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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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gosh shes too cute and small to get any harm!
A specific mindset is what attracts people to a specific ideology - were the Sandy Hook or Columbine shooters Salafis or even Muslims? They still did the same. People create and twist ideologies. They don't do it because of their ideology, their ideology is because of them. It exists because of sick individuals.

Exactly, they were not zombies limited to following one ideology - they were sentient, the had thoughts of their own. An ideology didn't instruct them to murder over a hundred children, they decided to do that themselves.

We will discuss it some other time. Note that it is not about salafi, wahabi, deobandi, barelvi etc.
You're right, we should stick to mourning today - the victims deserve our respect and silence. This incident calls for us to stop our pathetic bickering and unite against terrorism.
We will discuss it some other time. Note that it is not about salafi, wahabi, deobandi, barelvi etc.
Thank you :)
A specific mindset is what attracts people to a specific ideology - were the Sandy Hook or Columbine shooters Salafis or even Muslims? They still did the same. People create and twist ideologies. They don't do it because of their ideology, their ideology is because of them. It exists because of sick individuals.

Exactly, they were not zombies limited to following one ideology - they were sentient, the had thoughts of their own. An ideology didn't instruct them to murder over a hundred children, they decided to do that themselves.

"We're more than just a people or an army. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we certainly can kill you."

Don't ask where I got the quote from.
You're right, we should stick to mourning today - the victims deserve our respect and silence. This incident calls for us to stop our pathetic bickering and unite against terrorism.

In principle, I agree with you. However, there is no uniting against terrorism when we can't trust the government, who have come into power through fraud. Stop criminals from getting into power, and criminals like the TTP will be stopped much earlier.

Some people are going to accuse me of "scoring points"; such people are likely the ones who spend all their time scoring points, and can't imagine that someone might be trying to point out what's good.
WTF !?? :angry:

Despite Taliban gunmen taking responsibility for the deadly attack at a military-run school in northwestern Pakistan, where over 100 school children were killed, many Pakistanis are still blaming India for the 'massacre.'
A soldier escorts schoolchildren after they were rescued from from the Army Public School that is under attack by Taliban gunmen in Peshawar, December 16, 2014.Reuters
The most prominent among these accusations seems to have stemmed from the Pakistani security analyst Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, who blamed India for the horrendous terror attack in the school in Peshawar.

Peshawar Attack: Pakistanis Blame India for Massacre of School Children
"We're more than just a people or an army. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we certainly can kill you."

Don't ask where I got the quote from.
There is a huge, thick line between an idea and a terrorist ideology. An idea will appeal to people who think its a good idea - similarly, a terrorist ideology will only appeal to people who think a terrorist ideology is a good idea. Yes, we do have the problem of brainwash etc - but again, it's not an ideology that brainwashes people (unless they do it to themselves) - it's people that do it.

And we were talking about Salafism - a school of thought within Islam. Of course, we have extremist Salafis too. But the keyword here is extremist - again, individuals with extremist tendencies are what turn their salafism into extremism.

Anyways, as @Akheilos said, can we not discuss this now? It's not about sects or ideologies here, its about terrorism. We need to unite against terrorism, not be divided by it.
Sorry, I can't make head or tails of what you are saying. Are you trying to say I should blame all Muslims, or all terrorists?
Its clear post that punish who is responsible and keep away from blaming any community. we had suffer the same agony when in 2002 we had heard that group of muslim people burn the train and kill the Women and Children. and in revenge many innocent lives of both Hindu and Muslim community lost. Many of whom has nothing to do with either riots or religion.
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