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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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ARY is known for its sensationalism - plus the question arises of how did they do it, did they have flamethrowers? Kerosene or some other fuel with them, possibly. Did they intend to burn the school down? The Army didn't mention that in their press conferences, so this is all speculation at this point.
One of the kids mentioned that the attackers communicated in arabic.
i was born after the incident too sis
im not a babajee
sorry it was in an attempt for a joke been upset all day now...

I never studied in Pakistan am not very familiar with its geography nor History...I only know how much my parents taught at home or I searched myself from what I read someone writing on PDF....horus intro me to this forum coz he thought I knew nothing about Pakistan or its people and needed to get more linked...
Sorry, I can't make head or tails of what you are saying. Are you trying to say I should blame all Muslims, or all terrorists?

I dont know anything about salafis but yes if for dping of some community people actions; you are HITLERS. The theory wd apply to Muslims too; for Terrorism attacks is it permitted world to make Muslims of world responsible. Does all muslims responsible what ISIS muslim do at australia or else in world than Muslim countries. Your theories are absurd. Take revange against devils not agaist innocent by make communities responsible.
Tend to disagree...The 'individuals' were following an ideology, they were not zombies.

Ideology sets a mindset of its followers.
An ideology is how you take it...It doesnt kill BUT if you use it as a weapon twist and manipulate it...yes it does kill but in the form of an individual who swallowed it whole bypassing his brain...

Please stop discussing this @TankMan let the ignorant be ignorant for today...
Tend to disagree...The 'individuals' were following an ideology, they were not zombies.

Ideology sets a mindset of its followers.
A specific mindset is what attracts people to a specific ideology - were the Sandy Hook or Columbine shooters Salafis or even Muslims? They still did the same. People create and twist ideologies. They don't do it because of their ideology, their ideology is because of them. It exists because of sick individuals.

Exactly, they were not zombies limited to following one ideology - they were sentient, the had thoughts of their own. An ideology didn't instruct them to murder over a hundred children, they decided to do that themselves.
An ideology is how you take it...It doesnt kill BUT if you use it as a weapon twist and manipulate it...yes it does kill but in the form of an individual who swallowed it whole bypassing his brain...

Please stop discussing this @TankMan let the ignorant be ignorant for today...
You're right, we should stick to mourning today - the victims deserve our respect and silence. This incident calls for us to stop our pathetic bickering and unite against terrorism.
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