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Permanent Bans review board reinstated.

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This forum is increasingly becoming racist calling Indian pm as terrorist, mad dog, mass murderer. Indians are unnecessarily called trolls, baniyas etc.
All threads discuss toilets in india and caste system. Disappointing.

How can i delete my account.
So, a little sarcasm and posts with some humor amounts to trolling? I think we need to grow up and accept a little unoffensive banter now and then. But seeing that many out here lack a sense of humor, this is one tough issue to sort out.

There's a thin red line between light sarcasm/humor (not intended to hurt anyone's feelings), and trolling, but that line needs to be identified with maturity, and not dish out a negative rating or ban someone for indulging in innocent inoffensive repartee.

Not a little, the thin red line has been crossed with the first shots being fired from both Indians and Pakistanis.. depending on the thread subject.
Yes you can. But chances are you will get the same treatment as "Mech" over here. See, a permanent ban ends up giving you the psychological respite that its over and you will either have to make a new ID or return. However, letting you be and tempting you to troll and then receive a ban(which lasts a few weeks) has the added benefit of finding your legs cut off when you are in the middle of a satisfying flamefest or really posting something well thought out and nice in another thread. That way we ensure not only a hit to your need for revenge at one end but also a greater impact is given to your self esteem and ego in removing the ability to redeem your own self in another thread.

Again, this treatment is reserved only for members who wish to attempt to become trolls but generally fail miserably at it. Genuine flame-trolls get slapped with permanent bans by the committee or senior consultation.. and the more elusive "intellectual" trolls are tackled via a refined SoP that involves bait and catch.

All part of our efforts to find the most cost-effective way to assure that during times of crises the minimal level of quality on this forum is not degraded.

Baap re,itna lamba sochte ho aap.:rolleyes:
This is a devious initiative designed to target only me. :devil::devil:
i am sure , hating malala wont be a reason for me to be banned permanently :D

anyway good decision from Mods ,
i have a suggestion to give here ,that make some rules about disgracing of Religions .. and religious personalities .. that would be great ..
@Horus Can we have some kind of questioner on sign up to evaluate smartness?
:rofl: I second that....
Racist posts were reported but no action was taken.

@Oscar @WebMaster @Horus ban me so that i cant post even if tempted to.
pls dont give titles to teenagers
Also mods should look it these Indian using Islamic terms and phrases in order to troll and/or be sarcastic when they are not even Muslim, like the post of this hindu sarthak for example.
Not that it matters, but sarthak is not a hindu.
@Oscar : You have been on the thread titled "India grounds entire SU-30 fleet". But you haven't deleted that suicide-trollish post by riaz hussein on page 11, which is currently hidden due to three negative ratings, but has been there for more than two days. What I find strange is that I quoted that post to call the attention of the mods, but did not counter troll. My post was deleted, but his still stands. That is a post that is crying out desperately for a perma ban. (Post number 163, page 11.)

What is even more puzzling is that, as I pointed out in the post that got deleted, @Chak Bamu had identified this person (riaz hussein) as a false flagger, and announced that he would be perma banned. But RH is back, back with a vengeance.

Another point I wish to make is one that I had made a long time back, about the rating system. RH's was a post that any sensible person would immediately give a negative rating. (Something about homosexual intercourse by IAF pilots in MKIs, and a juvenile wordplay on "cock-pit".) But the only people who negged him are Indian TTAs - many Pakistani moderators as well as think tanks read it, but did not neg it or delete it. I've always pointed out this personal bias of raters, but this post is just too brazen an example.
Also mods should look it these Indian using Islamic terms and phrases in order to troll and/or be sarcastic when they are not even Muslim, like the post of this hindu sarthak for example.

Yes many abuse Islamic terms and they will gone for good.
Not that it matters, but sarthak is not a hindu.

As long as moderator team gets the point.
pls dont give titles to teenagers
You should clarify whom you have in mind.:devil:
I would recommend this Indian member with his history of infractions and his most recent comment outed as a terrorist sympathizer and a racist.
That seems sarcasm.
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