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PETA activists' campaign invites public anger; tension in Bhopal

My reply was to boasting of mujahid who was floating of how they would do it to Hindus.

So you are not proud of jats killing Muslims and raping their women?

Lol, 300 Hindu Jats went to a Muslim town of 10,000 and made half of them homeless.:rofl:
Yeah whatever. Keep such BS stories to yourself bigot.

This is why I'm starting to get a feeling that whatever is happening in the world today is 100% justified. Some people only understand the language of brute force. When women ask men to rape other woman, the question arises...what is the inspiration for such kind of hatred? Mass culling is required for such people and their families....which is what is happening today all over.

Nice justification for mass murder. :)
This is why I'm starting to get a feeling that whatever is happening in the world today is 100% justified. Some people only understand the language of brute force. When women ask men to rape other woman, the question arises...what is the inspiration for such kind of hatred? Mass culling is required for such people and their families....which is what is happening today all over.
First they hate everyone who is not like them and want to forcibly convert them to their kind.When others object they become violent as if its their privilege to convert and be violent to others.When the latter gives them a befitting reply they cry victim and invoke secularism,human rights which they violated in the first place and started all of the mess.This is happening all around the world and peoples attitudes are changing after witnessing world events.Thanks to internet now everyone know what's going on unlike olden times when messages were carried b y carrier pigeons and only some privileged of the population knew the real deal.Soon world opinion will turn against them,nay it has already started turning against them in foreign nations.
Hindus do that Coconut offering,offering pumpkin,breaking nimbu(lemon) are akin to sacrifice.Instead of livestock and animals they sacrifice Fruits,Vegetables as symbolic sacrifice.

Sacrifice actual meaning is to sacrifice ones ego and surrender to god and let him guide you without ego as a instrument of god.It doesn't mean you have to sacrifice a cow,livestock since someone 10000 years ago did because god tested them etc.

So, we have to start applying concepts of Hinduism in our religion to make few vegans happy? It's that only Muslims are non-Vegs in whole world that they have to change, infect vegans are minority if we take global population.

Hindus also do many thing which someone did 1000s years ago, let's not get into this.
Yeah whatever. Keep such BS stories to yourself bigot.
It's true, do you not admit that thousands of brave Muslim ghazis were displaced? It was done by 300 Jat men armed with nothing but sticks against thousands of brave Muslims with AK47's.:rofl: You should see the pictures man, those Jats fucked you guys up jheeeezzeeee!
  1. if someone said "Muslims should be vegetarian" that would be haram as you are making meat haram when Allah has made it halal (provided its slaughtered correctly etc) but if you don't eat meat through choice, through financial or other restrictions provided you are not telling anyone else not to eat it and what you are eating is halal, there is no problem.
They should come to Old Delhi.. I saw a camel being beheaded there. It was horrific, but surreal. Anyway Vegans can live as they please, but if they try faggy preaching slap their faces.

Everyone has the right to preach what they stand for, as long as it is not against the constitution of the nation, if you're not buying it then simply don't pay any heed to them. Stoning them is an animalistic attitude from their behalf.
Me likey meat........... stupid woman trying to protest my dinner! :D

Who beheads camels? Muslims? :o:

They should come to Old Delhi.. I saw a camel being beheaded there. It was horrific, but surreal. Anyway Vegans can live as they please, but if they try faggy preaching slap their faces.
It's true, do you not admit that thousands of brave Muslim ghazis were displaced? It was done by 300 Jat men armed with nothing but sticks against thousands of brave Muslims with AK47's.:rofl: You should see the pictures man, those Jats fucked you guys up jheeeezzeeee!

Yeah whatever fagot.
Keep talking big behind a computer screen till your as$ is whipped just like your ancestors.
My ancestors? Betaji, I'm a Hindu Dogra from Jammu, the same people that ruled Kashmiris for 200 years and kept there women as harem girls.:rofl: My great-great grandad had three wives, two of them came from Kashmiri Muslim families. ;) your ancestors on the other hand where getting forcefully converted now talk to me with some respect or il take a young Kashmiri Muslim girl as my wife just like my ancestors did.:lol:
My ancestors? Betaji, I'm a Hindu Dogra from Jammu, the same people that ruled Kashmiris for 200 years and kept there women as harem girls.:rofl: My great-great grandad had three wives, two of them came from Kashmiri Muslim families. ;) your ancestors on the other hand where getting forcefully converted now talk to me with some respect or il take a young Kashmiri Muslim girl as my wife just like my ancestors did.:lol:
Oh so you are one of those people whose as$ has been kicked since 90's in Kashmir valley. OK. :lol:

Don't worry munnai. Modi would take your filthy kind back to Kashmir. I hope!!! :D
There's a difference between a Kashmiri Pandit and a Dogra you retard.:rofl: You are showing real Muhajir intellect here.

I know both are different. Both belong to same low class of morons who were kicked, killed, massacred and r@ped by Muslims.

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