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PETA activists' campaign invites public anger; tension in Bhopal

Keep dreaming:yahoo:

This happened in Hindutva state. Even armed police were afraid of Muslim warriors. Only you can do is dream.
Unnecessary bloodshed is called bravery in your eyes ..... ?
Jats kicked ***? rofl. UP Muslims attacked Jats with Ak-47s. So are you telling Jats killed more Muslims who had ak-47s and shotguns with swords.:woot:

You are living in a wet-dream fantasy world. Watch that video again even our women were asking them men to attack them. Even our women are ready to protect Islam. You wonder why we dominate India despite being a minority.
Yeah initially they did that with ak47 and then came the response of jats and you were rendered homeless ;)

you do it on a smal scale,when we start millions get displaced and demographies change in a instant.
I don't need to go into details but muslims were the asylum seekers in refugee camps not jats.More than 2 lakh displaced
Yeah initially they did that with ak47 and then came the response of jats and you were rendered homeless
I don't need to go into details but muslims were the asylum seekers in refugee camps not jats.More than 2 lakh displaced
You read a lot of TOI. I assume. Ground realities were different. More Jats were displaced and rendered homeless. Just because media didn't report jat victims doesn't mean there were more Muslim victims. Now brag about some other thing.
Of course that is why we say India is Hindu Rasthra and idiots like these @gubbi will say we will die without secularism.
The reason right wing is gaining ground in EU is due to these muslim radicals.A time will come when they will start deporting these people in ships back to middle east.

There are sikhs, buddhists and other minorities. you won't gain support of these minorities by claiming it be hindu nation only. Hindu Rasthra needs ti keep that in mind.
There are sikhs, buddhists and other minorities. you won't gain support of these minorities by claiming it be hindu nation only. Hindu Rasthra needs ti keep that in mind.
How can there be a Hindu rashtra? When Muslims were the ones who created Hindustan.
There are sikhs, buddhists and other minorities. you won't gain support of these minorities by claiming it be hindu nation only. Hindu Rasthra needs ti keep that in mind.
Hindu Rasthra includes all Sanatana Dharmics.Basically Hindu Rasthra will have Uniform Civil Code and enforce population control and do away with pseudo Secular Appeasement policies.

You read a lot of TOI. I assume. Ground realities were different. More Jats were displaced and rendered homeless. Just because media didn't report jat victims doesn't mean there were more Muslim victims. Now brag about some other thing.
LOL, keep living in dreamland.;)
How can there be a Hindu rashtra? When Muslims were the ones who created Hindustan.
Just as You couldn't do anything when we were breaking Babri Masjid, likewise there will be a Hindu Rasthra as you keep watching. :D
Hindu Rasthra includes all Sanatana Dharmics.Basically Hindu Rasthra will have Uniform Civil Code and enforce population control and do away with pseudo Secular Appeasement policies.

not enough is being done..i hope rss gets rid of dumb ones and get more organized. Have a plan and get in touch with SL bodu bala sena as well as other organizations in mynammer, nepal.
They need to go big and that can happen only with other minorities support.
not enough is being done..i hope rss gets rid of dumb ones and get more organized. Have a plan and get in touch with SL bodu bala sena as well as other organizations in mynammer, nepal.
They need to go big and that can happen only with other minorities support.
Of course we need to get Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar into our side.Then we can proceed.
RSS is doing well but not enough is done on the Intellectual side,they need to have more right wing authors writing history and academic positions esentially the leftist brainwash of past 68 years will take some time to wash away.
Need to target the next generation.
Other things that BJP lacks is they lack Right wing English channels, they think only 2% watch them, but the 2% are the fiberals who cry and protest a lot on media.

You fools have been talking about pre-1947. When will it happen exactly?
Wait and Watch! What could you do In other situations, one Gujarat was enough to silence your group for 12 years.

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