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People are taught to hate Australia


Jun 28, 2010
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Indian call centre staff taught Oz 'dumbest continent': report
Indian call centre staff taught Oz 'dumbest continent': report - Indian Express

Indian call centres were allegedly teaching their staff that Australia was the "dumbest continent" and its people were "quite racist" and "drink constantly."

According to a report in 'Courier Mail', the staff, while being taught about "how to act Australian", were also told to "speak slowly" to customers on the other end of the phone line because they tend to be technologically "backwards".

India-based phone helpline operators were also warned that Australians were "touchy" about their pets.

The staff were also advised that they could hang up the call with Australians who used the "preferred term for us" – "brown bas...ds".

After these allegations first appeared in the reputed news magazine 'Mother Jones', they have caused a concern in the US over cultural stereotyping, the report said.

One of the magazine's writers, Andrew Marantz, spent weeks undertaking training in India with locals at an organisation called the 'Delhi Call Centre' (DCC), as part of investigative journalism. "For three weeks, a culture trainer will teach us conversational skills, Australian pop culture and the terms of the mobile phone contracts we'll be peddling," he was quoted as saying.

"Our first job at DCC will be to interrupt Australians at dinner and ask them to switch phone providers."

Marantz told The Sunday edition of the newspaper that he undertook the investigation last year, when there was some publicity about Indian students in Australia facing violent attacks.

The training programme taught employees about conversational skills and Australian pop culture in the hope that they would build a rapport with the person they were trying to sell to.

In "dissecting" the Australian psyche in 20 minutes, the teacher told the class, "Just stating the facts, guys. Australia is known as the dumbest continent. Literally, college was unknown there until recently, so speak slowly".

"Technologically speaking, they're somewhat backward, as well. The average person's mobile would be no better than, say, a Nokia 3110 classic."

That revelation "drew scoffs from around the room".

"Australians drink constantly," the teacher warned. "If you call on a Friday night, they'll be smashed - every time."

"Oh, and don't attempt to make small talk with them about their pets, OK? They can be quite touchy about animals."

When one call centre student asked what kind of people lived in Australia, the teacher responded "Let's admit: they are quite racist. They do not like Indians."

Stop teaching people to hate other people !!!
Stop teaching people to hate other people !!!

Nice try but these companies have one goal and that is to sell whatever they're selling. They'll stereotype everyone while training their employees how to behave.
Nice try but these companies have one goal and that is to sell whatever they're selling. They'll stereotype everyone while training their employees how to behave.

Nice trying to twist the facts. No matter how hard you try to hide the truth....you can't deny that Indians are taught to HATE Australia !
Nice trying to twist the facts. No matter how hard you try to hide the truth....you can't deny that Indians are taught to HATE Australia !

You guys don't know how a BPO works....because of these measures India has been able to become a hub for call centers..!!
You guys don't know how a BPO works....because of these measures India has been able to become a hub for call centers..!!

Er..........many companies will pull out , for fearing of being associated to racial stereotyping.
Nice trying to twist the facts. No matter how hard you try to hide the truth....you can't deny that Indians are taught to HATE Australia !

yes its true..every indian gets call center training...there are 1 bl call center employees in india...who is stereotyping now??:bunny:
Er..........many companies will pull out , for fearing of being associated to racial stereotyping.

That depends....if Western Media (European and North American) join the India bashing then a lot of foreign companies will pull out.
the worst thing these BPO training centers can be accused of, is STEREOTYPING Australians... I don't know how these BPO training centers can be called as "SPREADING HATE"...????
That depends....if Western Media (European and North American) join the India bashing then a lot of foreign companies will pull out.

Biz deal is done by not reading news papers and what they think about you. its deal upon merit and cost efficiency thats it..
the worst thing these BPO training centers can be accused of, is STEREOTYPING Australians... I don't know how these BPO training centers can be called as "SPREADING HATE"...????

Convenience the Jews that stereotyping them how good they are with handing money is not antisemitism.

Convenience the Black people that their IQ are very high is not racism.

Biz deal is done by not reading news papers and what they think about you. its deal upon merit and cost efficiency thats it..

Big companies care what consumers think.
Stereotyping is VERY bad... but IMHO, it is not AS BAD as spreading hate... I hope I conveyed my POV clearly...
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