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Petition to make Obama Apologize

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
President Obama: Apologize to Pakistan NOW

By C. Christine Fair (SignOn.org Beta)

To be delivered to: President Barack Obama

In the wee hours of Nov. 27, U.S.-NATO and Afghan forces based in Afghanistan’s Kunar province engaged a Pakistani military outpost in Pakistan’s tribal agency of Momand. Little information is publically available -- or likely to be -- about what happened or how. What is clear is that after several NATO airstrikes, 24 Pakistani soldiers were dead and many more injured. NATO and U.S. officials declined to officially speculate about the details of the event -- much less offer an apology -- until a full investigation was complete. The investigation is now complete. The report has been issued, and the Pentagon issued a statement Thursday saying only that “U.S. forces, given what information they had available to them at the time, acted in self defense and with appropriate force after being fired upon.” There was, the statement said, “no intentional effort to target persons or places known to be part of the Pakistani military, or to deliberately provide inaccurate location information to Pakistani officials.” Instead, “inadequate coordination by U.S. and Pakistani military officers… resulted in a misunderstanding about the true location of Pakistani military units.” The statement expressed regret, but neither President Barack Obama nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has issued a forthright apology. Unfortunately, neither is likely to do so given the toxic atmosphere in Washington and the looming presidential campaign.

While the report apportions blame on both sides, an astute reader can only conclude that the most heinous mistakes were not made by Pakistan. The worst -- and fatal error -- was the fact that the Americans provided the Pakistan army with incorrect coordinates of the designated targets of AC-130 gunships and attack helicopters. In the early days of the incident, there were several claims and counterclaims about whether the coordinates were given, whether they were correct, and whether or not the Pakistan army cleared the coordinates before the attack. However, the report makes it evident that Pakistan’s clearance of the coordinates or lack thereof is immaterial: The strikes would still have killed those innocent soldiers because the coordinates were simply wrong.

The United States must swiftly act to rectify this mess first by apologizing. Second, the U.S. military must hold those officers to account who are responsible for this tragedy. Not only should appropriate personnel be demoted or ousted per the severity of their negligence, prosecution may also be merited.

The United States claims to promote democracy, accountability, justice, law and order, and human rights. Now is the time to prove it. Pakistanis need to know that their lives matter as much as those of others.

After investigating the nature of the late November NATO/Afghan attack upon an unmarked Pakistani military outpost, the United States must accept culpability for egregious errors that resulted in the death of 24 soldiers among many more who were injured. While Pakistan has not been the partner that America has desired, these soldiers' lives are as valuable as any other. President Obama should apologize to Pakistan and those officers who are culpable for this tragedy should be held to account.

We need 50 signatures

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SignOn.org Beta
petition to send Pak airforce jets when they cross borders next time.

i will sign that.
petition to send Pak airforce jets when they cross borders next time.

i will sign that.

I would amend that with missile attacks on Bagram and Kandahar airbase. Maybe Baburs. Disabling runways and taking out parked helicopters would be a significant victory. That wretched AC-130 must be the prize ISI would be eyeing now.
I am confused.

If Obama apologizes will everything get back to square one ?

If not, why does any one expect him to apologize ? Moreover did not Pakistan say it does not expect any apology ?
I dont need his apology I want missile to be shoved in his black azz, so that he can understand pain.
Yup. Forget the apology.

If Obama apologizes, Pakistan will be obligated to respond. Which means back to business and resumption of the American geopolitical game.

Close the routes permanently and be done with it.

P.S. What message will it send? Keep killing our people as long as you 'apologize' later?
I don't want apology but i want to get unobjectionable access to USA & EU market & military technology from USA & EU and they have to provide us otherwise give them atmosphere of Afghan-USSR war.
i want simple way

give some russian made man pads to taliban now and told them hunt big *** c-130 or c-17 :D
Forget apology, bow down the way he bowed to the Japanese emperor.
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