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Persian Posturing: Iran’s Drone Fleet Seen From Space

The last sentence from the article:

"To what extent these innovations have been successful and effective will remain unclear until proven on the battlefield."
Hmm. Yemen against Saudi Arabia? Syria and Iraq against the ISIS? Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel? Our drones have been present at battlefields since 2006 at least.
Hmm. Yemen against Saudi Arabia? Syria and Iraq against the ISIS? Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel? Our drones have been present at battlefields since 2006 at least.

I am only quoting the concluding sentence from the OP article. Please feel free to disagree with the author.
I am only quoting the concluding sentence from the OP article. Please feel free to disagree with the author.
And I am only refuting the author's claim. Just because something has been written in an article doesn't mean that it cannot be discussed. It's a forum, when you post something, you should expect replies. Just as simple as that.
And I am only refuting the author's claim. Just because something has been written in an article doesn't mean that it cannot be discussed. It's a forum, when you post something, you should expect replies. Just as simple as that.

And I can only agree with the author's quote above. Many claims, not enough results.
And I can only agree with the author's quote above. Many claims, not enough results.
So, now you're "coming out of the closet" and admit that you didn't quote that part without agreeing with it. I was surprised you tried to hide it at first. lol

Facts and results that have been proven and rigorously verified by satellite photos by independent Western sources. If you want to educate yourself, there are enough photos and resources available for that. Heck, just looking at the Aramco incident should tell you enough about their battlefield history. And you can find them by just a simple Google search.
Facts and results that have been proven and rigorously verified by satellite photos by independent Western sources. If you want to educate yourself, there are enough photos and resources available for that. Heck, just looking at the Aramco incident should tell you enough about their battlefield history. And you can find them by just a simple Google search.

So what did those "experiments" actually reveal about the efficacy of Iranian drones, in your view?
So what did those "experiments" actually reveal about the efficacy of Iranian drones, in your view?
What experiments? Does something like this look like an experiment to you? If yes, your experiments are incredibly costly

Look at what Turkish and Israeli drones did to Armenia military.

Turkish drones had high RCS and Iranian suicide drones are more capable at long range than Israeli ones.

So what does that tell us, if anything, about Iranian drones? Not much.

Yeah, the Saudis and Yemenis have never been at a war. It's all just a well-planned "experiment". lol

The drone involvement is just another example of Iranian proxy support. No wider conclusions about Iranian drone capabilities can be made out of that.
So what does that tell us, if anything, about Iranian drones? Not much.

The drone involvement is just another example of Iranian proxy support. No wider conclusions about Iranian drone capabilities can be made out of that.

Stick it to Biryani and Bollywood movies. You are way out of your depth with these topics.

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