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Petrol prices may rise by up to Rs5.60 per litre

Yup, considering the pace at which its increasing right now, one can easily guess. Same is happening with electricity rates, it's also been increased twice in 2 months now..
Don't cry. Every government manipulates price rise in GDP growth. :smart: More price rise, more growth.:azn:
lol you didn't had to tell me about this.. :pissed:

Then you must noted this little devil of a detail:

"The implementation of the plan will reduce subsidy to Rs252bn from Rs396bn (estimated without tariff increase)."

So after this increase is implemented, the government still has to reduce energy subsidies by another 250 billion rupees, since this increase, massive as it is, will reduce the present subsidy from about 400 billion rupees to about 250. Anyone can do the math to see where the energy rates will go. Hint: not down.
Then you must noted this little devil of a detail:

"The implementation of the plan will reduce subsidy to Rs252bn from Rs396bn (estimated without tariff increase)."

So after this increase is implemented, the government still has to reduce energy subsidies by another 250 billion rupees, since this increase, massive as it is, will reduce the present subsidy from about 400 billion rupees to about 250. Anyone can do the math to see where the energy rates will go. Hint: not down.

We are doomed then. And sir stop making me worried at least till Eid :cray: This month's electricity bill has already done enough damage.. I'm the eldest one in all my cousins so I'm almost screwed already lol
We are doomed then. And sir stop making me worried at least till Eid :cray: This month's electricity bill has already done enough damage.. I'm the eldest one in all my cousins so I'm almost screwed already lol

We are not doomed, and you will have a great Eid.

But it is only the future that we created for ourselves over the last several decades is finally dawning upon us now. That is all.
We are not doomed, and you will have a great Eid.

But it is only the future that we created for ourselves over the last several decades is finally dawning upon us now. That is all.

I know all this but the thing is, while Electricity and Patrol price will go upwards, Rupee value as compared to USD will go down.. What actual salary do you think a common man will be left with, especially those who are average or low salaried people. Their life will become more and more difficult for a period of time. After that, if things will go well, we'll start to get benefits and that is a big IF..
I know all this but the thing is, while Electricity and Patrol price will go upwards, Rupee value as compared to USD will go down.. What actual salary do you think a common man will be left with, especially those who are average or low salaried people. Their life will become more and more difficult for a period of time. After that, if things will go well, we'll start to get benefits and that is a big IF..

Well, we know from an honorable TT that there is no limit to our "Dheetness" and people will go ob as if nothing is wrong, even with all the rise in mehngai (cost) that your are mentioning:

I don't know how long you have lived in Pakistan but believe me Pakistanis are one 'Dheet Qaum', i don't think there is any limits to our 'Dheetness'. I have lived through a time in Summer when we had 15 hours load-shedding everyday, and i live in Cantt Lahore. People went on with their everyday lives as if nothing is wrong.

The problem is that we are selfish, the syndrome of 'NIMBY' applies perfectly to us. We don't give a damn as long as our loved ones are safe and secure. We don't care if the poor die, the most common notion that is paraded is that we are already over populated, let the TTP kill some. Its absolutely despicable, and than there are a strong few who actually hold a lot of sympathy for the TTP despite the savagery they have committed. I mean we have @Zarvan who believes that TTP are the soldiers of Allah and are justified in their act, i mean its simply mind boggling. In their eyes, Muslims can do no wrong and all the blame lies with Jews, Hindus and Christians.

Thats the crux of the problem, there is no concept of sacking from Public Service. A 'Sarkari Nokri' is considered a job for life, its taken for granted, there is zero percent chance of you getting fired. You might get suspended, put on OSD, but sooner or later you will be reinstated.
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Well, we know from an honorable TT that there is no limit to our "Dheetness" and people will go ob as if nothing is wrong, even with all the rise in mehngai (cost) that your are mentioning:

This was perfectly demonstrated when the new Civic 2013 came out. Despite costing 22 Lakh, people were paying 'On Fees' of 2 lakh rupees just to book the car and even than there was a wait time of more than a month. Shahnawaz is going to carry the new CLS Model for Mercedes and the lot has already been sold out, people had pre-booked it almost a year before. Just drive through M M Alam Road in Lahore and you won't find a single restaurant that has a wait line of at-least 30 minutes. The rich continue to prosper while the poor continue to get even worse, some even killing their children because they cannot afford to feed them.

The only thing that can change this nation is through a revolution, a bloody one that kills executes all the elite. For now and the foreseeable future, this looks very bleak because the elite have an iron grip control over all the institutions. The poor are immoral, easy to buy out and lack the courage to spill blood.
The only thing that can change this nation is through a revolution, a bloody one that kills executes all the elite. For now and the foreseeable future, this looks very bleak because the elite have an iron grip control over all the institutions. The poor are immoral, easy to buy out and lack the courage to spill blood.

And people call me a pessimist here? :D

I agree with you 100% Sir.
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