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Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

to phir kia Fatwah day rahe hain aap janab ?:lol:

waley logo ka or kia kaam hota hai? :lol:

on serious side of the note. If people want to fallow islam then their is no point of creating chaos in streets.
waley logo ka or kia kaam hota hai? :lol:

on serious side of the note. If people want to fallow islam then their is no point of creating chaos in streets.

yara the thing is you just cannot define something for people, how they are to perceive things is with them... they perfectly make their own choice, what we can do is try to convince them...

like I say keep the fear in their minds is a wonderful strategy...and if we dont have these protests or what you call chaos, they will do worse things more openly... we should keep the resistance in whatever form we can...

like I said the reason behind killing of two americans by the Afghan solider can be hurt sentiments...
loyalty to identity in whatever form is appreciated by me !
If we wanted to 'target' muslims, we could have done it a long time ago and in many ways. The young man demanded that a religious offense -- Quran burning by Jones -- be corrected by a muslim authority -- Iran. THAT, to me, constitute a declaration of a religious war. A religious war does not need the contestants to be religious. Just one will do. For that side, the conflict is sanctioned by a deity. So I do not see why the muslims have a problem calling it a 'war against non-muslims' but instead it is 'war against Islam'.

Yet more Muslims have died at the hands of "terrorists" than any non-Muslim... but off course.. its a war against non-Muslims.. thank you for clarifying that.

Since George Washington's repeatedly mentioned possession of a Quran means nothing, nor does the phrase "one nation under god"..
mean anything anymore..
Taking the desecration of the flag.. as equal to the desecration of a religious book..
When there are videos of popular pornographic stars doing "it" lying on an American flag.. but that is cool.. since America loves sex..that is not desecration.
And by equating it.. suddenly those millions of Muslims in the US are third rate citizen then.. will they be forced to swear a new oath to the US flag, have their social security numbers tattooed on their arms... confined to "zones".. and wear arm bands with a green crescent on it.. so that the rest know..these are Muslims..
since these Muslims are clearly more dangerous .. and disruptive.. than a pastor who puts the lives of Americans living abroad in even more danger that they are now.

When can we see the first Muslim burned on a stake?

Yet more Muslims have died at the hands of "terrorists" than any non-Muslim... but off course.. its a war against non-Muslims.. thank you for clarifying that.

Since George Washington's repeatedly mentioned possession of a Quran means nothing, nor does the phrase "one nation under god"..
mean anything anymore..
Taking the desecration of the flag.. as equal to the desecration of a religious book..
When there are videos of popular pornographic stars doing "it" lying on an American flag.. but that is cool.. since America loves sex..that is not desecration.
And by equating it.. suddenly those millions of Muslims in the US are third rate citizen then.. will they be forced to swear a new oath to the US flag, have their social security numbers tattooed on their arms... confined to "zones".. and wear arm bands with a green crescent on it.. so that the rest know..these are Muslims..
since these Muslims are clearly more dangerous .. and disruptive.. than a pastor who puts the lives of Americans living abroad in even more danger that they are now.

When can we see the first Muslim burned on a stake?

Am not a wordsmith. So the questions are simple and devoid of rhetorical flourishes. Since the Quran burning by Jones resulted in riots and deaths on the other side of the world, the offense must be great enough that if they have their hands on Jones, he would be burning on the stake or worse. So...

- Does the muslims have a 'war against non-muslims' or not?
- Does the muslims want one?

How we treat our citizens who desecrate the flag is irrelevant and am not advocating any punishments for those who do. But if the muslims demand that we turn over Quran burners to face muslim justice, it is only reasonably reciprocal that the muslims should turn over their American flag burners for US citizens to do their justice.
Thanked gambit above by mistake...

@gambit... You wait and watch... You will get a war... and you will wish that you had nt...

All in good times my friend... all hell is about to break lose... :)
yara the thing is you just cannot define something for people, how they are to perceive things is with them... they perfectly make their own choice, what we can do is try to convince them...

like I say keep the fear in their minds is a wonderful strategy...and if we dont have these protests or what you call chaos, they will do worse things more openly... we should keep the resistance in whatever form we can...

like I said the reason behind killing of two americans by the Afghan solider can be hurt sentiments...

