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People started leaving prayer after mullah targeted female education in sermon

Nope.. it’s the people who don’t understand the religion having a platform which they don’t deserve.
People who really understand religion will never stick to one. If one with an open mind had read books with proper explanation then that's the best recipie for making mulhids

When the books tells female have half say (gawahi) (there no context here , this is valid across all scenarios) and the prophet says that agar kabele ki sarpara aurat hai to us kabeele pe lanat hogi (true hadees not zaeef) then this moulvi not wrong at all , wo to sunnat pe Amal kar raha hai
People who really understand religion will never stick to one. If one with an open mind had read books with proper explanation then that's the best recipie for making mulhids

When the books tells female have half say (gawahi) (there no context here , this is valid across all scenarios) and the prophet says that agar kabele ki sarpara aurat hai to us kabeele pe lanat hogi (true hadees not zaeef) then this moulvi not wrong at all , wo to sunnat pe Amal kar raha hai
There are reasons for it and the balancing act is there in the Quran and hadiths.

The same book says heavens are beneath the mothers feet, giving the utmost respect to women.

The women are given half the property as men is cause women gets the property from her husband as well, in wirasat.

Quran says the best gift you can give to your children is education, no mention of man or woman.

Seek knowledge even if you go to cheen, both men and women.

Many more...
There are reasons for it and the balancing act is there in the Quran and hadiths.

The same book says heavens are beneath the mothers feet, giving the utmost respect to women.

The women are given half the property as men is cause women gets the property from her husband as well, in wirasat.

Quran says the best gift you can give to your children is education, no mention of man or woman.

Seek knowledge even if you go to cheen, both men and women.

Many more...
You have not read just telling what your family / mullah told you, please quote the verses for your claim

There is no ayat for the mother feet thing
China hadees is no authentic , firstly it's not in bukhari secondly can you share source of its sanad

This is the same point i was trying to prove it any one studies Bible , Veds , Quran with open mind they will get rid of these billshits but for us religion is in what priest , pandit mullah told us
You have not read just telling what your family / mullah told you, please quote the verses for your claim

There is no ayat for the mother feet thing
China hadees is no authentic , firstly it's not in bukhari secondly can you share source of its sanad

This is the same point i was trying to prove it any one studies Bible , Veds , Quran with open mind they will get rid of these billshits but for us religion is in what priest , pandit mullah told us

What is your point here, you are contradicting your own statement, earlier you said what the mullah told in the OP post was right.

Then you said we shouldn't listen to mullah.
This is why religion and state should stay separate. Good for those people tho!
No- Pakistan's core should always be islamic in nature as the country is overwhelmingly Muslim

Although it shouldn't be a theocracy but Islam has a role to play in Pakistan like how it currently is constitutionally supposed to play

IE no law can contradict nor supercede islamic law and all laws should pass after the clearance from the highest shari'a court of the country

As we follow anglo Saxon laws (nothing wrong with it many successful ex-colonies still following with some reforms) we need a balance and "legal" protection for the overwhelmingly conservative Muslim society or else A- they'll take law in their own hands B- they'll never trust the system as they'll feel it's not representative of their values and way of life

I believe if we truly follow our current laws and constitution to it's true spirit, we'll find a balance between total liberalization where anything goes, without a fundamental core principles guiding the people and a full blown theocracy

Pakistanis can NEVER live under a theocracy, I don't think our society at large would accept it

But Pakistanis can also never live under full secularization
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Then what are you doing living in Canada?

I came to Canada when I was 12. I grew up in a western society where I got closer to my religion and understood it without cultural bias.
It amazes me how you people who cry about state Religion and theocracy all choose to move to western, secular, free socities.

The hypocrisy is unreal.

How am I crying about anyone of those things? I said people who don’t understand religion should not be given platform to talk about it. Pakistan by its constitution is suppose to be an Islamic country, not mullah or cultural driven. When an individual tries to corrupt society by misrepresenting religion that individual needs to be prosecuted.

