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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Funding is coming from Afghanistan which is a safe heaven for weapons , money and drugs

These groups can easily drive across infiltrate the country and do their dirty acts

Solution is Take over Afghanistan , there is no such thing as TTP or Taliban its same group moving across border

If you have a snake , it lives in Afghanistan , it can slither into Pakistan bite people but its still called a snake its not suddenly called peter pan.

Pakistan needs

1- Take over Afghanistan
2- Setup Barracks / Police force in Afghanistan
3- Grow Military recruitment in Afghanistan
4- De Weaponize the civilians (Priority) , close weapon industry in Afghanistan
5- 100km buffer zone between Pakistani cities and Afghan cities (UAV surveillance)
Allow crossing only at specific allowed areas
6 - Closure of Money black market in Afghanistan

Otherwise small tiny military operations will not give permanent solution

If this was not act of war not sure what is considered act of war​

I completely agree with with you. Afghanistan has no true leadership who can control Terrorist. The world knows that Pakistan indirectly rules and control the economy of Afghan. I think world should not have problem if Pak army takes over and declare Marshall law and complete de - weaponization of Af-Pak civilian.
There is an assumption that no one before our Prophet was named Mohammad... Yet some of the top TTP murderers have that name.. shall we start going by "He who shall not be named"?
As I mentioned earlier, the ficklemindedness in religious ideals in Pakistanis is exemplary. One may be engaging in casual fornication but would get roused up at the idea of a blasphemous comment being uttered.

They can call me whatever they want. In the end they will get frustrated and violent in the face of common sense and reasoning. And as much as I enjoy an intelligent conversation, I also enjoy bringing anarchic violence to those that understand just that.
Good to read that, Hugh. These savages need to be ruthlessly hunted down and killed. As yesterday's terror attack was outsourced by the TTP, what were the nationalities of terrorists responsible for the Peshawar attack. Might you know?

Since they're all dead, we can't be sure. Witnesses heard them speak Arabic; some people are saying they were Uzbek fighters, though I am not sure why.
Yes, of course, the dead don't reveal their nationality. Silly of me. So they were possibly Arabs or Uzbeks. I see.

I didn't think it was silly of you, I just wanted to let you know what the situation was. These guys have to be killed in operations like this, since they wear suicide vests to prevent their capture.
News update:

Govt. gave permission to hang imprisoned terrorists! Live news, links to follow.

As usual honorable PM is being advised to do a thing which He should have done by himself. !

Is this a verified screenshot or photoshop?

If it is true, best news I can imagine in this dark hour.
They can call me whatever they want. In the end they will get frustrated and violent in the face of common sense and reasoning. And as much as I enjoy an intelligent conversation, I also enjoy bringing anarchic violence to those that understand just that.

Hence my contention in the other thread that perhaps being Gandhi in the age of Genghis Khan isnt the best choice. Its time to answer violence with much more advanced violence
COAS flying to Kabul immediately? - Can anyone confirm? @Xeric @Irfan Baloch @balixd

We need to hang all of them, in front of that school.

Not in front of a place of learning. Theyve seen enough death for a lifetime.

They should be publicly hanged though. We need to become ruthless vis-a-vis convicted terrorists...Try them in ATC, hang them in public. Like what the Iranians do with convicted terrorists.


As usual honorable PM is being advised to do a thing which He should have done by himself. !

According to news PM has approved it.
Hence my contention in the other thread that perhaps being Gandhi in the age of Genghis Khan isnt the best choice. Its time to answer violence with much more advanced violence

Death Penalty is Back. Congratulations. Now to hang anyone that gives any money towards their cause.
I hope you are not mistaking me for a Pakistani, because I am an Indian. But I can tell you this, just as every action has a reaction, Operation Zarb-e-Azb will also have some effects: some good, and some bad. The Operation has been termed a great success by the ISPR (Pakistani Army's voice). And while many others, esp Pakistanis here, can give you details on how the operation is going on, I will tell you something different.

After having analyzed TTP's modus operandi for some time now, I have come to the conclusion that the TTP thrives on the the failure of the administration to keep the system (governance) effective. The large mass base in that region (Afghan-Pakistan border northeast of Quetta) has been lacking in basic facilities such as education, development, and infrastructure that we take as basic necessities. Such under development led to frustration among the masses and they became prone to join the militia factions (not all are TTP or Taliban, but they see the benefits of subscribing to these groups). The devastating floods of 2010 stood as stark example when government's neglect of the people was filled by the Taliban that helped restore the homes that people had lost. It was natural for the people of that region to look at the Taliban positively. Add to that the weapons market there that has grown so much that it can easily be considered world's largest weapons manufacturing region.

Now come to 2014. Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which is basically not a combing, but a sweeping operation leading to the flattening of a great number of houses, has led to a large influx of the people from that region into other areas. They are now homeless and are left with even fewer facilities to sustain life. From what I have read till now, they are again being neglected by the government - but this time they are desperate. They are soon to become an even larger base for the Taliban (and others, like Jamia Hafsa madrassa) to recruit from. The families are in such despair that they are not even motivated enough to keep any checks on the youth. This is a failure not on part of the Army, but on part of the government, because an operation does not merely entail shooting around and destroying the buildings (oh, and Mosques and seminaries are being spared - rest of the buildings are quite a target), it also involves proper restoration of the lost homes.

And I am very sure that the Taliban must be really busy recruiting the youth over there will full force as we discuss it here on this forum.

What the future holds, you can easily envision.
Don't worry, Not Sure. I made no assumptions about your nationality.
You have an interesting take on the situation. As always, people's material standard of living has much to do it with the support or otherwise of movements of these sorts. Your posts are useful in giving an alternative view.
]I didn't want to sound like an asshole, but the problem is clearly within Pakistan.

I puked when I read the number of casualties. It seems like even in the most minor of accidents, dozens of people die in Pakistan. I once read a bus flipped over and 90 people were killed. It's like there is no regard for human life. We really need to reconfigure our immigration policies in the West.

You sounds like one that is the biggest one here in this thread.

following days of mourning we should have national day of resolution and revenge

each and every one of those proven terrorists should be hanged one after the other.....this is a national outrage - a level which was never witnessed before

this should unite the country -regardless of peoples' political views. All political activities, sit-ins etc. should be ended immediately. This is the time for national unity only.
I'll celebrate when i see hangings.

If you see so does everyone else. The US system of showing their death to the people affected should be good enough for me. I do not want more recruitment material. There are ways to get honey out of a hive rather than going face in.
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