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Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt

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Jan 24, 2008
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WASHINGTON: Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command, has told U.S. officials the next two weeks are critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive.

"The Pakistanis have run out of excuses" and are "finally getting serious" about combating the threat from Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists operating out of Northwest Pakistan, the general added.

But Petraeus also said wearily that "we've heard it all before" from the Pakistanis and he is looking to see concrete action by the government to destroy the Taliban in the next two weeks before determining the United States' next course of action, which is presently set on propping up the Pakistani government and military with counterinsurgency training and foreign aid.

Petraeus made these assessment in talks with lawmakers and Obama administration officials this week, according to individuals familiar with the discussions.

They said Petraeus and senior administration officials believe the Pakistani army, led by Chief of Staff Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, is "superior" to the civilian government, led by President Ali Zardari, and could conceivably survive even if Zardari's government falls to the Taliban.

As for the security of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said last Saturday, in an interview with media in Baghdad, that the U.S. believes the arsenal to be "safe" but only "given the current configuration of power in Pakistan."

She described as "the unthinkable" a situation in which the Zardari government were to be toppled by the Taliban, adding "then they would have the keys to the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan, and we can't even contemplate that. We cannot let this go on any further..."

Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt. - GEO.tv
Seems like America had enough of this zardari government and want a change, so this should ring bells in Islamabad.:angry::crazy:

Is it time for a new military dictator???
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And there may be some evidence that Pakistan either treats India as a less of a threat now or that it is not concerned with Indian movements due to local elections.
The following article from PTI says that Pakistan moved troops from LoC. It has been widely quoted in Indian media, but AFAIK PTI started this (Pak readers take this with a pinch of salt).
Pak moves troops from Indian border, defeats Taliban in Dir
there is no scope for a military dictator in Pakistan as US will not permit it and PA has clear understanding of the same.

at the same time it is nice to note that Zardari has stuck to his comments of India not being a threat persistently ...... he should survive in office for some more time I guess if not assasinated for being so bold (reminds of Anwar-el-Sadat)

will it be that son in law follows father in law? the father in law saw east pakistan break away, the son in law whole of it?
but this is disturbing .....

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

seems the Talibs gave a threat and its been implemented under garb of GoP directive. and excuse for women wearing tight t-shirts and jeans till date was that the principal was unaware .....

so .... 2 weeks may just be what is the time before Taliban writ is imposed ...
there is a lot of resistence in the US congress to pass emergency funding for pakistan because they want to impose un-acceptable conditionalities which the obama admn and the pentagon are opposing (they want a toning down to more realistic and acceptable benchmarks), so, therefore the statements enamating are to convince the congress to move forward on the legislation.

and for our indian friends - Pakistan is not going anywhere soon! this govt. however weak is going to stay. the PA is not about to takeover!
is there any difference between pir pagaro and this american idiot

its time some body tell these ppl stop acting gods or masters
I for believe if we stop taking US grants and aid, all of this nonsense will stop automatically, since Congress wont have to worry about aid being misspent and no more far cries and Obama administration wont have to go out of the way to convince congress/ senators and legislators about toning down their theoretic for the same.
The mess all comes down to money. If we think that WOT is legitimate and our territory is under threat from the militants, then we need to start working on our own and with our own resources to tackle the mess. Consider it on the same footing as we would have done it with India in case of a conflict. If not we simply refuse any more military action and tell the US same as well. In both cases this aid has to be refused. Seriously its getting more and more pathetic by the day. Let the US handle its own mess while we do the same on our on and no more BS and blame game. Moreover when ever will the damn GOP realize its about time fcking mine and fence the Pak Afghan damn border.
is there any difference between pir pagaro and this american idiot

