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Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

This obsession with "dairy" is a Punjabi thing.

Punjabis are 60% of our population, whereas Punjabis are only 2% of India's population.

So it is not surprising that our National Average Dairy Consumption is much higher than India's.
Actually, there is a research, South Indians cant digest dairy products like North Indians. Its not good for them to have anything more than small quantities of dairy. They are mostly lactose intolerant if taken in large quantities.
North Indians can and do have more. Different genes leading to different traditional consumption.
Actually, there is a research, South Indians cant digest dairy products like North Indians. Its not good for them to have anything more than small quantities of dairy. They are mostly lactose intolerant if taken in large quantities.
North Indians can and do have more. Different genes leading to different traditional consumption.

Also South Indians compensate nutritionally by eating more sea food and and taste wise using coconut.
Actually, there is a research, South Indians cant digest dairy products like North Indians. Its not good for them to have anything more than small quantities of dairy. They are mostly lactose intolerant if taken in large quantities.
North Indians can and do have more. Different genes leading to different traditional consumption.

Also South Indians compensate nutritionally by eating more sea food and and taste wise using coconut.

As they say, half knowledge is dangerous.

In incompetent hands (or heads) it is even more so. ;)

PS : India Should learn to compare herself with china and try catching up with the dragon....They succeeded mainly due to population control.........

Normal Pak ppl may believe in hardword....but i dont think they have the opportunities to work ....Population is growing faster than the job market

PS : India Should learn to compare herself with china and try catching up with the dragon....They succeeded mainly due to population control.........

Normal Pak ppl may believe in hardword....but i dont think they have the opportunities to work ....Population is growing faster than the job market

Talking about ablution, avg Indian knows nothing about cleanliness. India's rivers have been turned into open sewers by 638 million Indians without access to toilets, according to rural development minister Jairam Ramesh. He was reacting a UNICEF report that says Indians make up 58% of the world population which still practices open defection, and the sense of public hygiene in India is the worst in South Asia and the world.


Haq's Musings: India Leads the World in Open Defecation

India's population control has been done mainly by killing female fetuses and baby girls.

The land of former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi is killing its daughters by the millions. Economically resurgent India is witnessing a rapid unfolding of a female genocide in the making across all castes and classes, including the upper caste rich and the educated. The situation is particularly alarming among upper-caste Hindus in some of the urban areas of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, specially in parts of Punjab, where there are only 300 girls for every 1,000 boys, according to Laura Turquet, ActionAid's women's rights policy official.


Haq's Musings: Female Genocide Unfolding in India

As to jobs, Pakistan has created more jobs for its population than India in the last decade, according to World Bank.


Haq's Musings: India and Pakistan Comparison Update 2011
This obsession with "dairy" is a Punjabi thing.

Punjabis are 60% of our population, whereas Punjabis are only 2% of India's population.

So it is not surprising that our National Average Dairy Consumption is much higher than India's.

This statement about Punjabis alone as milk drinkers exposes your false flag.

The fact is that milk consumption is at least twice India's in all four provinces of Pakistan....and growing faster.

Still far lower HDI and far lower per capita income and education standards and literacy and the highest failed state index in the region!

My my, some incompetence here... ;)
Talking about ablution, avg Indian knows nothing about cleanliness. India's rivers have been turned into open sewers by 638 million Indians without access to toilets, according to rural development minister Jairam Ramesh. He was reacting a UNICEF report that says Indians make up 58% of the world population which still practices open defection, and the sense of public hygiene in India is the worst in South Asia and the world.


Haq's Musings: India Leads the World in Open Defecation

India's population control has been done mainly by killing female fetuses and baby girls.

The land of former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi is killing its daughters by the millions. Economically resurgent India is witnessing a rapid unfolding of a female genocide in the making across all castes and classes, including the upper caste rich and the educated. The situation is particularly alarming among upper-caste Hindus in some of the urban areas of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, specially in parts of Punjab, where there are only 300 girls for every 1,000 boys, according to Laura Turquet, ActionAid's women's rights policy official.


Haq's Musings: Female Genocide Unfolding in India

As to jobs, Pakistan has created more jobs for its population than India in the last decade, according to World Bank.


Haq's Musings: India and Pakistan Comparison Update 2011

Take cover ,more ablutions from Riazhaq
Talking about ablution, avg Indian knows nothing about cleanliness. India's rivers have been turned into open sewers by 638 million Indians without access to toilets, BLAH........................BLAH..............................BLAH.................................BLAH

BLAH........................BLAH..............................BLAH.................................BLAH............................. BLAH........................BLAH..............................BLAH.................................BLAH

BLAH........................BLAH..............................BLAH.................................BLAH... BLAH........................BLAH..............................BLAH.................................BLAH

Haq's Musings: India and Pakistan Comparison Update 2011

Man, India really sucks... However its worth thinking that if India is so low and pathetic in social indicators, AND PAKISTAN IS EVEN LOWER THAN INDIA in Human Development, how bad really must Pakistan suck.. :lol:
Man, India really sucks... However its worth thinking that if India is so low and pathetic in social indicators, AND PAKISTAN IS EVEN LOWER THAN INDIA in Human Development, how bad really must Pakistan suck.. :lol:

It exposes the inadequacy of HDI as a reliable indicator.

HDI ignores somethings as basic as hygiene and hunger.

How else could a nation made up of mostly hungry open defecators be classified higher than any of its neighbors.