Hypocrisy is shown by these mullahs who will demand a female doctor or security officer for their wife and daughters but will preach against female education.

Majority of oversea Pakistanis will move to Pakistan and will bring their halal earnings with them if Pakistan gets a functioning government. We would leave our jobs, friends and our adopted country for sake of Pakistan so don’t try to question our loyalty.
These stupid Mullahs are the biggest threat to Islam. They need to learn Islam themselves first. Societies progress with education. Islam is not against female education. Islam is not against education. The golden age of Muslims was due to our knowledge and education. The kuffar want us to remain ignorant.

What causes more fitna, a girl going to a segregated or all girls school to get educated about the deen and other subjects or, a person forced to let his pregnant wife be handled by a male doctor to deliver her baby because there is no female doctor since they can’t get educated?

I’m against these western NGOs and their kufiri cancerous ideologies infiltrating schools. I’m against the western secular education which spreads fitna.
Muslim countries should design their own Islamic school curriculums which include religious and non religious subjects like maths and sciences. Banning education altogether is what kaffirs want us to do because they want us to stay ignorant.
The favorite trick to shut down the other person without having to answer.
Rest assured, @PakCan or other expatriates aren't living in Canada because of the secular and free society.

Shut down what? I’m raising a valid point….why is it that the ones who cry about religious states and theocracy for Pakistan all decide to immigrate to countries that are NOT religious and NOT theocratic.

They choose to live in a society that insists on secularism and freedom of speech.

Otherwise the Gulf is just as rich as Western Europe/North America…if not better when it comes to earning.

Practice what you preach.
I came to Canada when I was 12. I grew up in a western society where I got closer to my religion and understood it without cultural bias.

You’re not 12 now and I guarantee you’re not still living with your parent. So hurry up and move to an Islamic country since these are bastions of human excellence. Why don’t you go, Is Canada holding you hostage? Why are you sitting in a godless, secular country? It must be a torment for you!!

How am I crying about anyone of those things? I said people who don’t understand religion should not be given platform to talk about it. Pakistan by its constitution is suppose to be an Islamic country, not mullah or cultural driven. When an individual tries to corrupt society by misrepresenting religion that individual needs to be prosecuted.

Show me where the Muslim League said that Pakistan was supposed to be an Islamic country. Go ahead…here’s a website of every speech Jinnah made….a PDF to “The Quotes of Jinnah” is available for free.

Feel free to prove your point for once. Chapter and page number….I’ll be interested in your reply and waiting….and I’ll remind me if you forget.

Hypocrisy is shown by these mullahs who will demand a female doctor or security officer for their wife and daughters but will preach against female education.

Well who gave Mullahs influence and power in our society? When you base your nation on a religion, the custodians of that religion automatically gain influence and if history is any witness, we all know how desperate mullahs like to keep their power and influence upon our communities.

One of several reasons why the majority of Islamic parties opposed Pakistan’s independence was BASED on the theory that it would spell and end to the Muslim/Hindu/British divide. Keeping the communities divided and suspicious of each other only helped Mullahs maintain control of Muslim majority neighborhoods I cities, and towns and villages across British India.

Maybe not giving them so much power and influence could help….maybe a society not hellbent on looking for the word ALLAH in a piece of baked naan might help too.

Moderation is not a crime…Islam promotes it…and practicing or doing anything in moderation is essentially the Islamic principle.

Majority of oversea Pakistanis will move to Pakistan and will bring their halal earnings with them if Pakistan gets a functioning government. We would leave our jobs, friends and our adopted country for sake of Pakistan so don’t try to question our loyalty.

I said nothing about Pakistan….we are not an Islamic country, we are British Raj v2.0.

There are no Islamic counties in the world…because they simply cannot exist.

A Muslim country however can exist and they can be found in Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia today as probably the best examples. Bosnia, Albania or Morocco to maybe a lesser extent….
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