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PETA activists' campaign invites public anger; tension in Bhopal

well what do one expect from a country known aa a rape capital of the world. but seriously, govt, should do something about it, other wise India will be labelled a bad country to travel to and India stands to loose millions of foreign exchange which India cannot afford to bear.
Whats funny is you dont see hindu women encouraging their men to rape a woman,
Funny you should talk about rape,atleast it gets reported here and culprits go to jail , in Pakistan they need to produce 4 witnesses or get jailed for adultery and you know your hudood laws if you can insert two fingers in v*gina she isnt a virgin.
your reporting on rape is zero and worse is the culprits are never arrested instead the victim is jailed.
well what do one expect from a country known aa a rape capital of the world. but seriously, govt, should do something about it, other wise India will be labelled a bad country to travel to and India stands to loose millions of foreign exchange which India cannot afford to bear.
Thank you, I am sure the label of terrorists heaven costed Pakistan hundreds of millions if not billions in tourism alone. We must learn from your experience. :tup:

Whats funny is you dont see hindu women encouraging their men to rape a woman,
Funny you should talk about rape,atleast it gets reported here and culprits go to jail , in Pakistan they need to produce 4 witnesses or get jailed for adultery and you know your hudood laws if you can insert two fingers in v*gina she isnt a virgin.
your reporting on rape is zero and worse is the culprits are never arrested instead the victim is jailed.
Why you engaging him in trolling bro, wouldn't wanna see you get banned again. :p:
Thank you, I am sure the label of terrorists heaven costed Pakistan hundreds of millions if not billions in tourism alone. We must learn from your experience. :tup:

Why you engaging him in trolling bro, wouldn't wanna see you get banned again. :p:
lol was just showing him the mirror bro, ;):p:
Thank you, I am sure the label of terrorists heaven costed Pakistan hundreds of millions if not billions in tourism alone. We must learn from your experience. :tup:
Why you engaging him in trolling bro, wouldn't wanna see you get banned again. :p:[/quot]

Pakistan is a very resilient country, so says the American diplomat, Indians on the other hand are spin masters and master of deceit, two different societies, I am repeating the words of father of Pakistan.
Extremist Hindu found another venue to attack/insult and denigrate Muslims in India, than they complain about Muslims in India going mad and joining anti Indian groups. if you keep insulting, killing and denigrating Muslims than there will be repercussions.Dudes.

I hope and pray that Hindu extremists are stooped by their Govt. before people living in harmony are alienated and do bad stuff.

Did you even read the article? is Benazir Suraiya a Hindu?

The activists were Muslim women from PETA (People for Ethical Treatment to Animals). Nothing to do with Hindu extremism.
Who beheads camels? Muslims? :o:


Everyone has the right to preach what they stand for, as long as it is not against the constitution of the nation, if you're not buying it then simply don't pay any heed to them. Stoning them is an animalistic attitude from their behalf.

Yes, stoning is indeed extreme. I am talking about a gentle slap and a reminder to mind their own business. I once met a Hare Krishna firangi on train. Wasted half-hour of my time preaching on vegetarianism. Don't take advantage of people's decency.
Yes, stoning is indeed extreme. I am talking about a gentle slap and a reminder to mind their own business. I once met a Hare Krishna firangi on train. Wasted half-hour of my time preaching on vegetarianism. Don't take advantage of people's decency.

Hare Krishna firangis are one of the worst. Its more like a cult without any real understanding of Hinduism.
Plants are also innocent lives.....
In Hinduism, there is a certain theory about what to eat and what not to. I just can't remember, so cant argue on that point.

The reaction of Shiv Sina, RSS and like minded people will be same (if not worse) if someone ask them to start eating cows.
PS: I am not defending the threats of violence and rape but trying to point out hypocrisy.
All such people are goons, be it SS or VHP, not RSS mind you. If you have noticed, most Indian members are critical about such organizations except for when trolling.
Problem here is that these are organizations, known for extremist ideology. What happened outside the Mosque, common people get involved. That's almost the same level as rioters.
All such people are goons, be it SS or VHP, not RSS mind you. If you have noticed, most Indian members are critical about such organizations except for when trolling.
Problem here is that these are organizations, known for extremist ideology. What happened outside the Mosque, common people get involved. That's almost the same level as rioters.

VHP is as extremest as the organised church or waqt board. I don't see too many people being critical about the church. :coffee:
We are saying if you love ISIS ,Pakistan go there don't stay in our nation simple.
ok..now its clear...
but you had said Hindu rasthram includes sanadhana faiths only...thats why i asked...

Its a good question, ever wonder why ?
Manvan .what your name indicates??
Is moksham through vimukthi..vimukthi through moksham..or moksham from vimukthi..vimukthi from moksham.????

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