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Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

indains have habbit of flocking outside with its massive population so no big deal with hindus,its jews
because in India there is no place for bright people, either you have have a lot of money, or be a reserve candidate that too from the sc & st all other reservations are also an eye wash, so the bright people have no place here, many in Andhra Karnataka sell all their property to go abroad and study and settle there.
The fact that Hindus and Jews earn the most in US goes to show this is a saazish by RAW and Mossad against Pakistan. Zardari is a RAW agent. So are Musharraf and Kayani. This is Sixth Generation Warfare (6GW) against Pakistan. : Lal Topi
Are most of the top earning and educated Hindus Brahmins? Just curious, because most smart Indians I know are. The Indian Christians (mostly from South), Muslims and lower caste Hindus don't seem to be too bright.. at least the ones I know.
What does intelligence have to do with caste or religion?

If they are educated, they will do well. If they are not educated, they will not do as well.
@al-Hasani @Saif al-Arab

You see what I mean, there isn't even an 'Arab' option. Even when I was in high school and taking meap tests/surveys there was no option for Arab. There was only white. They don't classify us as ethnic group, they classify us with the majority of the country, all Latinos and White Americans. Otherwise we would be close to Jews if not more honestly. We are catching up very quickly, our next generation will definitely have big stake in society at rate we're working. Every major university you will find many Arabs in them, we've integrated pretty well and created our own organizations. We have high medical degree turnout.

I don't know the reason behind classifying us as whites.
Selective immigration. Creme from India immigrate.

Definitely selective immigration
Indian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"According to the 2010 United States Census,[14] the Asian Indian population in the United States grew from almost 1,678,765 in 2000 (0.6% of U.S. population) to 2,843,391 in 2010 (0.9% of U.S. population), a growth rate of 69.37%, one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States, although it is still one of the smallest communities in the US, not even completely one percent."

Lots of college grads coming over...especially through H1B.
If that had been the case, Nepal would have outsmarted rest of the region, isn't?
I can see this has already been discussed to death, but as you quoted me, I just wanted to put in my two cents.

Faith is not the ONLY factor, however, you cannot deny that faith affects culture, which in turn is ONE of the factors impacting intelligence. Genetics, nutrition, early childhood stimulation etc may be as or even more important. All that can be said of Nepal is that faith is probably not the limiting factor.

Too much religion of any kind is often not good for the brains, highly prescriptive religions are the worst offenders. If you care to google you can find religious instructions on how to wipe your @$$, I kid you not, people really do ask these questions, they need to be told the most religiously appropriate way to wipe.

Many Jews in America are Culturally Jewish but atheist or agnostic in belief. Again culture is not everything, Ashkenazi do seem to have a genetic advantage also. Last but not least it cannot be totally random that science has rarely if ever flourished together with dogmatic faith, it is one or the other.
Definitely selective immigration
Indian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"According to the 2010 United States Census,[14] the Asian Indian population in the United States grew from almost 1,678,765 in 2000 (0.6% of U.S. population) to 2,843,391 in 2010 (0.9% of U.S. population), a growth rate of 69.37%, one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States, although it is still one of the smallest communities in the US, not even completely one percent."

Lots of college grads coming over...especially through H1B.

It is not selective immigration. India graduates millions every year and not everyone seeks to go abroad. In fact majority do not seek to go abroad. It is just that the huge number of quantity as well as quality that India produces and the high entry barrier US places for Indian immigration makes sure that those getting through are educated.
@al-Hasani @Saif al-Arab

You see what I mean, there isn't even an 'Arab' option. Even when I was in high school and taking meap tests/surveys there was no option for Arab. There was only white. They don't classify us as ethnic group, they classify us with the majority of the country, all Latinos and White Americans. Otherwise we would be close to Jews if not more honestly. We are catching up very quickly, our next generation will definitely have big stake in society at rate we're working. Every major university you will find many Arabs in them, we've integrated pretty well and created our own organizations. We have high medical degree turnout.

I don't know the reason behind classifying us as whites.

Race doesn't really matter, the survey is based on religion. If you think Arab Muslims are doing pretty well, which Muslim group do you think is bringing the percentage down? The South Asian Muslims? Or the African Muslims?

40% of the Muslims in America are graduates,


And 20% Muslims have household income of above $100,000

I can see this has already been discussed to death, but as you quoted me, I just wanted to put in my two cents.

Faith is not the ONLY factor, however, you cannot deny that faith affects culture, which in turn is ONE of the factors impacting intelligence. Genetics, nutrition, early childhood stimulation etc may be as or even more important. All that can be said of Nepal is that faith is probably not the limiting factor.

Too much religion of any kind is often not good for the brains, highly prescriptive religions are the worst offenders. If you care to google you can find religious instructions on how to wipe your @$$, I kid you not, people really do ask these questions, they need to be told the most religiously appropriate way to wipe.

Many Jews in America are Culturally Jewish but atheist or agnostic in belief. Again culture is not everything, Ashkenazi do seem to have a genetic advantage also. Last but not least it cannot be totally random that science has rarely if ever flourished together with dogmatic faith, it is one or the other.
Stringent belief in religion does limit one's ability to adopt scientific approach and there have been abundant proof of this within Hindu, as well as non-Hindu community within and outside India. Let us agree to it. But the immediate assumption that 'certain faiths' have this limitation and others (assume Dharmic ones) have not is not at all correct. Interestingly Buddhists did not scored well though being a Socio-economic factors influenced by the mode of governance, State effort for better health care and education for citizens come into play.

