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PETA activists' campaign invites public anger; tension in Bhopal

They are smart, they know how to stay out of news, and trouble.

As a community how much smarter can the be from the hindus ? :disagree:

If anything, money induced conversion was and is a big thing and religious intolerance in the N.E is a huge thing. They church in the N.E even influence voting patterns and freedom. Yet none of it make it to the news.

What accounts for this self censorship as far as the xtian community is concerned ?
As a community how much smarter can the be from the hindus ? :disagree:

If anything, money induced conversion was and is a big thing and religious intolerance in the N.E is a huge thing. They church in the N.E even influence voting patterns and freedom. Yet none of it make it to the news.

What accounts for this self censorship as far as the xtian community is concerned ?

The NE or any other part of India wasn't a community thing, but a limited number of people using large resources. They can be subtle. If you have noticed, xtian community rarely make any noise, if ever. Hindus OTOH, make a lot of noise and get very little done.
ok..now its clear...
but you had said Hindu rasthram includes sanadhana faiths only...thats why i asked...
Those who respect Dharmic faiths and not try mischief wont have any problems, do we have problems with parsis, jews? NO! Because they mind their own business and we don't bother them, its only the Abrahamic faiths that bother others with conversion since they believe converting someone to their faith guarantees them a seat/ticket in heaven.That is flawed thinking and leads to friction in society and eventually fights start.
Pray to your god but dont bother the rest of Sanatana Dharma faiths and you will find India to be the best place.
Try calling our gods as demons and denigrate hindus and try to convert them ,you will get the smackdown its as simple as that.

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