Haq's Musings: India Leads the World in Open Defecation
End of the day.

Per capita GDP (PPP)

129 India 3,694 2011
137 Pakistan 2,787 2011

32% lower and the difference increasing every day.


Medium human development
134 steady India 0.547 increase 0.005

Low human development
145 steady Pakistan 0.504 increase 0.001

Pakistan needs help from the world and us, not this pathetic bluster.

But for that, it has to first get rid of these bigots that are keeping it down by the pathetic diversions and pillow technology. ;)
It exposes the inadequacy of HDI as a reliable indicator.

HDI ignores somethings as basic as hygiene and hunger.

How else could a nation made up of mostly hungry open defecators be classified higher than any of its neighbors.

Haq's Musings: India Leads the World in Open Defecation

The 100% haq certified reliance test of social indicators -

India - bad bad bad baad .......... Pakistan - ok,good good very good ................... Very reliable indicator

.India - Good good good ........Pak - bad bad bad.................................This indicator is not reliable ....either itsa conspiracy or the indicator does not cover the esp aspects

100 % haq certified method to correctly check social indicators in terms of numbers

India - very high............... pak - very low ........... the correct method - using per capita, per/1000 ,/100 000 ,per ,per ,per,per................
Pak very high.............. india -very low.......................the correct method - use the total numbers


These are copyrighted methods...usage or reprinting without permission is stricting punishable offense under the ablution laws of Musinghaq ,under RPC [ riaz penal code ] 420, 430 and 734
End of the day.

Per capita GDP (PPP)

129 India 3,694 2011
137 Pakistan 2,787 2011

32% lower and the difference increasing every day.


Medium human development
134 steady India 0.547 increase 0.005

Low human development
145 steady Pakistan 0.504 increase 0.001

Pakistan needs help from the world and us, not this pathetic bluster.

But for that, it has to first get rid of these bigots that are keeping it down by the pathetic diversions and pillow technology. ;)

HDI is inadequate but India's PPP GDP is outright bogus.

Here's an interesting explanation in The Hindu on PPP or purchasing power parity correction factor:

...A $ 100 note is exchangeable today at around Rs 4,500. But with Rs 4,500, you can buy more goods and services in India than with $100 in the US.

Therefore, India's GDP expressed in dollars at current exchange rates is lower than what it would be when adjusted for PPP, i.e. the exchange rate reflecting a currency's effective local buying power.

The Survey estimates India's PPP correction factor at 2.9, meaning the stuff available here for $100 will cost $290 in the US. That corresponds to an exchange rate of roughly Rs 15.5 to the dollar. But the interesting bit is about the linkage with GDP. Countries with per capita GDP of $1,000-1,400 in 2009 – which include India, Pakistan and Vietnam — have an average PPP adjustment factor of 2.3.

In comparison, those with per capita GDP (unadjusted for PPP) between $8,000-12,000 — the likes of Brazil, Mexico, Russia and Turkey – require a correction of only 1.6 or thereabouts.

From this follows the conclusion that as economies grow, the required PPP adjustment also falls. Thus, India currently has a per capita GDP of $1,300 with a PPP correction of 2.9.

If the present high growth rates continue, its per capita GDP would touch $10,000 in 2039. By then, its PPP correction factor, too, would have dropped to 1.6, implying that the same basket of commodities costing $290 in the US (assuming no inflation there) will now be available here for $181, as against the earlier $100 level.

The fall in the PPP adjustment factor from 2.9 to 1.6 by 2039, in turn, entails either (a) an appreciation of the rupee to Rs 24.9 to the dollar or, (b) prices in India rising cumulatively by 81 per cent or 2 per cent per annum in constant dollars or, (c) a combination of both. Assuming three-fourths of the reduction to happen via (b), it would translate into an average annual dollar price inflation of 1.5 per cent in India. And that is what the Survey (more precisely, Dr Basu) calls ‘PPP catch-up inflation'.

Elegant though this formulation is — as is to be expected from our erudite Professor — it is not without flaws.
The order of catch-up

The main problem has to do with the direction of causality. Does inflation result from PPP levels aligning themselves closer to market-determined exchange rates? Or, is it just the other way round, wherein inflation is a cause rather than effect of PPP catch-up? The Basu formulation — an adaptation of the so-called Balassa-Samuelson effect — seemingly presumes PPP catch-up to be the causal variable, which necessarily engenders inflation.

To quote from the Survey: “…due to this apparent fall in the PPP correction factor, there would be some increase in prices…(The country) would face an inflation of 2 per cent per annum solely on account of this PPP adjustment”.

In the real world, however, things probably work in the reverse. As inflation erodes the rupee's domestic purchasing power, the basket of goods and services that can be bought with Rs 4,500 will shrink over time. Assuming no corresponding depreciation of the rupee, domestic prices would increasingly approach global levels.

In the process, the PPP exchange rate is driven nearer to the market-determined exchange rate. We are, in other words, talking of ‘inflation catch-up PPP' as opposed to ‘PPP catch-up inflation'!
Lamb vs. Tiger

The phenomenon of ‘inflation catch-up PPP' can be seen in India, where the rupee has, over the years, emerged as a ‘lamb' at home and a ‘tiger' abroad. Since 2004-05, it has depreciated by hardly 4 per cent against the dollar, which is way below the 46 per cent rise in the all-commodities wholesale price index..

Business Line : Columns / Harish Damodaran : Inflation, exchange rates and PPP

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