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People are taught to hate Australia

Stereotyping is VERY bad... but IMHO, it is not AS BAD as spreading hate... I hope I conveyed my POV clearly...

here is a short definition :

HATE - Don't buy in

Stereotyping involves making global assumptions without knowing all the facts. A stereotype assumes that all members of a group share some general quality. (ie. They are smart, they are stupid, they are hard working, they are bad drivers, etc.) Stereotyping of people or groups can be derogatory and can lead to prejudice and discrimination. The following scenario illustrates how stereotypes can lead to discrimination.

People are often hurt by prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour. People may lose out on jobs or apartments because of discriminatory attitudes. The law cannot control stereotyping or prejudicial attitudes; however, it can address discrimination. Prejudice is not a behaviour; discrimination is. For example, a person may be prejudiced against people with brown hair. If this person keeps the feeling to himself or herself then it is prejudice, but if this person starts to beat up all people with brown hair it becomes discrimination. Prejudice is a state of mind; discrimination is a definite action which results from prejudice.

Urban Dictionary: stereotype

A term used to define all people of a certain belief into a mostly negative category that may only reflect a selected few of the racial demographics. All people of all nationalities have been victims of being stereotyped, even those whom have made most of the stereotypes of other people.

Note: Most stereotypes are involuntarily lived out by a small segment of who they are made to offend. Here are a few examples of stereotypes.
1.) That all white women have flat booties.
2.) That all Jews are greedy.
3.) That all blacks are lazy, on welfare, and don't believe in marriage before child barring.
4.) That all Asians are good at math.
5.) That all Arabs are angry people that like to blow **** up.
6.) That ALL black men are hung like elephants.
7.) ALL white men are hung like squirrels.
8.) All blacks crave chicken and watermelon.
9.) All blacks are hostile and will quickly bust a cap in your ***.
10.) That all Mexicans like to drive around 15-17 deep in a small *** car.
11.) That all white people get angry when they cant get jobs and see others moving ahead.
12.) That all Asains like to eat rice and drive slow.
13. That all Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes.

These are just a few..however not everyone live this lifestyle and therefor should be judged on individuality instead of being grouped as a whole.
I have no issue with this. If they can act racist, so can we. Its not the govt. policy so no harm done.
There is no harm in alarming people how people may behave to you over the phone and how to react in that circumstance.

Same is done by Australian colleges by Australian teachers on very first day while briefing to new foreign students that Australians are very rough and blunt at times, can sledge you cunningly, are touchy about your accent, may offend your name, may behave unpredictably and how to avoid arguments and take it easy when they may abuse your ethnicity or cultural habits. Not to laugh loudly on streets, not to carry costlier cell phones etc etc etc.

More you are informed better you prevail.

Mr. Haffiz and his dumb article both are trying to give such common sense a ugly twist. Hate is Haffiz's copyright against Indians and it should be limited to this anti India hatemonger only.

If Indians have to say anyone that he is an a$$hole and they hate him, be he is an American, Pakistani or an Australian for any good reason, then they have guts to say it on the face unlike those who first make friends, lick bums and then back stab.
There is no harm in alarming people how people may behave to you over the phone and how to react in that circumstance.

Same is done by Australian colleges by Australian teachers on very first day while briefing to new foreign students that Australians are very rough and blunt at times, can sledge you cunningly, are touchy about your accent, may offend your name, may behave unpredictably and how to avoid arguments and take it easy when they may abuse your ethnicity or cultural habits. Not to laugh loudly on streets, not to carry costlier cell phones etc etc etc.

More you are informed better you prevail.

Mr. Haffiz and his dumb article both are trying to give such common sense a ugly twist. Hate is Haffiz's copyright against Indians and it should be limited to this anti India hatemonger only.

If Indians have to say anyone that he is an a$$hole and they hate him, be he is an American, Pakistani or an Australian for any good reason, then they have guts to say it on the face unlike those who first make friends, lick bums and then back stab.

It looks like we should award "The New hate Kid of the day" award to you for hating me.
I see some lame and crude stereotyping, but not hate.

No one likes to be stereotyped, with one of the worst and most common being "You're Muslim... you must be a terrorist." Probably even worse are the Jew stereotypes that have been around for centuries. Stereotypes should be ruthlessly squashed and have no place in a reputable business.
Most people these days just hang up the phone if there is an Indian accent on the other end because they know it's a telemarketer.
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