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Pentagon report highlights China's airpower development


Aug 14, 2013
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Pentagon report highlights China's airpower development - 6/6/2014 - Flight Global

A US Department of Defence report has underlined China’s determination to develop its airpower capabilities.
In its Annual Report to Congress about China’s military, the DoD notes that Beijing continues to develop its anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) capabilities. These capabilities are mainly designed to deter US intervention in a conflict.
The report also highlights key shortcomings in Chinese aerospace technologies, such as engines and avionics, that the country hopes to redress through the crossover of commercial aerospace technologies to the military sphere.
Key technologies where China’s defence sector has benefited from close ties to the commercial sector include hot section technologies for engines, avionics, and flight controls.
“Differentiating between China’s civil and military end-use remains a challenge due to opaque corporate structures, hidden asset ownership, and the connections of commercial personnel with the central government,” says the report.
In addition, China “has used its intelligence services and other illicit approaches to collect sensitive US information and export-controlled technology in violation of US laws and export controls.”
The report sheds little new light on specific Chinese aerospace programmes, but notes that the Chengdu J-20 is likely to enter service in 2018. It reflects the uncertainty prevalent in published sources as to whether the Shenyang J-31 fighter is intended for use by the mainland, or as an export competitor to the Lockheed Martin F-35.
It also notes that China is eager to obtain the Sukhoi Su-35 from Russia along with its IRBIS-E passive electronically scanned array (PESA) radar. The DoD says the advanced type could enter Chinese services in 2016 or 2018.
The report also makes mention of China's efforts to upgrade its H-6s (based on the Tupolev Tu-16) to carry long range cruise missiles, providing a valuable standoff attack capability. The H-6G has four pylons, while the H-6K has six. The H-6K also has new turbofan engines that extend its range.
Although China is building its capabilities, it still has a number of major capability gaps, according to the DoD. One of these is its long-range antisubmarine warfare capability.
The DoD also highlights the uncertainty around China’s defence budget. It estimates that Beijing spent $145 million on defence in 2013, 21% greater than the official number of $119.5 billion.
“It is difficult to estimate actual PLA military expenses due to China’s poor accounting transparency and incomplete transition from a command economy. China’s published military budget omits several major categories of expenditure, such as procurement of foreign weapons and equipment.”
It is said that " truth is bitter " ...everybody can't take it !

But honestly it has become a joke. We have been hearing it for 7 years now (with both Chinese and Russians denying it). If they wanted to buy it, they would have by now.
But honestly it has become a joke. We have been hearing it for 7 years now (with both Chinese and Russians denying it). If they wanted to buy it, they would have by now.

This news quotes Deputy head of Rosoboronexport !

what else do you need to believe it ....do you expect Deputy head of Rosboronexport to lie about S-35 deal with China ?

China may have its own reasons to deny it ...China has denied many things in past ...so what ?

Denial is a very successful strategy for many to evade uncomfortable question ...

China to Get Russian Su-35 Jets in 2014 – Rosoboronexport | World | RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, September 7 (RIA Novosti) – Moscow and Beijing expect to seal the deal on the sale of Russian Su-35 fighter jets to China in 2014, a senior official at the Russian arms exports monopoly said Saturday.
“Talks are ongoing, but the deal is unlikely to be sealed before the year’s end. The signing will most likely take place next year,” said Viktor Komardin, deputy head of the state-run Rosoboronexport.
“Chinese negotiators are discussing the technical outlook of the plane,” Komardin told RIA Novosti.
He did not say how many multirole fighter jets China wants to buy, but added that Beijing is also interested in purchasing ordnance for them.
“There will definitely be integral weapons, but we’ll be discussing external weapons,” Komardin said.
“They want new types of weapons that we have, including from the [Moscow Region-based] Tactical Missiles Corporation. But that’ll be a separate deal,” he said.
Negotiations about China’s purchase of the Russian Su-35 – a deep modernization of the Su-27M, the current staple of the Russian Air Force – were opened in 2010, but frozen last year.
However, Rosoboronexport head Anatoly Isaikin told a group of Chinese pilots during the MAKS airshow in Russia last week that they will “soon” have the opportunity to fly the Su-35.

1.Firstly thanks for more attention from USA and it means they take consider us an important potential competitor now or in the future.Because USA in terms of technology and military is still NO.1 in this world.That means we are leaping forward.
2.I think we should admit that we have a big gap especially in terms of engine compared to USA and Russian and it is a fact.USA has severe embargo on military weapon and high technology things to China because of ideology and intellectual property.Russian is more scared of reverse engineering.Frankly reverse engineering is a capacity as well.If possible,you also could have a try and it is not easier.It could test the comprehensive capacity of the whole manufacturing.
3.SU-35 is just a transition and because we must counter F-35 around.Sometimes a slogan could change someone's idea because the deal is still not sealed.
@Indo-guy there are 7 months left in 2014. If nothing happens then? Would you agree it's all BS?

The companies like Rosboronexport are not expected to lower their dignity by engaging in making frivolous claims .
Let us wait for another 7 months .
The companies like Rosboronexport are not expected to lower their dignity by engaging in making frivolous claims .
Let us wait for another 7 months .

Sure let's wait and see... If we have waited for 7 years, 7 more months won't hurt...
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