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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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once the weeping and gnashing of teeth are done about this tragedy, will end up doing NOTHING to the Taliban that controls vast areas of your country. .
This is reality that Taliban spread in many cities but not in large numbers according to the population, but Number of Jihad sympathizers are Not in less number. Nothing will happen unless we discourage verses of Jihad in Quran and encourage only peace but it becomes blasphemy if you question anything about Islam. This is confused nation. This is Islamic country, and Nothing will change.
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Mumbai was carried out at the behest of Al-Qaeda to spark a war between India and Pakistan so the terrorists can take advantage. They were pinned down and were losing everywhere.

And the mastermind walks freely amongst you, and was feted and honored in one of your major cities like a hero or demigod a few days ago.

Spare us.
@balixd @HRK This clear up many things.

‘We have killed all the children... What do we do now?’
Ismail Khan
Updated about an hour ago

Pakistani security forces takes up a positions on a road leading to the Army Public School that is under attack. — Reuters/File

PESHAWAR: “We have killed all the children in the auditorium,” one of the attackers told his handler. “What do we do now?” he asked. “Wait for the army people, kill them before blowing yourself,” his handler ordered.

This, according to a security official, was one of the last conversations the attackers and their handler had shortly before two remaining suicide bombers charged towards the special operations soldiers positioned just outside the side entrance of the Army Public School’s administration block here on Tuesday.

This and other conversations between the attackers and their handlers during the entire siege of seven and a half hours of the school on Warsak Road form part of an intelligence dossier Chief of Army Staff Gen Raheel Sharif shared with Afghan authorities on Wednesday.

“Vital elements of intelligence were shared with the authorities concerned with regard to the Peshawar incident,” an Inter-Services Public Relations statement on Gen Sharif’s visit to Afghanistan said.

Pakistan has the names of the attackers and the transcripts of the conversation between one of them, identified as Abuzar, and his handler, ‘commander’ Umar.

Umar Adizai, also known as Umar Naray and Umar Khalifa, is a senior militant from the Frontier Region Peshawar.

Security officials believe he made the calls from Nazian district of Afghanistan’s Nangrahar province and now want the Afghan authorities to take action.

The officials believe that a group of seven militants attacked the school. Five of them blew themselves up inside the administration block and two others outside it.

The attackers entered the building by climbing its rear wall, using a ladder and cutting barbed wire. They all headed for the main auditorium where an instructor was giving a first-aid lesson to students of the school’s senior section.

“Did the attackers have prior knowledge of the congregation in the main hall? We don’t know this yet. This is one of the questions we are trying to find an answer to,” a security official said.

A watchman standing at the rear of the auditorium appears to be the first victim because of a pool of congealed blood splashed in one corner of several steps in the open courtyard.

Finding the rear door closed, the militants charged towards the two main entry and exit doors and this is where the main carnage appears to have taken place, according to a military officer who took part in the counter-assault. Pools of blood at the entrance on both sides bore testimony to the horrific, indiscriminate shooting.

“There were piles of bodies, most dead, some alive. Blood everywhere. I wish I had not seen this,” the officer said.

The students in the hall appear to have rushed to leave the place after hearing the first round of shooting, and this was where they barged into the waiting militants who were blocking the two doors.

Inside the main hall, there was blood everywhere, almost on every inch of it. Shoes of students and women teachers lay asunder. Those who had hid behind rows of seats were shot -- one by one, in the head.

More than 100 bodies and injured were evacuated from the entrances and the hall.

Every row of seats was bloodied. On one seat, there were blood-stained English notebooks of two eighth-grade students, Muhammad Asim and Muhammad Zahid.

A corner to the right of the stage in the auditorium, where an instructor was giving the lesson, was where a woman teacher, who had beseeched the militants to have mercy and let the children go, was shot and later burnt.

By that time, the Special Services Group (SSG) men had arrived and fighting had ensued and the militants were forced to make a run for the administration block, just a few metres away.

Security officials believe the death toll could have been far higher had the militants reached the junior section before the arrival of the SSG personnel.

It is from inside the administration block that the militants fired at the SSG men. Four of the militants blew themselves up inside the lobby of the block when they were cornered.

The impact was huge and devastating. There were pockmarks from the flying ball bearings and human flesh and hair were plastered to the ceiling and the walls.

One of the bombers blew himself up in the office of the Headmistress, Tahira Qazi. Her office stands gutted. Her body was recognised later. A leg of the bomber was lying around.

Two students and three staff members were killed in the administration block along with the headmistress.

The last two bombers charged towards the SSG men who had taken positions on either side of the flank entrance to the block.

One of them exploded himself and after a while, the second one did. Shrapnel and ball bearings hit the rear wall, some pierced through the trees opposite the entrance.

This is where the seven SSG men were injured. One of the personnel who had taken position behind one of the trees was hit in the face, but is reported to be in stable condition.

The assault came to an end but left several questions.

Could the tragedy have been avoided? Yes, given prior specific intelligence tips of August and repeated conveyance of concerns by some teachers regarding the school’s vulnerability vis-a-vis its western and northern boundary walls.

Could the casualties have been avoided or minimised? Probably not, given the short response time. By the time the SSG men arrived and began the operation within 10 to 15 minutes of the assault, the militants had carried out much of the carnage.

There was no clarity on the number of militants and their location. The SSG team arrived through the front gate covered by two armoured personnel carriers. As they moved from block to block, the first major priority was to secure the junior section.

