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All the Rakshak of Hindu religious text are dark skinned south Indian. But all the Gods including Rama Sita etc. are fair skinned (May be from north India). So yes South India did belong to Hinduism but only as Rakshak.

what a bs, some one stop this guy. Lord rama, lord krishna , lord shiva all are indian skinned, so called dark skin. who fed you this lie racist?

you lost bangladesh coz your racist attitude.

hindus are same from north to south, east to west.
Sad word play.

Over time, as the rest of the subcontinent got conquered, local elements were infused. That does not change the fact that the belief system originated in the North and was "introduced" in the South.

What exactly is your definition of conquer? Belief systems move around, does not always need conquering.

That's only because the conquest was so absolute that you guys have lost memory of your pre-convert days.

Brilliant argument that! you have no proof of any conquest, so you hide behind the absolute loss of memory argument.:lol: Therefore if there is no evidence of conquest, it's because we have forgotten it.

Except the Tamils -- they seem to remember some of it.

Err... enlighten us please, what is it exactly that the Tamils remember?
And what about Krishna????


when u make a statement , plz take care to not look like ignorant f**l

Krishna was from Bangladesh not from South India. He spoke Sanskrit. He is dark skinned indeed.
I used to watch Mahabhrata in DD when i was a kid.. great serial indeed.

Akbar was not smart like Hritik roshan, he was small ugly. who will watch Jodha akbar if Rajpal Yadav play the lead role.

movies and serials are made on demand.
Akbar was not smart like Hritik roshan, he was small ugly. who will watch Jodha akbar if Rajpal Yadav play the lead role.

movies and serials are made on demand.

Deman is that God should be fair skinned and Rakshak's are Dark.. I am confused.
& who are you to decide that ? & as for your rant well your shivaji came & your Sadashivrao Bhau is gone but this temporary period is still very much there as i said "50" crore plus heck if anything its only getting lengthier by the day hurry up...... before it ends up converting the remaining lot too permanently ;)

Do you know about Barbara Kay or Naomi Klein? If not, you should read up on some of their articles, they are from the very same country you and I belong to, Canada. They are some very influential voices in Canadian media and they claim that Muslims should be deported from Canada because they don't care about anything other than forcefully converting all non-Muslims to Muslims and setting up Sharia law wherever they go. I always thought that they were just crazy people and that there was no way Muslims were like this. But ever since coming to this forum, and listening to countless sentiments like the one you just posted, I am thinking to myself that maybe I dismissed their views as crazy too early and perhaps there is some weight to their argument.

Canada is probably the most open-minded country in the world, and I have travelled quite extensively to know this. But slowly and surely the Canadians themselves are also running out of patience with the behaviour of Muslims, whether its the case of Muslims "honour killing" their daughters for not wearing the Burkha, or some Anjem Choudhary wannabe claiming Canada to become a Shariat land or your new and fancy "How to beat your Wife in Islam" book you guys have come up with. Even mainstream news corporations like CBC have started publishing Islamophobic articles. I would recommend rectifying your ways and change your screwed up mentality of thinking (and finally join the rest of us in the year 2012) before you dig yourself too deep a grave to come out of.
Krishna was from Bangladesh not from South India. He spoke Sanskrit. He is dark skinned indeed.

Oh..my God!!!! I was feeling sleepy...

U actually made me lose my sleep...

i am a bengali hindu.. i have never heard of the above theory..

Krishna was born in Mathura(present UP) and he lived in different places like Mathura and Dwaraka(Gujarat)..he was not from bangladesh..

btw is this what is taught by jamaatis in their madrassas about hindus and indians?
There is no such thing as first amendment right anywhere in the world ...
USA has always acted against this right..

No one can talk against holocast,
no one can talk against CIA ,
no one can talk against injustice against Dr. Aafia,
no one can talk against Raymond davis k
No one can talk how americans killed red indians the native americans ...

list is so long , who ever says there is first amendment, my foot, its only there in US laws, to save their faces behind something ....
Story from panchtantra, guys save this story as you can use it in future discussion.

once in a jungle a jackal lost his tail. other animals use to laugh at him, so he decided a revange. he start saying that without tail life is good. movement is easy and many other benefits.
other animal too fall into his lie and cut there tail.

sane goes to neo-converts. once they convert they forget there history. The multilevek marketting agent and religious preechers are same. you talk to both, you will feel same.

once i was aproched by a christian who tried to convert me. He didn't stand near my logic.
typical Indian... quoting a "reliable" news source like Fox News. I pity you people.

I have already explained my choice of source earlier. I will copy paste the same explanation as you seem to have missed it:

Firstly Fox news is discussing the integration of Muslims in the West. Trust me I know more about American politics and media than you(I have spent quite a bit of time on the other side of the border in Silicon Valley ). I know about Herman Cain dropping out due to a love affair outside his marriage (or his revolutionary 9-9-9 economic policy), Rick Sanotrum announcing his withdrawal from president candidacy a couple days ago and so on. Yeah I know Fox news is a right wing source (compared to MSNBC or CNN), and shows like Jon Stewart and Colbert mock it 24/7 (I love both of them). But the thing is majority of Americans watch Fox News and this is what they get to hear and this is how they think. I dont stand by any of the points raised in the news clip I showed you, I disagree with them, but to say that Muslims are integrated into the society when one of the largest media corporations essentially is asking for a ban on Muslim immigration shows the vulnerability of your point.
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