdered, one of them dismembered and mutilated.

Each time a witness is killed, “it affects the morale of other witnesses by showcasing how inept the government is in ensuring their safety,” says Michaella Ortega. She knows the cycle of intimidation and impunity well: The investigation into the 2011 murder of her father, prominent radio host Gerardo Ortega, was dealt a severe setback when a key witness was killed in jail.

they won the election and they're killing the witnesses , sad to say this, but it seem they would probably release once they manage to eliminate all the witnesses , and back to rule their province .
The insecurity of witnesses is a key problem in addressing impunity. Authorities in the Philippines, ranked third worst on CPJ’s index, have yet to make headway in the prosecution of dozens of suspects in a politically motivated massacre in Maguindanao province that claimed the lives of more than 50 people, including 32 journalists and media workers, in 2009. Three witnesses in the Maguindanao case have themselves been murdered, one of them dismembered and mutilated.

Each time a witness is killed, “it affects the morale of other witnesses by showcasing how inept the government is in ensuring their safety,” says Michaella Ortega. She knows the cycle of intimidation and impunity well: The investigation into the 2011 murder of her father, prominent radio host Gerardo Ortega, was dealt a severe setback when a key witness was killed in jail.

they won the election and they're killing the witnesses , sad to say this, but it seem they would probably release once they manage to eliminate all the witnesses , and back to rule their province .

This huge one i admit i losing patience with this but its not Aquino fault its GMA and if you want total justice no matter how long it takes in order to be right you have to see things through things like this is not rush just to end it you end it to bring justice, Man i don't know why you love trolling like a fool while you have problems in your own country to deal with while our election had some how good end peacefully your leaders are being questioned from ink that can be easily wash among other things the winnings of your so called elected leaders i think you should be more active instead getting in the affairs of my country its like your nagging trolling will change anything.

Anyway the People of Southern Mindanao made their choice they were told to vote intelligently but if they want to put this people in power again its there choice no one should be blame for it but the people of Southern Mindanao for picking this people
This huge one i admit i losing patience with this but its not Aquino fault its GMA and if you want total justice no matter how long it takes in order to be right you have to see things through things like this is not rush just to end it you end it to bring justice, Man i don't know why you love trolling like a fool while you have problems in your own country to deal with while our election had some how good end peacefully your leaders are being questioned from ink that can be easily wash among other things the winnings of your so called elected leaders i think you should be more active instead getting in the affairs of my country its like your nagging trolling will change anything.

Anyway the People of Southern Mindanao made their choice they were told to vote intelligently but if they want to put this people in power again its there choice no one should be blame for it but the people of Southern Mindanao for picking this people

lol blame it all to the Mindanao people, vote intelligently? lmao yeah sure, i'm sure they're voting intelligently with guns pointing to their head . Only moron would believe that election was fair and justice , they shouldn't be allow to take part in that election after all.

good and peaceful election ? what are you , hiding in the cave , please do the calculation for me, i've lost count of how many had been murdered in the latest election, or the last election, and every election in Philippines
lol blame it all to the Mindanao people, vote intelligently? lmao yeah sure, i'm sure they're voting intelligently with guns pointing to their head . Only moron would believe that election was fair and justice , they shouldn't be allow to take part in that election after all.

good and peaceful election ? what are you , hiding in the cave , please do the calculation for me, i've lost count of how many had been murdered in the latest election, or the last election, and every election in Philippines

Well its a local election moron check before you post! that means people of Southern Mindanao are the only once that elected those people tell me which part of local do you not understand idiot? As for the midterm election yes the have been killing but most are result of showdowns and ambush only in Remote provinces like Albay and Southern Mindanao but so far it was very peaceful and more better than the old elections so your attempts just idiotic at best and from person who's whole leadership is being doubted by its own people because religion an race which is not even issue here just hence your pitiful attempts on black propaganda is laughable heck you can even have real honest elections in your own country now you bashing my country ha funny :rofl:

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