Published in Dawn, December 18th, 2014
I will give detail response later on but it seems they were on the run but confronyed by military so had yo make calls.....
And as i had said, there was no blast inside the auditorium....
And the mastermind walks freely amongst you, and was feted and honored in one of your major cities like a hero or demigod a few days ago.

Spare us.

He is not the mastermind. The mastermind of 26/11 is dead.
Why dont you two join the intelligence and do a better job....no?
I will give detail response later on but it seems they were on the run but confronyed by military so had yo make calls.....
And as i had said, there was no blast inside the auditorium....

Yes there wasn't any. The confusion was the earlier reports of a suicide bomber gathers children among them and blowing himself up. Killing 100+ children in such a short span of time plus the unavailability of info.
And the mastermind walks freely amongst you, and was feted and honored in one of your major cities like a hero or demigod a few days ago.

Spare us.

Another brain fart, The mastermind is in pakistani agency custody and undergoing trail. he will be free soon because you didn't granted us the access to interview Ajmal qasab.

Be honest yourself and tell the whole truth, instead of spewing concorted lies and bs

Saifullah and Noorullah were their family’s pride and joy. They were students of class eight and nine, respectively, at the Army Public School.

In a dramatic twist of fate, both boys fell victim to the guns of militants who stormed the school’s building on December 16, 2014. The incident will forever be remembered as a dark chapter in the family’s history.

In the fractured spaces between all-consuming grief, the family is struggling to come to grips with the tragedy.

“My brothers promised to buy me a New Year’s present,” says Hafsa Durrani, their bereaved sister who is a pre-medical student. “It is difficult for me to imagine that they will never come back.”

Stricken by the demise of her siblings, Durrani cannot understand why anyone would want to kill innocent children.


“They meant the world to me,” she says, trying to hold back her tears. “Taking care of them was my duty. I assumed responsibility for them and paid for their tuition.”

When the family learnt about the attack, they found it difficult to register the news. “At the time, we had no idea what to do,” she says. “We tried to search for them but our efforts were of no use.”

In the evening, Saifullah and Noorullah’s bodies arrived at their doorstep.

“My elder sister, Sana, was shocked and speechless for many hours,” explains Durrani.

Umm-e-Amara, their younger sister, studies in class five. She went to the same school as her brothers. She is one of the survivors and narrates a haunting story of that fated day.

“We were initially told they were army instructors,” she explains. “However, later an uncle came and told us the Taliban had stormed into the school.”

According to Umm-e-Amara, he told them to hide under their chairs. “The uncle helped us escape from the school’s back exit,” she says.

After they managed to get out of the school’s premises, the ‘uncle’ asked them to go home.

Speaking to The Express Tribune, Noorullah and Saifullah’s mother said she had high hopes for her sons.

“My husband and I wanted to make them strong and conscientious people,” she says. “We wanted them to become doctors and engineers and work for the betterment of the country.”

For her, Noorullah and Saifullah were her pillars of strength and support.

“Before they went to school in the morning, my sons told me that we would go to our village for the winter vacation.” she says. “All of us did visit the village. The only difference was that we brought their bodies here for the last rites.”

Their father, Tahsinullah, is still coming to grips with the tragedy.

“What crime had they committed? Why did my sons have to die?” he asks. “The government owes us an explanation. They have forgotten the plight of the people in their political point-scoring and desire to remain in power.”

Published in The Express Tribune, December 18th, 2014.

He is not the mastermind. The mastermind of 26/11 is dead.

Anyways I don't want to sidetrack this thread. This thread is about innocent kids, and all of us remain with you on that.

There should be no place on earth for kid killers. Whether you share our pain and the killing of our own kids was really never the issue. The outpouring of horror and sympathy you saw from India and Indians was spontaneous and instant.

And unlike 26/11, where many of you actually rejoiced and made swipes about payback for Godhra etc. etc. there is a very tiny minority from India who are doing the same in mainstream as well as social media. The general mood is more hoping you guys are enraged enough to finally rally together and clean the crap, and a distant second being that you see the true enemy and probably give us a break (a distant second because the alternative is something we are used to and can and have handled for seven decades, but it does get tiring and many of us do wonder how it would be otherwise).
You are a retard of the highest order. Do you even read what you write? ALL of the children that died were Pushtoons and Pakistanis' too. Btw, how did you come to the conclusion that these people in the picture are Pushtoon? Because they look white to you? You have serious mental issues. What we actually don't need is any more Takfiri arsewipes like you.

@Oscar @Horus @Fulcrum15 @Jungibaaz @WebMater: Someone report him to authorities.

The guy is a racist turd, probably a false flagger, screw the takfri bitches,
And unlike 26/11, where many of you actually rejoiced and made swipes about payback for Godhra etc. etc. there is a very tiny minority from India who are doing the same in mainstream as well as social media. The general mood is more hoping you guys are enraged enough to finally rally together and clean the crap, and a distant second being that you see the true enemy and probably give us a break (a distant second because the alternative is something we are used to and can and have handled for seven decades, but it does get tiring and many of us do wonder how it would be otherwise).

this is actually the most insulting post from you people that ive seen

I challenge you publicly right here to find ONE post from a Pakistani in which somebody rejoiced 26/11. It was a blood bath just like this, nobody in their right mind will "rejoice" over the deliberate and systematic killing of innocent civilians

find me one post here where any of us "rejoiced" when that happened....do it now
ISI is not Allah that it can pinpoint where the next attack will be. There are a million soft targets out there, even today, that need a complete security overview. It's not the unprofessionalism of the ISI, nor that these terrorists are some gods who score such high kills, ITS US, WE HAVE BECOME SO SO SO SO CALLOUS.

A Total Intelligence failure by the ISI
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