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Pharmacy Graduate Gets 17 1/2 Years for Aid to Al-Qaeda

Why didn't you say that to the African Americans who fought against slavery and racism?

They can just change the way the country works. Fight everything wrong, don't be afraid of it. It's their country too.

No comparison between blacks who were fighting against slavery, and some Muslims like the guy in this article who are plotting terrorist acts and trying to establish Sharia Law forcefully in the West.
No comparison between blacks who were fighting against slavery, and some Muslims like the guy in this article who are plotting terrorist acts and trying to establish Sharia Law forcefully in the West.

Perhaps the difference is too subtle and gets lost for some. ;)
Peoples against this so called 'US discrimination' should hire a lawyer and fight against this islamophopic judgement, rather than brain farting in this thread.

And one small thing, its their land, their rules. Don't like it, then don't enter US in the first place.
See, there are two possibilities.

One: You just move on and break all connection with your ancestors' history and belief system. That is what typically happens with Islamic converts. As per Sir Naipaul: Islam makes imperialist demands and forces Muslims to adapt Arab history. They start feeling that all was jahiliyah pre Islam and by extension their ancestors were Jahil and the Muslim invaders did a great "ahsaan" on them by saving their souls.

Even that is fine with us. As I said, we have no tradition of killing our apostates.

Just don't abuse the religion of your own ancestors. Don't abuse people who still follow that faith system. Don't denigrate the identity of your own ancestors because there are a large number still identifying with that great legacy.

You do that and you invite a reaction. Newton's third law.

And the reaction will not be to your liking. By definition.

Second option: Truly move on. Become Central Asians, Arabs, Persians, Turks whatever and stop obsessing with India in every damn thing.

Leave us alone and we leave you alone.

I prefer the second option. Nothing to do with each other.

To be honest, I didn't bother reading your rant. What we do, and how we handle our past and present are our concern.

Just because you need to fend your own insecurities by wallowing in centuries old hatreds is something for you to solve. The irony, that you yourself have utterly forsaken your own past identity, is too rich to pass up.

Frankly, we couldn't care less about your blind spots. The only reason I mentioned it was to show it up. As expected, however, you will continue to live in denial.
Downloading a few videos can land you in Jail for 17 years in the "Land of the Free Midgets"? ....Now only midgets are truly free in Amreeka..humans are not...and Muslims are absolutely not. in
Peoples against this so called 'US discrimination' should hire a lawyer and fight against this islamophopic judgement, rather than brain farting in this thread.

And one small thing, its their land, their rules. Don't like it, then don't enter US in the first place.

Jailing somebody for 17 years just for downloading some videos..without any proof of terrorism or any wrong doing is pure barbaric act ... Its not even humanity let alone a rule...How can you have the audacity to justify this?
The land of free Midgets USA will cry rape if Basshar Al asad jails some protestors for firing bullets on his troops..But will jail a young man for downloading videos....Simply pathetic.
To be honest, I didn't bother reading your rant. What we do, and how we handle our past and present are our concern.

Just because you need to fend your own insecurities by wallowing in centuries old hatreds is something for you to solve. The irony, that you yourself have utterly forsaken your own past identity, is too rich to pass up.

Frankly, we couldn't care less about your blind spots. The only reason I mentioned it was to show it up. As expected, however, you will continue to live in denial.

We are in agreement.

Only a small little hitch as always.

I think the shoe is entirely on the other foot.

But I am glad we are making progress at the conceptual level.
Jailing somebody for 17 years just for downloading some videos.............

It is a bit more than downloading videos actually, and he has the right to appeal as well:

from: Pharmacy Graduate Gets 17 1/2 Years for Aid to Al-Qaeda - Businessweek

Bloomberg News
Pharmacy Graduate Gets 17 1/2 Years for Aid to Al-Qaeda
By Janelle Lawrence and Don Jeffrey on April 12, 2012

............ convicted of conspiring to give material support to al-Qaeda,.................. also convicted of making false statements, providing material support to a terrorist organization and conspiring to kill in a foreign country............. traveled to Yemen in 2004 to seek training as a terrorist in order to kill American soldiers. After failing to get the training, they said, he edited and translated recruitment materials for al-Qaeda.................
That is a bit of a stretch isn't it? Especially if you do not require violence as a prerequisite to make that claim. Pretty much, all of have been conquered since you no longer believe what your ancestors believed exactly. Maybe even the fact that you use English......

I agree with you that people evolve and incorporate new belief systems over time. That was precisely my point, in response to the denigatory tone of the word "convert" when referring to South Asian Muslims. Hindus in India didn't spring out of the ground ready-made; there were belief systems in place which were replaced/incorporated over time to end up with modern Hinduism.

Conquest can come in many forms. Besides the outright military victory (which was the norm in ancient times and we know India had its share of imperial conquests), there are other ways. When the royal family adopts a religion, courtiers and aspiring citizens follow suit to curry favor, and the trend trickles downward. Your example of English is another case in point of cultural imperialism: it's not that English is 'better' than our local languages. It just makes it easier to climb the social/economic ladder if you know English and that advantage is underwritten by the West's economic/military might.

