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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Breaking news coming up on Indian news portal as well. Details awaited.

It should be condemned from all section of society.

Time to realize to everyone that a terrorist is a terrorist and is a terrorist. There is nothing called good terrorist or bad terrorist.

Of course there is'nt! Only some IMBECILIC MORONS came up with that Stupid Idea!!!!!
Pray that this stand-off ends soon and with the the least casualties among the innocent child hostages. Our good wishes with the families of the little children. May they be relieved of their fears and tensions as soon as possible.
1:05pm - Militants struck during exam

A teacher tells Reuters that the attackers targeted the school while exams were taking place.

“After half an hour of the attack, the army came and sealed the school,” a teacher told a private television channel outside the besieged school.

“We were in the examination hall when the attack took place,” he said. “Now the army men are clearing the classes one by one.
The casualties are very sad. Are any commandos on the scene?
2 children have been killed.

May Allah grant them Jannah.

Being a student of APS school system all my life (albeit never in Peshawar campus), this makes me sad.

My friend; my deepest condolences and sympathies to you. Sadly, the casualty count has now climbed to 16.
Is'nt it time that all of you close ranks and eradicate Religious Extremism for ever? How many more innocent lives will be snuffed out before that happens?
17 kids 1 lady teacher 1 soldier are now dead

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