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Petition filed for declaring indian genocide of Sikh At White House Website

Lol Pakistanis never fail to amaze me. Go and sign the petition, I will sign it too because I am a sikh and can understand the pain. You guys are Pakistanis so will sign only because of your hate towards India. Your country doesn't give a jack about Sikhs, their culture and their religion. You clowns killed your own muslim brothers in 1971, and didn't let a Rehman be the pm of Pak even though he was a muslim and won the election. You guys are blinded by hatered.

Anyways it will be us sikhs who will shoot the most of you during the war, still wanna be good to us then go and sign it. Thanks ;)
It's a sick joke that still now the main people beind the massacre are still at large and justice has not been done to the victims of 1984
A petition have been posted at White house website for Declaring the 1984 killing of 30,000 Sikhs in India as Genocide. :smokin::partay:

Declare the 1984 killing of 30,000 Sikhs in India as Genocide and ask India to punish the guilty and deliver justice.

In 1984 around 30,000 Sikhs were killed in a well planned and well executed Genocide in India by the then Indian Government. 28 years have passed and the Sikhs still wait Justice. We the Sikhs from across the globe demand President Obama to declare the 1984 killing of Sikhs as Genocide and a case under the Anti Genocide Act should be filed against the Indian National Congress party in the United Nations.

On 10/31/1984 two Sikh bodyguards assassinated Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, following the assassination the government of India let the hell loose on the Sikhs in almost every part of the country and for three days i.e. Nov, 1, 2, 3, 1984 Sikhs throughout the country were killed, ladies raped and property looted. On an estimate 30000 Sikhs were killed and thousand of women raped.


I request American Pakistanis To petition For Ending indias illegal occupation of Kashmir.

This was one of the most saddest chapters of Independent India and a tragedy for all.
Sikhs , ARE ...... held in high regard and affection , all over India
Never forget 1984 massacre of Sikhs but if Pakistanis think we Sikhs will help them with Khalistan or Kashmir let me tell you now we are Indian and we fight for India.

Then you know very well who the common evil for you, us and the Hindus are: Congress party and her pet mutts.
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