its time some body tell these ppl stop acting gods or masters

The only way we can effectively tell them is when we stop taking aids in whatever form that is. It all comes down to money. Once the Americans know we don't need their aid or money and realize that Pakistan is going out of the US nexus and they don't have anymore leverage left over the Pakistani government or the army, they hardly have any over the population in general, all of this nonsense will cool down.
I for believe if we stop taking US grants and aid, all of this nonsense will stop automatically, since Congress wont have to worry about aid being misspent and no more far cries and Obama administration wont have to go out of the way to convince congress/ senators and legislators about toning down their theoretic for the same.
The mess all comes down to money. If we think that WOT is legitimate and our territory is under threat from the militants, then we need to start working on our own and with our own resources to tackle the mess. Consider it on the same footing as we would have done it with India in case of a conflict. If not we simply refuse any more military action and tell the US same as well. In both cases this aid has to be refused. Seriously its getting more and more pathetic by the day. Let the US handle its own mess while we do the same on our on and no more BS and blame game. Moreover when ever will the damn GOP realize its about time fcking mine and fence the Pak Afghan damn border.

do we use this grant
me you and millions like us earn what we sweat for
this aid is for عیاشی of our elite
97 % pakistanies want to leave american camp but only 2.5 to 3 persent brehmans want us to be disgraced for their own earnings

All Pakistan is a jungle
Every Pakistani has become a whore
Elite Rape the country
And we all act like a fool
Some sell religion, some sell dreams
Nation is dieing hungry and they are eating cream
Inter Elite conflicts, democracy and rule of law, all are their fraud
Government of elite for the elite by the elite is a big fraud.
They live in AC and we don’t even get fan
They travel in luxury cars which we never can
Their children study at Harvard when our children have no school
Tears and tears only for NATION OF 160 MILLION FOOL

The full statement also included these comments

Pakistan’s government is beginning to recognize that “the obsession with India as the mortal threat to Pakistan has been misguided, and that their biggest threat right now comes internally,” Obama said.

We'll stop thinking India is a threat when India stops obsessing about Pakistan. That wont be hapening soon I think, just take a look at this forum, watch Indian media, read Indian newspapers, hear comments from Indian politicians.
do we use this grant
me you and millions like us earn what we sweat for
this aid is for عیاشی of our elite
97 % pakistanies want to leave american camp but only 2.5 to 3 persent brehmans want us to be disgraced for their own earnings

All Pakistan is a jungle
Every Pakistani has become a whore
Elite Rape the country
And we all act like a fool
Some sell religion, some sell dreams
Nation is dieing hungry and they are eating cream
Inter Elite conflicts, democracy and rule of law, all are their fraud
Government of elite for the elite by the elite is a big fraud.
They live in AC and we don’t even get fan
They travel in luxury cars which we never can
Their children study at Harvard when our children have no school
Tears and tears only for NATION OF 160 MILLION FOOL

I agree. This aid wont benefit the regular Pakistani it will only benefit Zardari and his son whose studying in Oxford. The aid is just a carrot on a stick for the donkey.
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I for believe if we stop taking US grants and aid, all of this nonsense will stop automatically, since Congress wont have to worry about aid being misspent and no more far cries and Obama administration wont have to go out of the way to convince congress/ senators and legislators about toning down their theoretic for the same.
The mess all comes down to money. If we think that WOT is legitimate and our territory is under threat from the militants, then we need to start working on our own and with our own resources to tackle the mess. Consider it on the same footing as we would have done it with India in case of a conflict. If not we simply refuse any more military action and tell the US same as well. In both cases this aid has to be refused. Seriously its getting more and more pathetic by the day. Let the US handle its own mess while we do the same on our on and no more BS and blame game. Moreover when ever will the damn GOP realize its about time fcking mine and fence the Pak Afghan damn border.


I totally agree:agree:

About time GoP analysed situation through its own eyes and took steps in its own interest and not be dictated to.

PA is more than capable to meet any and all tasks asked of it immaterial of the length/duration of the time needed to achieve it.

In addition IMO PA will induct more experienced and capable troops within the areas dominated by Talibs to restamp the Pakistani writ in its own territories be they FATA or Baluchistan wherever.

As for 2 weeks, am saying this is doomsday fast forwarded if at all ..... but wilting to Talib demands does make me wonder
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