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Petrol at 127.30 - highest ever

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On a serious note yeah I know this sounds a-holish but if you're single try to use public transport more
Can save you money but I don't know about time though
o yeahhh is he doing us a favor by raising the voice against Islamophobia???? thats his job, his duty mate. last time i checked he was elected pm by the people of ISLAMIC republic of PAKISTAN. its his constitutional duty to make Islamic education part of our curriculum. he took an oath. and he knows that the day anyone decides to accept israel will be lynched alive by the people of Pakistan.
lets c the other picture. he declared any person going for Kashmir Jihad an enemy of Pakistan. his govt has passed several anti Islamic bills without even consulting the Islamic Ideology Council. he broke an agreement against a major religious Political party and later murdered several civilians for protesting. homosexuality is being promoted and randi marches have become common where they abuse Islamic values. vulgarity has increased. liberals and secular forces are gaining momentum. traitor r roaming free and openly abusing armed forces of Pakistan. corrupt are enjoying in foreign countries. do u want me to go on???????????
who is the FREAKIN HYPOCRITE now??????????
Oh boy you're one of those tlp nutties right?- let me tell you not a lot of people like y'all some may do but vast majority don't

You can't force your views on other's, it's not a dictatorship

This guy's the "religious" leader right?
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You have OBVIOUSLY taken into account wages and disposable income in UK

The AVERAGE MONTHLY wage In August 2021 employees in the United Kingdom were earning a median pay of 1.98 thousand pounds per month, which was a large increase from the 1.5 thousand pounds per month they were earning in July 2014.

Totally unskilled dustbin men who pick up rubbish

The average pay for a Garbage Man is £31,312 a year and £15 an hour in London, United Kingdom. The average salary range for a Garbage Man is between £24,018 and £37,302

There is a vast shortage of UNSKILLED and SKILLED employees. You could walk into any job centre and by the afternoon be in a job that pays over 30,000 pounds

Look at the job vacancies.
THEY ARE THE HIGHEST IN 21 YEARS AND MORE. I just did want to go back 50 years as even then these figures are going to be the HIGHEST EVER

View attachment 781170
Only few sectors are showing increase in my opinion, mostly related to healthcare.
Pakistan is importing Oil just like UK, so both buy the Oil at the same price so when the prices rises it should on the same percentage but its not, rate of price rise of fuel is alot lower than in UK.
You dont get it. He is saying that the rise in fuel in UK affects him the same way it affects a Pakistani. That its equal to the pain felt by a Pakistani on 15000Pkr a month while he earns anything from £24,000 a year. The pain of balancing the living budget is the same according to him. This is patently wrong.

Just like you can't compare the cost of production of a litre of MIlk in UK to Pakistan because it will be alot cheaper in Pakistan
We are not comparing the cost of production. We would if the incomes were the same
Only few sectors are showing increase in my opinion, mostly related to healthcare.

Look at the graph . Highest vacancies in 20 years. If you go further back you will find its highest vacancies in 60 years if not EVER.

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This is never understood when you have such a free media

So the reform should be to hold Putin at gun point and demand that he increase production so price falls?

Broadening tax base, increasing exports, substituting imported products by encouraging production in Pakistan and this has resulted in many encouraging signs such as smart phone production in Pakistan and revival of textile industry

Why we did not decrease the prices when prices were record low in international market?? The gain took at that time should use for respite in this hard time.
No, Indians are paying only approx 100rs inr/liter

You are paying more local rupees for a liter compare to Indians

It is not Indian fault that doller prise in Pakistan is high.

It is a fault of government only...
I am not against India's petroleum pricing. It will lead to technological boom and India will become electrified to the level of where China is today within 5 years. I just want to show that Pakistan government has no revenue and debt repayments are piling up. We as Indians can't even imagine subsidy in Petroleum, we are paying 200% taxes and our govt even removed subsidies from Gas recently. We have huge revenues from Sin goods while Pakistan is a dry state and no revenue.
*I am Indian bro
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I think he has also realized that.

He would have survived, had there been any industry left. What he realized when he took charge that Pakistan is left with two industries: Ittefaq Foundries, and Sugar Mills Mafia

People shouldn't make promises without researching a little bit. I wouldn't have run for the election in Pakistan. Even I knew Pakistan is empty. The only reason I voted for him to come to power to hold those accountable for the plunder. But that idea failed too. You can't touch powerful in Pakistan. That's something not possible whether you are a PM or an Army Chief.

Sab ki tou videos bani huee hain...

You have no knowledge about industry in Pakistan. Pakistan was lacking in power infrastructure when PMLN took the charge, today we are surplus and out of that that crises. Pakistan steel, auto, fertiliser, chemical, cement, textile almost every sector grew at 5% per year. Almost every sector doubled its production capacity, all was to do that to maintain that momentum. In first two years of this government we reversed everything now we are looking down the barrel.
You have no knowledge about industry in Pakistan. Pakistan was lacking in power infrastructure when PMLN took the charge, today we are surplus and out of that that crises. Pakistan steel, auto, fertiliser, chemical, cement, textile almost every sector grew at 5% per year. Almost every sector doubled its production capacity, all was to do that to maintain that momentum. In first two years of this government we reversed everything now we are looking down the barrel.
Yeah we are surplus that we have to pay capacity payment no matter we use it or not.

Thank you nawaz sharif to made such contracts.

Pata nahi kaha kaha se ajatay hai
Oh boy you're one of those tlp nutties right?- let me tell you not a lot of people like y'all some may do but vast majority don't

You can't force your views on other's, it's not a dictatorship
View attachment 781209
This guy's the "religious" leader right?
thats the best reply u got??? i mentioned a lot of other things but u picked up the TLP pointer. :crazy:
ur reply tells a lot about u mate.
I the past few months, I have reached to a conclusion that you can't fix the situation, no matter what you do. People are hell bent on bringing those crooks back, who looted them in broad daylight and then ran away.

It's destiny of Pakistan to remain like this while others progress to prosperity.

Stockholm syndrome. One where you actually start loving your torturer.
Pakistanio ka bi yei haal hai. But but but the roads Nawaz gave us!!!

Pakistani's to Nawaz: Come back and screw us some more!
Did govt increase the price to win next elections?

Govt increased the price to win next elections?

See I can do that too View attachment 781143
Sir mistakenly you paste the pti govt price chart in nawaz box

Petrol Prices Increased to Rs. 127.30 per liter! The highest ever price in the history of Pakistan.

Dollar crossing Rs. 171 - the highest ever in the history of Pakistan.

The finance ministry said Pakistan’s prices are lowest in region but we also have one of the lowest GDP per Capita in the region. It also declined 14% since 2018.

The respite offer by Covid is now over. Current account deficit is back, the myth of the economic turn around is dead… interest rates will now rise to stop consumption which will lead to less economic activity… massive spending to drive the economy are at a halt… we are going back right where we started - about to hit a massive wall and the party is now over!
Via ali moeen from Facebook

Tabdeeli agaayii hai boysss
The prices globally have gone up
In India petrol costs INR 100 or PKR 200.


This is why we need robust public transport
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