There is nothing wrong with protest but obviously emotions run high and such protests can be unpredictable... specially in Afghanistan
Am not a wordsmith. So the questions are simple and devoid of rhetorical flourishes. Since the Quran burning by Jones resulted in riots and deaths on the other side of the world, the offense must be great enough that if they have their hands on Jones, he would be burning on the stake or worse. So...

- Does the muslims have a 'war against non-muslims' or not?
-Does the muslims want one?

How we treat our citizens who desecrate the flag is irrelevant and am not advocating any punishments for those who do. But if the muslims demand that we turn over Quran burners to face muslim justice, it is only reasonably reciprocal that the muslims should turn over their American flag burners for US citizens to do their justice.

Muslims seems to co-exist with other non-muslims.. fairly peacefully in India.. and in the US as well..
So that doesnt fit the bill.

The west however.. does seem to be pushing itself more and more on the agenda.. perhaps the recent hearings in congress went unnoticed.

Does al-Qaeda.. the Taliban speak for all Muslims??
IF that is representative of Islam for the west.. then Terry Jones is representative of the west to Muslims..
To a Muslim.. that man represents the hate.. that the American society brings.. and all the compassion.. all the rights.. hide in black.
I know that you have a history of anger against those that burn the flag courtesy of your time at gulf bases and the protests there..
And my rhetoric took that into account....

My contention being.. is quite simple.. when will America .. in all its glory.. and factual glory.. stop considering itself the centre of the Universe..
The baseball world series doesnt have any other teams other than American teams.. yet it is called the world series.. not one other nation takes part in it... the same goes for Flag burning.. or "Death to America" slogans..
Not all Americans are Muslims.. and not Muslims are American..
But there are more Muslims all over the world...than there are Americans..
There are American Muslims that feel the same angst and hatred when they see their flag burnt.. trampled upon.. etc.
as there are Kenyan Muslims who detest when people defecate outside a mosque..

But all of them are united when it comes to an attack on Islam.. be it Terry Jones.. or Ayaan ali hirsi..
And taking a stance against Muslims.. means that the 7 million you call US citizens should also be thrown in jail.. or gassed.. whatever you prefer.
Muslims seems to co-exist with other non-muslims.. fairly peacefully in India.. and in the US as well..
So that doesnt fit the bill.
Seems to? And why only India and the US? Looks like these two countries are were the muslims are the minority. It would not take much to find persecutions of non-muslims where the non-muslims are the minority.

The west however.. does seem to be pushing itself more and more on the agenda.. perhaps the recent hearings in congress went unnoticed.
But it was noticed. And why do you have a problem with it? Do you think they came from no reasons? There are no shortages of conspiracies among the muslims as to how Christian charity groups are subverting the minds of muslims for conversion and that these groups must be dealt with somehow, preferably in violent manners to teach others lessons. Does it matter whether these hearings occurs in the halls of the muslims government legislatures or in the private meetings of the madrassas? Not really. If a Christian is killed he can simply be dismissed as a CIA/Mossad stooge, but none will have the courage to call it for what it is: a religious killing. Major Nidal Malik Hasan dis have the courage to call it that: a religious killing.

Does al-Qaeda.. the Taliban speak for all Muslims??
IF that is representative of Islam for the west.. then Terry Jones is representative of the west to Muslims..
To a Muslim.. that man represents the hate.. that the American society brings.. and all the compassion.. all the rights.. hide in black.
Terry Jones have nowhere the following of al-Qaeda and the Taliban and this is where your deception is exposed. People are not stupid despite what the muslims think of us non-muslims. People will ask as to why does the Taliban and al-Qaeda have no shortage of recruits but Terry Jones have to resort to sensationalism to attract attention. People will see that Jones' church numbers in the double-digits while al-Qaeda and the Taliban numbers in the tens of thousands or even more. People will know that Jones' Quran burning will not result in any increased stature for Jones and his church while every violent act by al-Qaeda and the Taliban will be justified by many ordinary muslims anywhere in the world. People will know that Jones will quickly fade into obscurity but al-Qaeda and the Taliban will remain around for years if not decades to come.

