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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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And you do not believe Pakistani media reports of terror camps operating out of headquarters in Muridke? You do not think that American academicians who have studied the incidence of terrorism, with its effects on ordinary Pakistani families, and have printed books on the subject are not authentic?

It will all depend on the specific sources and the specific academics you mean. And there is generally confusion about the meaning of the word "terrorism".
Problem with you guys in arguing is that you never accept the truth. Hasan Nisar rightly says that Hamne Apni Naslo ko Juth pe pala hai. Unless you learn to accept truth, lies will not help.

did we ask your openion in india they have been chaning history all those big forts which belongs to muslims were converted to hindu in histories. all your cities name is different cuz it was given by muslims ..
tumhari naslain to nafratoon per pal rahi hain .. juth to badla ja sakta hai.
you have bigger problems solve yours i am not here to argu with you guys to waste my time
for your own lill info about Pakistani.. that report wrong if we pay money to any indian anchor or media to play shot that the terrorist died in recent attact belong to bihar's village his name is Ram Kumar 27 year old he and his dad work in local farm is it hard to stablish..

But it didn't happen. The Pakistani media report did happen.

you and your local media had no research.. its based on GEO which is most hateble TV channel in Pakistan... i wonder why
Pakistani journalists never had access to him..

1. No one claimed that Indian media made that discovery. That would have been less credible than Pakistani media making that report.
2. GEO may or may not be hateful to you. Was or was not the report authentic? Why did intelligence agencies discourage every subsequent attempt at reaching that village?
3. Why should Pakistani journalists have access to him? Even Indian journalists had no access to him.

how easy it is to add indian Flag on those scum bag's shirt to prove they were indian..
or let people know we caught one or terrorist behind the show we capture wis indian.. i am sure he will come on camera or even front of international media to call himself indian is that enough to prove that india is behind
lets search their bags or pockets maybe they have hajamula or india lollypop to prove they came from india
or hindu Gods pic in their pockets..

Do that, by all means; search their pockets, and let us know the results. The fact is that there is nothing, because the fact is that they would not come to Peshawar from India in the first place. Some sensible thinking would help you greatly.

dont confuse yourself..
ok so you admiting 4 indian consulates are working if rest 8 of them have been blown by taliban dont cry and come to international media that Pakistan is behind them..

Why are you making up wild stories? Where were the others - some say twelve, some other idiots say fourteen - and where did they go? Why would anyone complain about consulates that don't exist getting blown up? What are you trying to say?

This is the biggest load of nonsense I have read so far.
Here we go again ?
I am sure you are good prapogandist of RAW cause , it was only stupid RAW came up with that muridke stuff?
Its shows your level of intell , about Pakistan ?:enjoy::wave:

Not really.

It was American agencies, and it was American researchers into the families of recruits to these organisations. These research documents are readily available in print.

Try again.
india will continue to support our enemies as it suits india to see instability in Pakistan....the onus lies on us to thwart the plans and at least tackle the internal elements who allow themselves to be pawns and cat-paws of others and their foreign policy objectives

Afghanistan and Pakistan have both seen major attacks like these involving soft targets.....the idea is to drive a wedge between the 2. Ghanis victory in Afghanistan and the Pakistani military's advances in Zarb e Azb operation certainly do have some regional and other actors very upset.
Whatever dude, keep drinking the koolaid. I had come to PDF trying to improve my understanding of Pakistani people, hoping to rid of my prejudices, people like you have reaffirmed my prejudices and made me understand how future of Pakistan is going to be. Good luck to you on your future.
you have to know the difference between terrorism and freedom fighters... Kashmir is disputed area.. how much you claim its your part we still live behind the LINE OF CONTROL in Kashmir..
get your facts right.. Kashmir have their own government in Azad Jamu and Kashmir they have right to raiz their voice and Pakistan will support them moraly till india come to the point to solve that issue.
but where india is directily involve in terrorism thru Afghanistan running 12 consolate by border
There are 4 consulate and 1 embassy in Kabul. The consulates are in Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Qandahar and only Jalalabad is near Pakistani border. If you know any other name it otherwise admit that your claims are based on wrong information.
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When Assad's regime in Syria was challenged, Iranians and even a few Russians came to die for them. Weapons and cash was sent.

When Gaddafi was in a similar position, Africans poured in to help even though it was futile.

Where are Pakistan's allies? Why do we not see Chinese volunteers pouring in to fight the Taliban?
There is NO difference between terrorists and freedom fighters. Hafiz Saeed is an organiser, not a human rights advocate. In every meeting, he calls for violent action against India and Indian institutions.

The TTP may or may not be backed by foreign agencies; every single authentic report, including your own, have shown that the backing is from intelligence agencies other than Indian.

The question for you is to answer if these terrorists have Indian toothbrushes or dry fruits with them. How can you speculate when there is nothing like that? And how are you not aware that Pakistan and Afghanistan are themselves the sources of most of dried fruit consumed in India?

Don't you think that it is easy to bash India rather than correcting the mistakes that have been made by Pakistan's leaders in the past?

you will think what ever you wanna think.. there is huge difference in disown and sepration..
indian have their mentality not to agree with anything specially when it comes to Pakistan they show their true colors..
like how they have in recent hockey match..
your politicians thru your media spreading hate to buy cheap popularity.. unfortunatily you have nothing left but to defend your hate against muslims..
& then INDIA was part of Pakistan ?:chilli::omghaha:

No, India was never part of Pakistan.

If you read the Independence Act of the British Parliament, it gave independence to India, except for those parts that would be taken away to constitute Pakistan.

Zafrulla Khan lost his attempt to get Pakistani membership of the UNO by claiming that it had inherited the Indian membership, and it was established that it was not two equal countries created, but one created out of the other.

you will think what ever you wanna think.. there is huge difference in disown and sepration..
indian have their mentality not to agree with anything specially when it comes to Pakistan they show their true colors..
like how they have in recent hockey match..
your politicians thru your media spreading hate to buy cheap popularity.. unfortunatily you have nothing left but to defend your hate against muslims..

Whatever this means.

It will all depend on the specific sources and the specific academics you mean. And there is generally confusion about the meaning of the word "terrorism".

After 9/11, there is no confusion about the meaning of the word terrorism.
TTP are sworn enemies of India, they were responsible for beheading our soldiers.
You think people are that stupid to ignore everything because modi says so? The guy is a Hindu fanatic, just like the Talibans are Muslim fanatics. The ONLY entities that could and would use yesterday's date.....are the three neighbors connected with the friendship and mutual interest bond (and Modi regime would be the most benefactor of this incident on this day). How is it that youtube has more Indian channels covering this incident than Pakistani channels? Propaganda much?

Like I said before, Afghanistan and Iran need to go on notice. This is crazy.
Fanatic Huh.. And yet the worlds most elite leaders and countries are admiring Modi and giving him red carpet.. Even the Sydney siege was covered by Indian Media very well.. You know Pakistanis like you (and not all Pakistanis) can't think out of the box.. Your thought-process starts and ends at India eccentric Hatred.. The day you stop categorizing Terrorists, you would find Pakistan a much much better place...
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