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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Good to read that, Hugh. These savages need to be ruthlessly hunted down and killed. As yesterday's terror attack was outsourced by the TTP, what were the nationalities of terrorists responsible for the Peshawar attack. Might you know?

Since they're all dead, we can't be sure. Witnesses heard them speak Arabic; some people are saying they were Uzbek fighters, though I am not sure why.
Wahab is an attribute of Allah swt and we can use the other 98 names as well. Musalmaan usually does the job.

I will reiterate my point again. The people you are trying to label are not even Muslims, so there is no point in degrading one of the names of God.

Wahab in this instance is a name of a person. You cant just quit talking about stuff because people used a word to describe god. Do you know any Wahabi mosques I can visit in Pakistan?
Because of Zarbeazb,the terrorist activities in Pakistan are decreased by more than 50%.

if not zarbeazb,we would had many incidents like this in the recent past.Militants had very scary plans for today

Please go through this report,will give you the idea of the effectiveness of Zarbeazb.Though i agree with you,we need to expand the operation

Expanding it into orakzai agency will be the most effective step

More than 50% decrease in civilian fatalities this year in Pakistan
Many thanks for the information, farhan_9909. I shall read the report.
COAS flying to Kabul immediately? - Can anyone confirm? @Xeric @Irfan Baloch @balixd

We need to hang all of them, in front of that school.

Not in front of a place of learning. Theyve seen enough death for a lifetime.

They should be publicly hanged though. We need to become ruthless vis-a-vis convicted terrorists...Try them in ATC, hang them in public. Like what the Iranians do with convicted terrorists.
Not in front of a place of learning. Theyve seen enough death for a lifetime.

They should be publicly hanged though. We need to become ruthless vis-a-vis convicted terrorists...Try them in ATC, hang them in public. Like what the Iranians do with convicted terrorists.

Or you could deport them to Saudi Arabia to repay the favor. I'm joking...
Since they're all dead, we can't be sure. Witnesses heard them speak Arabic; some people are saying they were Uzbek fighters, though I am not sure why.
Yes, of course, the dead don't reveal their nationality. Silly of me. So they were possibly Arabs or Uzbeks. I see.
COAS flying to Kabul immediately? - Can anyone confirm? @Xeric @Irfan Baloch @balixd

We need to hang all of them, in front of that school.
Americsn drone killed 11 TTP in Afghanistan
re COAS visit if he can get some agreement on capturing khurasani and fazlulah thdn it will be a befitting response

but I repeat that we need to kill or lock up celebrity terrorists living in cities openly like red mosque radical imam including sectarian terrorists because they will switch to hazaras while we are condemning them
Americsn drone killed 11 TTP in Afghanistan
re COAS visit if he can get some agreement on capturing khurasani and fazlulah thdn it will be a befitting response

but I repeat that we need to kill or lock up celebrity terrorists living in cities openly like red mosque radical imam including sectarian terrorists because they will switch to hazaras while we are condemning them

we need to get that bastard at all costs..regardless whether they agree or dont agree to hand him over

this is RIDICULOUS that he is free man, free to make his hate-speeches...the same way that Lal masjid "cleric" is making hate speeches to the media - the most anti-national scum bag in this entire country!!
Thanks. How is Operation Zarb-e-Azb faring? Is it proving effective? Will it prove effective? If yesterday's Peshawar school massacre is any indication then no, it is not. But then the operation is not yet completed.

I hope you are not mistaking me for a Pakistani, because I am an Indian. But I can tell you this, just as every action has a reaction, Operation Zarb-e-Azb will also have some effects: some good, and some bad. The Operation has been termed a great success by the ISPR (Pakistani Army's voice). And while many others, esp Pakistanis here, can give you details on how the operation is going on, I will tell you something different.

After having analyzed TTP's modus operandi for some time now, I have come to the conclusion that the TTP thrives on the the failure of the administration to keep the system (governance) effective. The large mass base in that region (Afghan-Pakistan border northeast of Quetta) has been lacking in basic facilities such as education, development, and infrastructure that we take as basic necessities. Such under development led to frustration among the masses and they became prone to join the militia factions (not all are TTP or Taliban, but they see the benefits of subscribing to these groups). The devastating floods of 2010 stood as stark example when government's neglect of the people was filled by the Taliban that helped restore the homes that people had lost. It was natural for the people of that region to look at the Taliban positively. Add to that the weapons market there that has grown so much that it can easily be considered world's largest weapons manufacturing region.

Now come to 2014. Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which is basically not a combing, but a sweeping operation leading to the flattening of a great number of houses, has led to a large influx of the people from that region into other areas. They are now homeless and are left with even fewer facilities to sustain life. From what I have read till now, they are again being neglected by the government - but this time they are desperate. They are soon to become an even larger base for the Taliban (and others, like Jamia Hafsa madrassa) to recruit from. The families are in such despair that they are not even motivated enough to keep any checks on the youth. This is a failure not on part of the Army, but on part of the government, because an operation does not merely entail shooting around and destroying the buildings (oh, and Mosques and seminaries are being spared - rest of the buildings are quite a target), it also involves proper restoration of the lost homes.

And I am very sure that the Taliban must be really busy recruiting the youth over there will full force as we discuss it here on this forum.

What the future holds, you can easily envision.
Wahab in this instance is a name of a person. You cant just quit talking about stuff because people used a word to describe god. Do you know any Wahabi mosques I can visit in Pakistan?

There is an assumption that no one before our Prophet was named Mohammad... Yet some of the top TTP murderers have that name.. shall we start going by "He who shall not be named"?
As I mentioned earlier, the ficklemindedness in religious ideals in Pakistanis is exemplary. One may be engaging in casual fornication but would get roused up at the idea of a blasphemous comment being uttered.

@Icarus @Abu Zolfiqar @desert warrior @Horus @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @fatman17 @Hyperion @Xeric

Gents, please tell me anything. Any inside info..any talks you had with any Army officer/personnel...any insight as to how Pakistan Military is planning to react to this act of war on us, the Pakistani people?.

Sadly, the military will get its two days of rage where it bombards and carries outs ops.. on known knowns.. and then the Mullah's(who are already kicking in) will take over the government as usual and all will be back to normal. 141 graves will just add to the count that the Mullahs are willing to ignore.

The only way an actual change can be brought about is when the common person starts taking action against support for extremism. Cause physical hurt to one who proclaims sympathy and see how that fear of being lynched in the streets forces them to rethink.
National flag lowered to half-mast as Pakistan plunges into mourning - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Tuesday’s terrorist attack in Peshawar has plunged Pakistan into deep mourning. Never has the country seen the kind of callous orchestration of an attack as witnessed yesterday – one whose target was defenceless children in a school.

The government has announced a three-day mourning but the deadly siege at Army Public School that led to 141 deaths – out of which 132 were of children – and countless injuries almost immediately led tooutpourings of condemnations and grief from across the country and internationally.

Several parts of Pakistan also saw people gathering for condemnation, mourning and candlelight vigilsTuesday night to show solidarity with the children and all others affected in the attack that lasted several hours. Most of those killed will likely be laid to rest today.

While schools are closed in parts of the country, a number of educational institutions will remain open and also offer prayers for the victims of the massacre. Government buildings and Pakistani missions world over will have their flags lowered to half-mast for the three days of mourning.

Funeral prayer in absentia for the martyrs of the Peshawar school attack were offered at Corps Headquarters, Peshawar.

The prayer was attended by the country’s top civilian and military leadership.

The funeral prayer was attended by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif, Director General Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lieutenant General Rizwan Akhtar and Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Mehtab Abbasi. — Reporting by Zahir Shah Sherazi
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