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People for sale. Where lives are auctioned for $400

It was a dream country for everybody except fooled by West "regime-fighters". I know that nurses from Ukraine went to Lybia and earned more than 1000 dollars on the hands with all living costs paid by state - and it was clean and absolutely safe place(in Ukraine nurses had 150 dollars at the time). I know many figures about the state that existed in its time - but who cares? It is history now, I bet people living there hardly believe 6 years ago they had social garanties, police, medical care and so on. Now they are living near pre-historic slave markets - and Western human rights fighters do not care.

International geopolitics at work, as always, for better and worse, with all sorts of consequences, intended and unintended. Rinse, Repeat.
I am correct, not just technically. One cannot pick and choose sides in international geopolitics on the basis of personal views.

International geopolitics too is personal views that are held by groups.

I ask that you read the articles I have linked earlier in this thread. Give them a try.
International geopolitics too is personal views that are held by groups.

I ask that you read the articles I have linked earlier in this thread. Give them a try.

There is no room for personal views in international geopolitics. None at all.
Destruction of Libya was completely unnecessary act it was quite a peaceful country that was trying to build it's economy and setting up water systems in deserts

Well who was the one who liberated Libya by providing weapons to the rouge groups , ehem ehem cough cough

As for the trade it self, at a deeper level it seems the folks in trade have 2 choices

a) Either they can be at Sea and then a European ship will come and hit their boat turning it over so they can die or have to swim back to Africa

b) They can work in farm or construction and get 3 meals a day

By the way ... Slaves used to get branded , now adays each human is assigned a card id which tracks your work so Master can take his money from you end of year. Oh wait that is just taxes completely legal
Well...Well...well... A pleasure to read fantasies about Libya...

But here fore you in this one sentence...what Libya was under Kaddafi...

"We are the richest... We lived like no ones aorund us... We enjoyed every luxury of our time... We loved each others and those on top of us... BUT... We used to Educate and treat ourselfs outside..WE were given Gold...but no Future..."

Libya is a tribal sys... Kaddafi had as much power...as the head of the strongest tribe... It's just that ruling was given to him...
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Libya was great for those who were aligned with the ruling clan, and not so for those who were not.

Yes, I am no fan of Gaddafi, but undoubtedly Libya is worse off now. The West imposing Israel's yid Allom plan.
The Arab countries broken down into their ethnic constituents.
Well , the talk of Slave trade is such a topic in Western society oh ... no look they are selling slaves

Ok.... well how about you accept their migrant Ships ? Oh no we can't do that Europe is for Europe

It is well understood in poor economies people are not paid by money but are paid by 3 meals a day and basic place to sleep and live

Who is missing the stable Libya , that was trying to donate to african countries to improve their region so people would not migrate
I see some people lacking the moral courage to call something such as slave markets wrong just because of the countries or the nationals involved in the trade :lol:
Diverting the discussion to how good Libya was or was not under Qaddafi and hoe bad or worse it is right now.

Sad times when the champions of democracy, human rights and all cannot make a straight post condemning such news articles as the OP.

@The Eagle see bro, this is the kind of reaction i was telling you about.
@Joe Shearer @Slav Defence
I see some people lacking the moral courage to call something such as slave markets wrong just because of the countries or the nationals involved in the trade :lol:
Diverting the discussion to how good Libya was or was not under Qaddafi and hoe bad or worse it is right now.

Sad times when the champions of democracy, human rights and all cannot make a straight post condemning such news articles as the OP.

@The Eagle see bro, this is the kind of reaction i was telling you about.
@Joe Shearer @Slav Defence

Makes very sad reading.
@The Eagle see bro, this is the kind of reaction i was telling you about.

Did we expect anything close to truth in presence of personal deed. I don't think so that narrative which actually shatter my dreams or the wish, may ever seem plausible to me in any context let alone speaking of human rights etc. I use to say that it is not necessary to accept my narrative, by everyone or someone because it is really hard to fulfill the wishes of everyone out there especially the people that actually wanted to hear something whatsoever they wanted contrary to ground reality.

Speaking of subject here, let me bring in another add-on to the list of such kind of auction and that is, where we use to read about how Jihadi John left his country (1st world indeed) in the name of to say that; Islam. I mean really? how come the same cannot be labelled as sold for money in the name of religion which is not the concern for the buyer at all hence, all the problems.

Not just in Libya but it has been the norm in every country though, only spoken when oppose to personal interest and one's nation interest. Who filled ISIS numbers that we know as the most are flown in from 1st world countries, the so-called champions of human rights that actually let them be sold in the name of Jihad and all. So from that episode to what is happening in Libya, not to mention those old times slavery markets selling coloured people, the pattern is so visible and clear to see that which type of specific set/group is always involved in this shameful business.

Those, with clear mind and ambition to stand against such inhuman acts and are always speaking straight, are never let by CNN or anyone else to speak on front and stand against such crime of very few because that is not going to help a specific narrative of particular people.

A saddening truth, isn't it.
Makes very sad reading.

Luckily, international geopolitics is utterly non-emotional. Gaddafi paid the price for his disastrous foreign policies and the population of Libya is still paying the price. The use of state-sponsored terrorism can go only so far, and at least Gaddafi won't be doing that any more. Others should learn this lesson too.
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Luckily, international geopolitics is utterly non-emotional. Gaddafi paid the price for his disastrous foreign policies and the population of Libya is still paying the price. The use of state-sponsored terrorism can go only so far, and at least Gaddafi won't be doing that any more. Others should learn this lesson too.

So what you are saying is that only NATO governments have the imperial right to impose upon other countries.
So what you are saying is that only NATO governments have the imperial right to impose upon other countries.

Absolutely not. All sovereign nations have the equal right to pursue policies that serve their national interests. Some are able to do it better than others, that is all.
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