For example, a number of non-Hindu countries like Iran, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri Lanka have fared equally well if not better than India. This also challenges the assumption that atheist communities are in socially and economically better shaped than others. In short, it is primarily the way of governance, human development parameters, social condition of that community in that particular country that determine the results, not ones faith.

What about Asians, Arabs, etc...? Were they even polled?

EDIT: There isn't even option for Arab Americans, they put Arabs into one group with 'WHite' AMericans. No wonder, otherwise we would've been up there.
They did not put you into white category, the survey was done on religious lines.
Ok, I am glad we can both agree that stringent religion of any color is a retardant of scientific enquiry and certainly I would agree that Dharmic religions also fall short, I am sure the cultural advantages/disadvantages of being born to whatever caste has a strong impact on intelligence and it's use.

Where maybe we see differently is the EXTENT of impact of different faiths on culture. Faith can be all encompassing and unforgiving. I am sure you agree with me that beheading for apostasy is a more extreme reaction when compared to social disapprobation for failing to blindly follow all the strictures of Hinduism. Again a religion that has rules on how to wipe your @$$ is more intrusive than one that says "many ways to one God " . Caste is the exception here and has had an overwhelming impact in the past and continues to do but it's impact is much diminished and hopefully will be negligible in our lifetimes.

You mention non- Hindu countries that have done well like Iran and Malaysia. I would say that faith affects culture but is not the sole determinant. Malaysian Chinese who make up the bulk of " doing well through own efforts" have great respect for knowledge and would not let anything, whether it is religion or their grandfather impact their ability to make money. As for Iranians, they are a very talented people who do well in secular environments, yet when you look at how they live in their own country, it proves my point that in this case religion has got in the way. They would do better if they were Buddhist.

Stringent belief in religion does limit one's ability to adopt scientific approach and there have been abundant proof of this within Hindu, as well as non-Hindu community within and outside India. Let us agree to it. But the immediate assumption that 'certain faiths' have this limitation and others (assume Dharmic ones) have not is not at all correct. Interestingly Buddhists did not scored well though being a Socio-economic factors influenced by the mode of governance, State effort for better health care and education for citizens come into play.

For example, a number of non-Hindu countries like Iran, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri Lanka have fared equally well if not better than India. This also challenges the assumption that atheist communities are in socially and economically better shaped than others. In short, it is primarily the way of governance, human development parameters, social condition of that community in that particular country that determine the results, not ones faith.

They did not put you into white category, the survey was done on religious lines.
LOL. I am glad you have finally decided to accept the truth. Took me a long time, but congratulations.

I agree with everything you say.

Before I start asking VHP to start collages in Kerala, I need to ask them to take away the land gifted to Christian institutions by the british. I also need to ask for the "reservation" for christians be removed from "minority" institutions and putting and end to religious discrimination and Bigotry.

There are NO reservations for "Hindus" in hindu owned collages. The law does not consider Hindus a minorty and hence no reservation. When will you stop lying ?
VHP in kerala??.haha. Don't make silly jokes.Tamil actor 'Vijay' has more memberships than your 'VHP' wing in Kerala.It says all..Moreover Kerala is not Maharastra or Gujarat nor we are like Marathi or Gujarati Christians..
There are 3 types of quotas in all self financing medical colleges of Kerala,including the Christian owned.
1.Government Quota-50%( purely based on merit from the entrance examination conducted by the government,no religious shit)
2.Management quota-35%(respective management choice entirely,They give more preference to Hindus if its a Hindu owned institution)
NRI quota-15%(NRI Students,Very high donations and fees).
looks like you have no idea about their functioning.
Lol. Seriously. The medicine department in my medical college which is in eastern India is full of keralite Christians. And about Muslims, well if Christians found a way to succeed who stopped Muslims. And about lower caste Hindus, they are now over represented due to reservation. Many are bright in lower Caste Hindus too. We had a few in our class. But you are seriously misinformed about South Indian Christians.

I am a so called Brahmin but we are not rich. My father struggled his way up. So I am, I broke into a highly competitive entrance exam to where I am. There are no free lunch. Compete or die.
@levina look at the ignorance here. You belong to kerala. That's why I dragged you here.
there is reasone behind for growth of upper cast , because of reservation policy hardly any seat left for forwards cast for goverment job or education , forward cast kid has no option except to work very hard ,other wise they will not survive

in my state chattisgrah righ now reservation is

schedule cast-12%
schedule tribe-32%
other backword cast-14%
physical handicap -3%
freedom fighter-3%
central goverment -3%

total become -97%

so if you are a forward cast boy ,you have to fight for 22 % seat only and if you are girl than you are little lucky ,will get chanse to fight for 33 % seat

I am a so called upper caste Hindu who couldn't qualify for JEE Advance though two SC/ST's candidates can qualify with my score. I fear my parents would probably disown me if I fail to secure admission into a government engineering college this year. :cray:


Heck even the cut-off's run into negative for some categories...:hang3:
I am a so called upper caste Hindu who couldn't qualify for JEE Advance though two SC/ST's candidates can qualify with my score. I fear my parents would probably disown me if I fail to secure admission into a government engineering college this year. :cray:

LOL In that case Sir, may I recommend you spend more time hitting the books and less time on PDF ? :lol:

Actually the issue here is that we need more educational institutes of good calibre, so that ALL deserving students of all groupings can get a quality education and reservations don't ruin anyone's life.

Also the criteria should not be only marks, lots of people get great grades but lack basic common sense, I would rather have doctor with common sense, basic decency and some people skills to the hermit geniuses we seem to be producing in such large numbers.
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