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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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RIP poor kids and their Teacher. I say kill all the terrorist bastards. Stop differentiating between good & bad terrorist. The strategic asset of today will become strategic blunder of tomorrow. Take help of China, India, Afghanistan or any other country you believe in. Start joint operations. Clear the scum.
Injured kid in the Hospital

These assholes can't face the army and so attack soft targets. Taking children as hostages is despicable to say the least
Nothing new tactics here. These scums cant face the army anywhere thats why they do Mumbai, Parliament attack, Sydney, 9/11, Peshawar school, hotels etc. Always target the innocent civilians to prove ironically that government is not working for the people.
It takes some extraordinary filth in your head to attack school kids. B@stards.
Indian Intelligence agencies taking their frustration out on school children... Pathetic Shameful pus**ies!!!
Any proof to back your claim or just another day dream or you will share when the time is right?
Very tragic incident.I am also one of those who have been in this school during my father trasfer in peshawar cantt. May Allah bless the innocent soul of these victims and give sabar to their families. This incident is eye opener for those who consider taliban as their own people and oppose military operation against them. We all should be united against these animals and extremism should have no place in our society
ooh now you turning against mujaheddin!!!!??? why don't you say some of your usual trolling like.. ""god bless those brothers fighting for independence""... i want to see you trolling now. your own brothers are trying a good thing by targeting your children. c'mon man say something.
I really wanted to say the same, but we should not stood to their level. This is not the right thread for this acquisition. Moreover, time is great teacher, sooner or later they will realize it by themselves that it is Frankenstein they have created which needs to be neutralized to fullest.
Any proof to back your claim or just another day dream or you will share when the time is right?

Yaar leave it and stay focused. We all know who is doing what. TTP has taken the responsibility that's all.
It was seen a fair few times before...particularly with FC.
ahan, i tried looking it up, but came across nothing - its good they are using thesem they are helpful in situations like these
Pakistani Media is not bashing india.. no one say one word about india...
no one even know if it taliban or not but no words pass against india
i think its time for india to realize and act rationally..

we sud punish these A&& holes in public..

taliban clam the responsibility... watch live news...
20 dead (18 kids 1 lady teacher 1 soldier)

many children were gathered in the hall then the terrorist blasted himself :pissed::pissed:

2 terrorist are on their way to hell

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My niece and nephew is also studying in APS thanks God they are save but i am very sad for rest of the children may shaheed students souls rest in peace. Taliban bastards you gonna pay for your barbarian act.
yes that is why I reported his posts to mods, and they have been removed.

Thank you.
I pray that no more children get hurt. It will be a poor and shameful world that will allow children to be targeted...whoever they may be and wherever they may be. I hang my head down.
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