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Phew! Asteroid to miss Earth in 2040, NASA says

@sandy_3126 didnt like my post or the evidence? Try to do good karma.... Avoid alcohol.... Avoid beef, pork, meat.... You can eat fish 3 times a week (avoid on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays).... Do good karma by emiting positive energy.... Trust me u wont be victim of human mutilation.... Greys hates positive energy.... Avoid going near mountains and forest at night alone.... Do not panic.... 5 million yankees been abducted. If u do what i just now told than u wont be the next victim....
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@sandy_3126 didnt like my post or the evidence? Try to do good karma.... Avoid alcohol.... Avoid beef, pork, meat.... You can eat fish 3 times a week (avoid on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays).... Do good karma by emiting positive energy.... Trust me u wont be victim of human mutilation.... Greys hates positive energy.... Avoid going near mountains and forest at night alone.... Do not panic.... 5 million yankees been abducted. If u do what i just now told than u wont be the next victim....
Nopes, the question what kind of weed do you smoke, where do you get it, where can I get some....?
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@KingMamba93 say what u want to say but its not going to change anything.... Yankee will be used as cattles.... America, mexico, brazil under tall greys. Yankee body is just tool for expriment.... Just like a rat for scientists.... Yankees getting back what they did to world. Yankeestan thought none can harm them.... Well tall greys had yankees good.... Majority of yankees, mexicans and brazil dead body not found.... The one found were horrifying to even look at it.... This is destiny of yankees (faint hearted must not view. GRAPHIC)....
WARNING [GRAPHIC] Horrific Proof Aliens Mutilating Humans..!
The Most Disturbing Case of Alien Abduction Ever
Till now around 5 million yankees were abducted.... Previous abductions didnt had any memory erasing but tall greys created technology that erases memory of abduction.... Please note that majority of people who get abducted are bad karmic who emits negative energy.... The research shows people who eats beef, pork, meat or takes alcohol and drugs or did bad karma are the one getting abducted.... The numbers we have is 5 million yankees till now.... They been implanted a invisible painless micro chips for experiment and control (in a way yankees are slave now).... Same thing happening with north east indians whos diet similar to yankees.... majority of people never returns back as they used for their internal organs and tongue....
ET Among Us - Nearly A Million Americans Say They've Been Abducted
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Denver 2003 | Alien 'abductees' show real symptoms

@isro2222 stop lying. The Alpha Draconians have spoken to me, they tell me you are a liar. There have been no abductions in fact Ashtar is playing pool with them as we speak. The Tall Greys are playing laser tag and the Niburians are eating all types of meat so do not lie because you are not fooling anyone.
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Both of you are such a fraud. I'm supreme leader of the Alpha's, I heard from one of my low-life subordinates that PK.DEF has two members, who have been peddling lies about our kind. I command you to cease and desist, else I'll be forced to use my ray weapon on your weeners. :butcher:

CINC/MilkyWay Sector
Gen. Hypeeeeeeeeeee

@isro2222 stop lying. The Alpha Draconians have spoken to me, they tell me you are a liar. There have been no abductions in fact Ashtar is playing pool with them as we speak. The Tall Greys are playing laser tag and the Niburians are eating all types of meat so do not lie because you are not fooling anyone.
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Both of you are such a fraud. I'm supreme leader of the Alpha's, I heard from one of my low-life subordinates that PK.DEF has two members, who have been peddling lies about our kind. I command you to cease and desist, else I'll be forced to use my ray weapon on your weeners. :butcher:

CINC/MilkyWay Sector
Gen. Hypeeeeeeeeeee

Gen Hypeeeeeeeeee sorry sir I got sidetracked from the Mission. Sir, I have revealed no information regarding mission code named Nebulon please don't reprehend me. This @isro2222 however must be dealt with as he is warning the planet of our eminent invasion, I am afraid the ray gun won't work however as the Tall Greys already got to his weener first. Perhaps a probe up his a$$ would offer a better alternative solution. :mod:
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So wait @isro2222 they're protecting the Earth so they're evil?
Lovely logic
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Alfa probe it is then, Captain! Please proceed and administer it personally, I need counter intel on this "HU MAAAAAN" aka ISRO2222. :mamba:

Gen Hypeeeeeeeeee sorry sir I got sidetracked from the Mission. Sir, I have revealed no information regarding mission code named Nebulon please don't reprehend me. This @isro2222 however must be dealt with as he is warning the planet of our eminent invasion, I am afraid the ray gun won't work however as the Tall Greys already got to his weener first. Perhaps a probe up his a$$ would offer a better alternative solution. :mod:
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Alfa probe it is then, Captain! Please proceed and administer it personally, I need counter intel on this "HU MAAAAAN" aka ISRO2222. :mamba:

I'll have one of my subordinates administer it but I will be on hand as a witness. Our mission will succeed, Death before Defeat.

You trying to tell me that "chota" alpha is still alive? I thought that the Xeros removed his genitals and fed them to the Reptilians? :blink:

All hail Chota Alpha, the fighter! :drag:

I'll have one of my subordinates administer it but I will be on hand as a witness. Our mission will succeed, Death before Defeat.

You trying to tell me that "chota" alpha is still alive? I thought that the Xeros removed his genitals and fed them to the Reptilians? :blink:

All hail Chota Alpha, the fighter! :drag:

Nah he is dead, I was talking about @KRAIT. :D He has accepted our mission and will achieve salvation with us. @truthseer you may join us as well but you will have to assassinate @isro2222 instead. :azn:
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The Annunaki deny these charges. We are too busy on Nebulon to come and invade/protect Earth

Nah he is dead, I was talking about @KRAIT. :D He has accepted our mission and will achieve salvation with us. @truthseer you may join us as well but you will have to assassinate @isro2222 instead. :azn:

I shall never join you evil Greys. Soon, we will invade Earth with our Annunaki weapons

Wait, I mean, let's all live in peace. We're agricultural people....
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The Annunaki deny these charges. We are too busy on Nebulon to come and invade/protect Earth

I shall never join you evil Greys. Soon, we will invade Earth with our Annunaki weapons

Wait, I mean, let's all live in peace. We're agricultural people....
@Hyperion I thought we were Alphas, this man called us a gray. Blasphemy!!! :mod: :butcher:
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Are we allies? Oh yes, I forgot.
This @isro2222 has a potent weapon, his posts reduce the IQ of aliens

If the annunakis want to join the Alphas they may but you will have to meet us on our star ship Ishtar to sign a contract.

Take out the ray gun.. aim at the blasphemers wee wee and shoot. No mercy to the Grays! :mamba:

Errrrr, I lost my ray gun. :undecided:
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