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Pharmacy Graduate Gets 17 1/2 Years for Aid to Al-Qaeda

What islamophobia? There are over 2 Million Muslims living in America, no one bothers them. Its not like they just picked a random Muslim guy and framed him.

He was doing propaganda work for Al Qaida and was calling to wage jihad against American troops in Iraq. Why should there be any sympathy or benefit of doubt for him?

I was talking about a general phenomenon and not about a specific case or place.. But we can not deny that people like Faisal Shahzad gives a bad name to a community and raises doubts about them in the minds of many.. And after recent activities, govt agencies sees major threats among Muslims and that is one of the reason they are more often inspected on arrival at airports.. But that is not racism or marginalization but a cost to be safe so that another attack does not occur on the lands of America..
You missed the point of the article. Slavery was legalized till the 19th century, legalized for about 90 years post the US inception in 1776; whereby the slaves were "imported" from Western Africa. These people at that time were certainly 'natives' of their respective African countries & not the US; the natives of the land were butchered for the most part by the colonialists. If you look at the US today, there are plenty of whites that call themselves 'native Americans', although their family only came to the US 2-3 generations ago. Likewise, the Japanese-American citizens were also sent to concentration camps post WW2, legalized by the state. The Muslims are getting legally discriminated in the US in the same manner today.

How is that?

Which legislation discriminates against them?

What islamophobia? There are over 2 Million Muslims living in America, no one bothers them. Its not like they just picked a random Muslim guy and framed him.

He was doing propaganda work for Al Qaida and was calling to wage jihad against American troops in Iraq. Why should there be any sympathy or benefit of doubt for him?

This sympathy for terrorists and criminal is exactly the issue which creates problems for even the "common Muslims".
We can always compare any country to some ideal country and bad mouth it. But if we stand as a neutral observer, US is far more tolerant than most of the countries in the world. There are far more voices who will ask justice for any community in US than any other country. But definitely the change that's happening in US is not for good, but everyone should realise that its induced. The inducement is the non-secular attitude of certain countries, how we treat the minorities and how we react to mistakes committed by minorities etc. If someone is not able to improve these in their own country, they don't have much moral ground to expect it in other countries.

On topic, i believe that countries should support a cause in US, if their citizens are given impartial treatment, not if they practice a certain religion. That very act alienates that sect from the rest of the US.
Convicted for words, not deeds

Verdict on Massachusetts Muslim marks further erosion of fundamental U.S. rights

Civil liberties advocates make the “slippery slope” argument. In the 2010 case Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, which decided whether providing nonviolent aid like legal advice to terrorist groups constitutes material support for terrorism, the Supreme Court ruled that you can advocate as an individual, but if your advocacy is coordinated with an outfit on a terrorist list, then it’s criminal conspiracy and you can be convicted of giving terrorist support.
The ACLU believes that Mehanna’s activities were not shown to meet that test, “so the real reason for convicting him seems to be missing,” Murray said. “The trial featured all sorts of allegations of traveling but there was no hard proof that his advocacy was coordinated with a group.”

Convicted for words, not deeds - First Amendment - Salon.com
Interesting case. If you can scare the jury, they will enthusiacticilly find a ham sandwich guilty of first degree homicide.
Sikhs were attacked because of their turbans tey were mistaken as Arabs...if you had an ounce of common sense you would know the people hated Arabs then and not the Sikhs.

Who cares ? Bhartis got beaten up like **** ...and that is what matters most :lol: :lol:

As I said , whenever some people are angry , they beat the sh!t out of bhartis because unlike timid Indians , everyone else FIGHT back! :azn:

On a more serious note : Do you really think American teens beat Sikhs because they looked Arab? Would Americans beat a white guy with cloth on his head? I don't think so .. ALL 'browns' are seen as 'those people who did 9-11' ... You know Americans well and their knowledge of outside world.... :agree:

Cool story dude.

Kuwait doesnt even allows your country men to enter their land.

Cool story? :lol: Really? Dumbo how many years of your life have you lived in any Arab city like Al-Buraida? A city that is not that famous and 'multicultural (lol)' like Jeddah , Dubai etc ...? Arabs look down upon short-heighten and dark skinned hindus. But alas , you never lived in real Arabia ;) ... Do tell me your living experience in Middle-East...you probably never even lived there..even in cities like Dubai ..its too expensive for your likes :laugh:

And oh great...kuwait? seriously? :lol: Kuwait has a population of 3 million .... Karachi alone has more than TRIPLE the population of Kuwait.Who even cares about Kuwait? They probably don't even need any 'outsiders' ...other than their white masters offcourse...
You converts never fail to amaze.

Still treated as second class...

if you want to address us call us muslims because thats what we have chosen to called as it is us who decides our identity & not you, nor does your ancestors, or your native cultures, nor your dharmic logic, but it is us who defines our identity whether by birth or by conversion (in which case it is none of your business) blessed are those invaders who converted our ancestors to the Abrahamic religion of Islam from the ignorance of paganism & blessed is their invasion that even after all the foul cries of the native dharmic followers there is an ever growing presence of more then half a billion read: 50 crore plus muslims & increasing by the day in south Asia
Why do these "timid Pakistanis" try to claim they are Indians when things get too hot! ;)

if you want to address us call us muslims because thats what we have chosen to called as it is us who decides our identity & not you, nor does your ancestors, or your native cultures, nor your dharmic logic, but it is us who defines our identity whether by birth or by conversion (in which case it is none of your business) blessed are those invaders who converted our ancestors to the Abrahamic religion of Islam from the ignorance of paganism & blessed is their invasion that even after all the foul cries of the native dharmic followers there is an ever growing presence of more then half a billion read: 50 crore plus muslims & increasing by the day in south Asia

Well, you are Muslims but many of your thoughts and actions are driven (not you as a person) by your pre Islamic identity and trying negate it all the time.

So it remains a valid description.
Why do these "timid Pakistanis" try to claim they are Indians when things get too hot! ;)

Well, you are Muslims but many of your thoughts and actions are driven (not you as a person) by your pre Islamic identity and trying negate it all the time.

So it remains a valid description.

LOL Indians covering as Persian Muslims coz they don't want to be called black or Hindu

BBC News - India's unbearable lightness of being
Most ignorant post of the year. Wow man. You dot-heads still get beaten up on subways here in NYC, even though you're not Muslim and hide the dots. Talk about integration.

Don't start it,pls it will hurt your feelings friend.

You are talking about NY subway, you guys get Droned right inside your homes .what can be worse than that.
Don't start it,pls it will hurt your feelings friend.

You are talking about NY subway, you guys get Droned right inside your homes .what can be worse than that.

Maybe you should give homes to the homeless in your country :lol:
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