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Pet Lion and Tigers in Pakistan

What kind of pet lions Pakistan has? Asiatic or African?
I sure hope @Sarge these majestic animals are still around in our lifetimes, the way some of these poachers and hunters are behaving is simply outrageous, a classic example the two ugly goof faced yuppies Donald jnr and Eric Trump, these guys wth their ugly cheesy smiles make me sick.Kudos

@Moonlight @Zibago @The Sandman @PaklovesTurkiye

This type of leopard is found in Northern areas , even spotted in Murree at times. Its called common leopard.

It comes down towards population to eat monkeys and goats. Monkeys are harder to catch obviously, goats are easy.


What kind of pet lions Pakistan has? Asiatic or African?
I dont like Lions being pets. They simply arent cut out for that. That being said, atleast its far far better than the dentist prick from the US who killed Cecil the Lion.
But still - instead of a Pet lion being a status symbol, it would be nice if the status symbol was actually providing sanctuary for those lions in the wild.
Jerks, they are..:angry:
Absolutley, jerks of the highest order, if their dreaded oldman was not a business tycoon (an overrated one at that) they would probably be selling ties on some US airport.Kudos

This type of leopard is found in Northern areas , even spotted in Murree at times. Its called common leopard.

It comes down towards population to eat monkeys and goats. Monkeys are harder to catch obviously, goats are easy.


Unfortunately I have never come across any so far.Kudos Sarge
We have had an elephant till 2 years back.....She died and ever since our 'hatisal' is empty. Grandpa is planning to buy one elephant calf from Sonpur this year if price is okay. Lets see.

Jees. An elephant later becomes a part of a family. An calf will be more crazy and fun to handle. But as days go by maintaining an elephant becomes costly right?!
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