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Pfizer Vaccine Less Effective Against Delta Infections but Prevents Severe Illness, Israeli Data Show

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States

TEL AVIV—Data from Israel suggest Pfizer Inc.’s vaccine is less effective at protecting against infections caused by the Delta variant of Covid-19 but retains its potency to prevent severe illness from the highly contagious strain.

The vaccine protected 64% of inoculated people from infection during an outbreak of the Delta variant, down from 94% before, according to Israel’s Health Ministry. It was 94% effective at preventing severe illness in the same period, compared with 97% before, the ministry said.

An Israeli official said Tuesday the health ministry findings released a day earlier were preliminary and based on data collected from June 6 through early July.

Late Tuesday, the health ministry released a brief explanation of its methodology and the data on which its findings were based. The ministry said it produced the efficacy percentage of the vaccine by analyzing the number of infections among the vaccinated compared to those unvaccinated in the given period, while also accounting for influential factors such as the week of infection, age and whether the person was infected in the past.
So Pfizer is now only as effective as Sinovac? Lololol
not really sinnovac is even less effective when it come to delta variant as all vaccine are less effective against that variant for sinovac efficacy against alpha is 67% against gamma 40-50% against delta the data still not published
and remember these are preventing the disease but in all cases preventing the death and hospitalization is still high for Chinese and American vaccines
not really sinnovac is even less effective when it come to delta variant as all vaccine are less effective against that variant for sinovac efficacy against alpha is 67% against gamma 40-50% against delta the data still not published
and remember these are preventing the disease but in all cases preventing the death and hospitalization is still high for Chinese and American vaccines
Sure.... I believe you. Funny how sinopharm is never mentioned for comparison. You do know MRNA vaccines are less effective against different variants right? Going by your logic and using proportional math, if Pfizer effectiveness dropped by 25% then shouldn't Sinovac be only 25% effective? Then everybody in China should have been infected by now. Lol
Sure.... I believe you. Funny how sinopharm is never mentioned for comparison. You do know MRNA vaccines are less effective against different variants right? Going by your logic and using proportional math, if Pfizer effectiveness dropped by 25% then shouldn't Sinovac be only 25% effective? Then everybody in China should have been infected by now. Lol

No as China has been successful in keeping virus levels low by fast and hard localised lockdowns going up to city levels.

If there is not much virus present to start off with then vaccines are not as important.
No as China has been successful in keeping virus levels low by fast and hard localised lockdowns going up to city levels.

If there is not much virus present to start off with then vaccines are not as important.

mankind vs mother nature, mankind always loses.
Sure.... I believe you. Funny how sinopharm is never mentioned for comparison. You do know MRNA vaccines are less effective against different variants right? Going by your logic and using proportional math, if Pfizer effectiveness dropped by 25% then shouldn't Sinovac be only 25% effective? Then everybody in China should have been infected by now. Lol
well , you can't calculate it like that . it depend on the variant of the virus you based your vaccine on and exactly where mutation occurred
Isn't mRNA suppose to be more powerful than inactive which explains why the side effects are very powerful ? Why would anyone prefer this to inactive if it is the same cure.
Isn't mRNA suppose to be more powerful than inactive which explains why the side effects are very powerful ? Why would anyone prefer this to inactive if it is the same cure.

Inactive only works if you already had covid. Inactive don't infect cells to induce cellular response. Inactive only induces antibody response if you already had covid.
Inactive only works if you already had covid. Inactive don't infect cells to induce cellular response. Inactive only induces antibody response if you already had covid.
Isn't inactive suppose to inject you with a dead virus ?
I guess that's the reason for the attack on Chinese vaccines. :azn: :azn: :azn:

We are not worse than China, we are the same as China.Don't abandon us.
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