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per Ajit Doval plan, Afghanistan approves setting up TTP bases at Pak-Afghan border

This time next year the taliban will be in control of the afghan side of our western border.the afghan special forces lol cant battle the taliban nevermind pak army.ttp will be taken care of
Everytime there is a crossborder attack pak should target indian troops in the east.supply freedom fighters in jk with ied explosives and rpg and make them blead.

doval didn't visit afghanistan for the sake of getting a plate of Kabuli Pulao. a terrorism mastermind like that can only do what its good at. I can see trouble on the horizon sadly with the new nexus of india-biden in afghanistan.

I pray and hope we have some strategy in place.

In'Sha'ALLAH and Ameen. As they plan, there is a plan of ALLAH and only this plan works. TTP Dens or bases on border will be crushed between Pakistan and Internal Forces in Afghanistan. US wouldn't be fool and make an attempt to outflank those forces otherwise, the Anvil work will be done by more other forces far behind the US as well. What I am saying is that, I don't see D.C being foolish merely falling to Doval's strategy given their disappointment for India for all these years in Afghanistan.

Doval can try to play devil game further but as usual, he is going to be caught in surprise. As soon as these basis are detected, who knows what will hit them from above.
In'Sha'ALLAH and Ameen. As they plan, there is a plan of ALLAH and only this plan works. TTP Dens or bases on border will be crushed between Pakistan and Internal Forces in Afghanistan. US wouldn't be fool and make an attempt to outflank those forces otherwise, the Anvil work will be done by more other forces far behind the US as well. What I am saying is that, I don't see D.C being foolish merely falling to Doval's strategy given their disappointment for India for all these years in Afghanistan.

Doval can try to play devil game further but as usual, he is going to be caught in surprise. As soon as these basis are detected, who knows what will hit them from above.
as a detour, Situation in Iraq is once again going to be bathed in blood. these warmongers have no soul inside them. Like DG ISPR said months ago that various factions that had splintered with a new quasi daesh outfit being implemented can now get bidens seal of approval.

InShaAllah we endured 20 years of hell and it will end one day.
as a detour, Situation in Iraq is once again going to be bathed in blood. these warmongers have no soul inside them. Like DG ISPR said months ago that various factions that had splintered with a new quasi daesh outfit being implemented can now get bidens seal of approval.

InShaAllah we endured 20 years of hell and it will end one day.

From a strategic point of view beside the history that Afghanistan land is nothing more than a graveyard for invaders regardless of their power. I am sure that US will try to maintain superiority in Afghanistan in a way to keep China or Russia out of picture or to not to let them gain much ground during US presence but on the same time, Pakistan is the key for anyone in Afghanistan. US left an open ground for India but Delhi totally failed and disappointed to deliver at all except that it flourished terrorists dens & breed them against Pakistan only. On the same time, it may sound naïve but Russia & China has gain much as well as far as I observed. If, I cannot drive out the foreigners then I should pave way for second friendly party (in a win win term) to balance such presence especially since I cannot deal with it directly given my limitations. Due to the incompetence & selfish approach of India, US might have already seen that the ground is not much in their favour alone. We will need to keep an open eye on the happenings & plan our way. For example.... Biden will keep Zalmay in place for peace deal and then... Taliban met with Chinese Ambassador recently appreciating China's work for development in Afghanistan. On the same time, Russia along with many others have already seen that how India is in bed with ISIS and given the losses in Syria, Moscow is already seeing India otherwise. Biden is going into review of Afghanistan Peace Deal but on the same time urges for Pakistan close ties & sees Pakistan beyond Afghanistan peace. There are news that US blames Russia for putting bounty on US forces......

Conclusively, Pakistan really needs to be careful but not to sit idle. I can type a long page observation but then again, let's just say that I don't want to run before time and due to some other reasons.
things are about to get heated again, lets see where the new president will take the Afghan peace process. But no matter what, I believe that Pakistan will not forsake their security for Afghans or Americans.
India is using the Bangladesh model for Baluchistan and dreaming of the same outcome.
Taliban till now, have kept their side of deal by not attacking and killing a single American in Afghanistan.

BUT, with rapidly changing ground realities with new American regime, Taliban needs to give ultimatum to American regime to clarify their position towards peace deal and abide by it wholly, failure doing so, will no longer bind Taliban to refrain themselves attacking occupying American forces.

Any clash between Taliban and American forces will hopefully be picked up by Trump and his supporters back in America and will be used as political whip to hit Biden and his ilk.
If this is real and does happen indeed than PM Khan will have to come out of his love for Afghanistan and ask PAF to simply take these hideouts out without remorse and with impunity. If not we will suffer so badly that we may forget the past decade of bombing and terrorism inside Pakistan.
We should simply have a no tolerance policy for Indian terrorism originated from Afghanistan.
As per Ajit Doval plan, #Afghanistan approves setting up #TTP bases at Pak-Afghan border at every 1000 meters with new Bunkers for Afghan forces.
Afghan special forces to be deployed frm Spina Shaga to Tri Mengal,Kharlachi,Nari Kundao,Dhanda Grami Muqbal, Jaji Maidn, Chargoti. Drones, cameras & new check posts for Afghan forces will also be installed. It was briefed in a joint meeting of Afghan intelligence & Mili ardo (ANA) on Border planning in Gardez Province Paktia Center
#Afghanistan 🇦🇫
Paktia Governor Muhammad Haleem Fidai, 206 Thunder Corps General Najibullah Sartiray
, Defense Minister Mohammad Mehsud Andarbi
Borders’ Minister Muhammad Yasin Zia
NDS General for Paktika-Paktia General Nazir Ali Wahidi, Special Police Force Commander Shamim Khan Katozai, Colonel Abdul Qayyum Rahimi and other officers attended the meeting.

In short if #India🇮🇳 is going to fund Border operations by #Afghanistan.🇦🇫 Then #Pakistan🇵🇰 have to be extra vigilant not only at Western but at Eastern front too.
We need swarm drones for Eastern border.
Pakistan should kill shiv senas head. Simple.
just carpet bomb these shits in their caves..............
Hang on - why can't Pak troops bomb the hell out of these camps??? Why do the generals want to wait like cowards?
Because of the fear of counterattack I guess.
just carpet bomb these shits in their caves..............
How come you are not working as the dgmo of pakistani army? You surely are a genius military strategist.
Hang on - why can't Pak troops bomb the hell out of these camps??? Why do the generals want to wait like cowards?
I see you are spitting venom against the forces all because you are a dung beetle of your mian. infinite lanat on the mian and its poojari.
I see you are spitting venom against the forces all because you are a dung beetle of your mian. infinite lanat on the mian and its poojari.

Seriously dude, get a life. Not everything revolves around arse holes like Mian, Zardari, IK and other turds. Now before turning yourself like a complete jack.as.s, understand that my criticism is the inability of our Generals to take decisive actions because they are themselves corrupt. Now see ya, and have a nice day. :omghaha:

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