Will need a bit more than that to base that argument on. The population & languages haven't changed that much to support your argument. While there most certainly would have been exchange of ideas, with some gaining currency & others not it still would be a very big, unsupported leap to imagine a complete & total conquest.

The conquest need not be absolute. The Tamils still hang on to their ancient myths. Similarly, Muslim households in South Asia incorporate many Hindu rituals in our life. It's almost always a mix of indigenous and imported.

I believe the parallel nature of Tamil and Sanskrit language/culture is fairly well accepted. Tamil language and culture have as long a history as Sanskrit. The myth of Agastya has a parallel in Tamil culture also, which lends it more credence as having a kernel of truth to it. Here's a comparison:

Agastya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Means nothing. All Indian cultures/regions make similar claims, including in the religious scriptures sometimes stretching the timeline to ridiculously high levels. Proof is what is necessary.

But, as noted above, the Tamil claims are substantiated by a rich linguistic and cultural history, quite apart from Sanskrit.
Jailing somebody for 17 years just for downloading some videos..without any proof of terrorism or any wrong doing is pure barbaric act ... Its not even humanity let alone a rule...How can you have the audacity to justify this?
The land of free Midgets USA will cry rape if Basshar Al asad jails some protestors for firing bullets on his troops..But will jail a young man for downloading videos....Simply pathetic.

Equally pathetic to blame "the magnificent 19"?

After all they did what they were enjoined to do by their ideology.
Equally pathetic to blame "the magnificent 19"?

After all they did what they were enjoined to do by their ideology.

By that logic...anybody who buys a knife should be deemed "Jack the ripper" and hanged.

It is a bit more than downloading videos actually, and he has the right to appeal as well:

The report goes on to say that no supporting evidence was presented in the court...Just allegations based on Downloading a few vids and traveling to Yemen.
The report goes on to say that no supporting evidence was presented in the court...Just allegations based on Downloading a few vids and traveling to Yemen.

He was also convicted of lying to the FBI, but did not get the sentence that the prosecutor was asking for. There will be an appeal too. So the case is far from decided yet.
Err... enlighten us please, what is it exactly that the Tamils remember?

Let me come to the brass-tacks.

For some reason many Pakistanis feel that Tamils and Sikhs have issues with India and will separate one day.

This is just a manifestation of that. Nothing more.

By that logic...anybody who buys a knife should be deemed "Jack the ripper" and hanged.

A knife along with AQ manual?

I will prefer a thorough debrief to save some innocent lives before the inevitable has to be done.

And what about Krishna????


when u make a statement , plz take care to not look like ignorant f**l

For some reason, these "converts" still feel they know something about the religion of their ancestors.

All they really know is bigotry that comes to them naturally.
A knife along with AQ manual?


and a knife + a book / novel written by Jonathan Kellerman,Lisa Gardner,Denise Swanson.
should land you in jail...by your logic...

readers of murder mystery are known to have developed a taste for murder in real life.
I didn't agree . one was as bad as the other if you compare to European one.
I take one exemple:
i don't know if the book exists in English. Maryse Condé is a black French speaking writer.
She was writing a wonderful novel named "Ségou"
this is about the history of a land that we speak a lot in news nowadays: Mali, 240kms from Bamako !
it explains well how a great culture was destroyed by invasions and said superiority of other foreign cultures:
the Muslim but as it is explained in the book little bit worst was the superiority of the christian religion which didn't let any choice to people and gave them the feeling to be "inferior" people.
Both acted bad and acted in fascist way.

While the European slavery was extremely cruel, the Islamic one was more so and lasted for a much longer time.

Also, the Europeans at least got rid of the slavery on their own conscience and then worked to rid the world of it.

No such luck on the Muslims' part (mainly Arabs and Turks).

The Arabs were the suppliers even to the Europeans besides to the Muslim world for centuries. It never slacked, the slaves were universally castrated (so no trace left of them), the females were used as sex slaves, the brutality was immense.

And there was not the slightest move ever to stop it. In fact, after the Europeans put a stop, the Muslims still enslaved 2 million more Africans.

Let me quote my recent post. You can check the links.

You are quite mistaken about this. We can go in detail if you want. I know that would invite howls of Islamophobia from some but if you wish, we can do that.

Let me just get your started about Islamic slavery....

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Scourge of Slavery


An Arab slave raid in East Africa 1888. The death toll from 14 centuries of the Islamic slave trade in Africa is estimated at over 112 million.

This is just Africa. There was massive slave trade from Europe and Asia as well. We can go in further gory details if you prefer.

and a knife + a book / novel written by Jonathan Kellerman,Lisa Gardner,Denise Swanson.
should land you in jail...by your logic...

readers of murder mystery are known to have developed a taste for murder in real life.

Tell me. Would you feel comfortable sitting next to the guy with the AQ manual in a plane?

Especially if he is carrying a box knife?

I won't mind sitting next to someone reading a murder mystery.
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