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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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i know them , because i see how they do their work , first these bastards come to a mosque as " Tablighi " and than they take over the mosque, and funds start pouring on them ... and no one can question them that what is they holding inside the mosque , if police go for search they become kafir to attack a mosque ............

Thats 100% how it happens @Zarvan
TTP militants storm Peshawar school, 131 killed
Agencies | Zahir Shah Sherazi | Mateen Haider | Hassan Jahangiri | Abdul Hakim
Updated less than a minute ago

A hospital security guard helps a student injured in the shootout at a school under attack by Taliban gunmen in Peshawar - AP
PESHAWAR: Taliban militants have entered an army-run school on Warsak road, taking students and teachers hostage.

  • Eight to ten terrorists entered the Army Public School

  • 130 killed, including at least 100 children; scores injured

  • Army chief en route to Peshawar

  • Operation enters ninth hour; 15 blasts reported
6:42pm - Army chief in Peshawar, vows to hit terrorists hard
Army chief General Raheel Sharif has reached Peshawar and vowed to continue the fight against the militants until they are completely eliminated from the country.

DG Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj-Gen Asim Bajwa posted on twitter that the tragic incident has saddened that COAS, but at the same time he has said that, “our resolve has taken new height. Will continue go after inhuman beasts, their facilitators till their final elimination”.

Gen Sharif said that, “this ghastly act cowardice of killing innocents clearly indicates they (militants) are not only enemies of Pakistan but enemies of humanity”.

“They have hit at the heart of the nation, but let me reiterate they can't in any way diminish the will of this great nation,” the army chief was quoted by as saying by the DG ISPR.
In order to put an end to this plague we all need to unite, we need to rise above provincialism and should stop calling our self punjabis, Sindhis, balochis etc. And also should educate people about the real teachings of Islam. People are misusing islam for their dirty goals.
they are the ones who breed these monsters. they sit there while their husbands kill the children of other mothers. the wives are no less. they need to be killed too.
Does anyone know where we can send emails to the ISPR or Coas or someone?
I want to send in a suggestion. It go like this:
Step 1 : skin them terrorists.
Step 2 : rape their wives (make sure to do it in front of their skinned eye balls), then torch their entire family.
Step 3 : behead all of them, put their heads on pykes, and put them on display in Karachi, Peshawar, Lahore, Islamabad, Quetta and all other major cities.
O ye who believes DO NOT TRANSGRESS
its almost impossible to stop a Suicide bomber , that is why i always praise those Commando who kill them with less collateral damage , i was keep saying this again and again that just killing them is not the solution, you kill bait ullah mehsood , than what ?? TTP finished ? no hakeen ullah came ... than he died too than what ?? ttp finished ? no Mullah radio came ... after him there will be other on the way , and its just TTP let alone the other banned organizations working ,
what we have to do is to break their man power, they are recruiting Afghans, tajik and uzbik already living in Pakistan, its easy for them to come here and mixed with them, they afghans motherF**** welcome them and give them shelter , even though we feed their kids, bloody haram khor ...
than you have cut their funds , by attacking them in karachi , they get funds from karachi by selling drugs, kidnapping , land garbing etc and last but not the least , you have to raid the madarsaas , because that where you will find the real root cause ..
That is what required... Pakistani military afsar do not learn that. Force is not always countered by force.. it's always good to hear.. Hilal e Imtiaz, quam e Mujahid.. but brain needs to be used too. Use some baniya brain sir.
Tikka Khan They Called Him 'The Butcher' Back In The Day
Yes, for Searchlight. In Indian Defence history(upto 48) however he is remembered as an able Instructor. Of course his role in Zone B(Eastern HQ, Pakistan) can't be ignored. Perhaps, blind obedience to orders without remorse? Who knows.
I saw death so close'
Published: December 16, 2014

PESHAWAR: A teenage survivor of Tuesday’s Taliban attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar school described how he played dead after being shot in both legs by insurgents hunting down students to kill.

Militants rampaged through the army-run school in Peshawar and killed at least 130 people, most of them children, in one of the bloodiest ever attacks in Pakistan.

Speaking from his bed in the trauma ward of the city’s Lady Reading Hospital, Shahrukh Khan, 16, said he and his classmates were in a careers guidance session in the school auditorium when four gunmen wearing paramilitary uniforms burst in.

“Someone screamed at us to get down and hide below the desks,” he said, adding that the gunmen shouted “Allahu akbar” (God is greatest) before opening fire.

“Then one of them shouted: ‘There are so many children beneath the benches, go and get them’,” Khan told AFP.

“I saw a pair of big black boots coming towards me, this guy was probably hunting for students hiding beneath the benches.”
Khan said he felt searing pain as he was shot in both his legs just below the knee.

He decided to play dead, adding: “I folded my tie and pushed it into my mouth so that I wouldn’t scream.

“The man with big boots kept on looking for students and pumping bullets into their bodies. I lay as still as I could and closed my eyes, waiting to get shot again.

“My body was shivering. I saw death so close and I will never forget the black boots approaching me — I felt as though it was death that was approaching me.”

The Army Public School is attended by boys and girls from both military and civilian backgrounds.

As his father, a shopkeeper, comforted him in his blood-soaked bed, Khan recalled: “The men left after some time and I stayed there for a few minutes. Then I tried to get up but fell to the ground because of my wounds.

“When I crawled to the next room, it was horrible. I saw the dead body of our office assistant on fire,” he said.

“She was sitting on the chair with blood dripping from her body as she burned.”

It was not immediately clear how the female employee’s body caught fire, though her remains were also later seen by an AFP reporter in a hospital mortuary.

Khan, who said he also saw the body of a soldier who worked at the school, crawled behind a door to hide and then lost conciousness.
“When I woke up I was lying on the hospital bed,” he added.
Strong action must be taken against TTP dogs and their supppters and govt should shut imran mouth when ever he try to support TTP dogs...Kill these bastards...
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