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People started leaving prayer after mullah targeted female education in sermon

You’re not 12 now and I guarantee you’re not still living with your parent. So hurry up and move to an Islamic country since these are bastions of human excellence. Why don’t you go, Is Canada holding you hostage? Why are you sitting in a godless, secular country? It must be a torment for you!!

Why would I move to a country that has no rule of law? I said , will move once there is a rule of law. Living in Canada I have the freedom to practice my religion. I never said Canada is tormenting me but the way western societies are causing self harm will affect generations to come. So , yes I would live in an Islamic Country not a mullah run country .

You are confusing majority of muslims countries with an Islamic country. I know none of them are close to Islamic principles.

Show me where the Muslim League said that Pakistan was supposed to be an Islamic country. Go ahead…here’s a website of every speech Jinnah made….a PDF to “The Quotes of Jinnah” is available for free.Feel free to prove your point for once. Chapter and page number….I’ll be interested in your reply and waiting….and I’ll remind me if you forget.

That is part of our constitution.

Well who gave Mullahs influence and power in our society? When you base your nation on a religion, the custodians of that religion automatically gain influence and if history is any witness, we all know how desperate mullahs like to keep their power and influence upon our communities.

One of several reasons why the majority of Islamic parties opposed Pakistan’s independence was BASED on the theory that it would spell and end to the Muslim/Hindu/British divide. Keeping the communities divided and suspicious of each other only helped Mullahs maintain control of Muslim majority neighborhoods I cities, and towns and villages across British India.

Maybe not giving them so much power and influence could help….maybe a society not hellbent on looking for the word ALLAH in a piece of baked naan might help too.

Moderation is not a crime…Islam promotes it…and practicing or doing anything in moderation is essentially the Islamic principle.
You are arguing my point. I said Islamic country, not a country run by mullah’s. who gave them power? Corruption did, lack of education did, it has nothing to do with Islam.
Moderation within the Islamic parameters and for society to stay with the boundaries they have to know the religion first. Education about Quran and Prophet (PBUH) will eradicate the mullah issue.

I said nothing about Pakistan….we are not an Islamic country, we are British Raj v2.0.

There are no Islamic counties in the world…because they simply cannot exist.

A Muslim country however can exist and they can be found in Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia today as probably the best examples. Bosnia, Albania or Morocco to maybe a lesser extent….
That’s your opinion, it can exist . It won’t be perfect but it can exist. I am not expecting a perfect 100% Islamic rule, that would be foolish of me but we can try to get as close to it as possible. We are currently hell bent on destroying our society in the name of modernization. You can see the issues coming up in western societies and how raising the next generation is getting tougher. A society without religion might succeed for a short period but it will start to destroy itself in a long run. The problems arising in western culture might be micro right now but it will only grow.
Then what are you doing living in Canada? It amazes me how you people who cry about state Religion and theocracy all choose to move to western, secular, free socities.

The hypocrisy is unreal.
Because the secular degenerates at the helm in our part of the world have rendered those countries since inception unlivable. The move is economic not ideological.
This is the change we all were promised. Next step should be clap these Harami molvies

Having lived with mullah in karachi was a enjoyable experience, the mullah was pathan but brought up & had secondary education from karachi & religious education from karachi madrasa, pesh imam of memon dominated masjid which was frequented by rich businessmen memon.
What was interesting to note was shariah interpretation was reflective of the persons ethnicity, education, and the city being brought up in.
Pathans are known for harsh interpretation of Islam, against positivity for any female person, education, English language & clothes, Islamic banking, tv etc
On the other hand same sect mullah from Urdu speaking mullah had more modern views
Now our mullah used to see which mentality, upbringing the patient is from and give advice shariah accordingly.
A madrasa for Quran recitation had pathan & memon students. The pathan won’t study till beaten on hands or slapped on face, memon on the hand would literally stop studying if beaten so had to be dealt with on an emotional level.
Conclusion is our mullah are reflection of their society and it’s our duty to ask them whether the “fatwa” is based on Quran/Hadith or cultural norms.
Would be beneficial if us common layman would study Islam as well like a 4 years program of shariah
Mullah, Samp or Ganral jitha wakho utha he tika do. Yeh nasoor jab tak rahin ga Pakistan taraqi nahi ker sakta.
No- Pakistan's core should always be islamic in nature as the country is overwhelmingly Muslim

Although it shouldn't be a theocracy but Islam has a role to play in Pakistan like how it currently is constitutionally supposed to play

IE no law can contradict nor supercede islamic law and all laws should pass after the clearance from the highest shari'a court of the country

As we follow anglo Saxon laws (nothing wrong with it many successful ex-colonies still following with some reforms) we need a balance and "legal" protection for the overwhelmingly conservative Muslim society or else A- they'll take law in their own hands B- they'll never trust the system as they'll feel it's not representative of their values and way of life

I believe if we truly follow our current laws and constitution to it's true spirit, we'll find a balance between total liberalization where anything goes, without a fundamental core principles guiding the people and a full blown theocracy

Pakistanis can NEVER live under a theocracy, I don't think our society at large would accept it

But Pakistanis can also never live under full secularization
When will people realize Muslim states can be moderate functioning nations without being secular and LGBT loving hippes
Then what are you doing living in Canada? It amazes me how you people who cry about state Religion and theocracy all choose to move to western, secular, free socities.

The hypocrisy is unreal.

It's a very disingenuous point of view to hold. The fact you speak perfect English whilst living in Pakistan points to your families wealth, ie you being able to afford an excellent education.

Pakistan is great for people like you. Those of us who moved abroad are from middle class of working class families - we didn't move for political or ideological reasons - we moved because we were dirt poor and had zero opportunity.

Play the ball, not the man.

FWIW, I agree with you on theocracy. I used to think it had it's merits, but don't anymore.
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