I know that you have a history of anger against those that burn the flag courtesy of your time at gulf bases and the protests there..
And my rhetoric took that into account....
But nowhere have I advocated for any response by US, officially or unofficially. I only said that such a call constitute a threat and question if the muslims understand that. After all, if Quran burning or even criticizing the Islamic way constitute a 'war against Islam', why does not the muslims considered burning a country's flag equally offensive and 'warlike'?

My contention being.. is quite simple.. when will America .. in all its glory.. and factual glory.. stop considering itself the centre of the Universe..
The baseball world series doesnt have any other teams other than American teams.. yet it is called the world series.. not one other nation takes part in it... the same goes for Flag burning.. or "Death to America" slogans..
No Americans complained about not being in world's dart finals and I love darts due my years in the UK. If my basement is big enough, I would put in a competition size snooker table. On the other hand, the Little League World Series has plenty of international competitors. Every country is entitled to see itself as unique. Pakistan is 'Land of the Pure'. Whassup widat? Is the rest of the world 'impure'? Is that not chauvinistic, to even imply that other lands are tainted with something unclean? The Jews called themselves 'The Chosen People'. The Chinese call their land 'The Middle Kingdom'. The Yamato considered themselves direct descendants of the gods. Do I need to go on?

Not all Americans are Muslims.. and not Muslims are American..
But there are more Muslims all over the world...than there are Americans..
There are American Muslims that feel the same angst and hatred when they see their flag burnt.. trampled upon.. etc.
as there are Kenyan Muslims who detest when people defecate outside a mosque..

But all of them are united when it comes to an attack on Islam.. be it Terry Jones.. or Ayaan ali hirsi..
And taking a stance against Muslims.. means that the 7 million you call US citizens should also be thrown in jail.. or gassed.. whatever you prefer.
Then by all means stop beating around the bush and come out and say that there is a 'war against non-muslims'. In the secular tradition, be it East or West, nothing is sacred, not even Islam, and that ranges from polite criticisms to benign disrespect to outright offensive invectives and acts. Make that declaration of war.
I say we gas Cherry Jones instead... Khas Kum Jahan Pak

many of my American friends hate him also...
If you have any...Then perhaps you could convince them to act in the muslims' behalf and 'gas' Jones for you.
wao people cant even differentiate between an american flag and a holy book ...!!!

That pathetic *** didnt even got a feeling that he was burning the book of God, The very same God of jesus Christ ,The God of Moses.
if it would have been for Torah(Torait) of Jews, The jews of the world would have skinned him alive and would have made a horrible example out of him.Least to say that The Fact that All Abrahmic religions are the teachings of Same God, The Messengers(Prophets) and the Books send towards them are both holy and should be held with great respect Be it the Bible of Jesus Be it the Torah of Moses or Be it the Quran of Mohammad(PBUM).
The ignorance in this thread has no end. We live in Democratic country with FREEDOM SPEECH no matter how insane his/her opinions are they have a right to express it. Pastor Terry Jones is an ignorant bigot, he shouldn't have burned the Quran knowing full well what the repercussions might be. But as I said before we live in a Democratic country people have freedom to express their opinions. That being said, those riots that's happening in Afghanistan where over 20 people have died especially those U.N workers did they have anything to do with Pastor Terry Jones? No, they didn't if he burned the Quran then you should burn a Bible or the American Flag I don't care but you don't see people here in the U.S going up in arms and killing each other.
If you have any...Then perhaps you could convince them to act in the muslims' behalf and 'gas' Jones for you.

What do you mean if I have any? They would love to gas him... The problem is American society is screwed really badly and sensible people do not have much power... Just look at the type of people leading your country... Bush, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearle, Wolfowitz and now Obama and his gang of thugs like Clinton et al...

America is way on its way downhill... If you want to visualize whats happening to America picture a building during demolition how it slowly crumbles to a pile after being blown up... sad sad situation...

Cherry Jones is just one of these explosions...
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