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Pentagon | P-8 Poseidon 'doesn't work'.

Can fighter jets do anti sub operations? If they carry sonobuoys and torpedos?

Hydrocarbon sensors to detect diesel submarines, Increased range and duration, more weapon load. (in future ice detection system too which has problematic now)

Carbon dioxide sensor? :o:
Can fighter jets do anti sub operations? If they carry sonobuoys and torpedos?

Carbon dioxide sensor? :o:
Hydrocarbon sensor will be able to detect fuel vapors from diesel submarines or other surface ships.
Subs can use hydrocarbon sensor to detect P-8 and shoot down with air defense missile?
Subs can use hydrocarbon sensor to detect P-8 and shoot down with air defense missile?
well aircrafts(here 'target') are fast moving and also don't know how this sensor will work underwater. I think its first time americans have develope this kind of tech for military purpose so hardly known about it. Wait for it to be fully operational.
Does P-8I have hydrocarbon sensor? It seems P-8I has MAD whereas America's P-8A doesn't have MAD and has hydrocarbon sensor. :coffee:

"The Indian variant also has the Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) – which measures minute variations and disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field caused by the underwater movement of steel-encased submarines. As the system is a little heavy – about 1500 kg – the US Navy is instead using a much smaller new hydrocarbon sensor to detect fumes from diesel submarines. The reduction in weight adds to the aircraft’s range."

..:: India Strategic ::. Navy: Boeing Delivers Indian Navy’s 1st P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft

Personally, China's Y-8 anti sub planes look a lot cooler than P-8A Poseidon. 8-)

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737s look far cooler than An 12s...

The platform is far from An-12. The nose is completely different. The engines are much more powerful. Amongst other things. It's the same platform used in ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle AWAC. This thing looks like it can seriously sting.

1. Sonobuoys clog up the sea. Bad for nature.

2. P-8's MAD boom seems tiny compared to Y-8 maritime patrol plane's MAD boom.

1. What?! Having nuclear submarines in them is good for the sea then?

2. Check the disparity in the sizes of these aircraft. Given the smaller size of Y-8, it's MAD boom is obviously going to look bigger.
The platform is far from An-12. The nose is completely different. The engines are much more powerful. Amongst other things. It's the same platform used in ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle AWAC. This thing looks like it can seriously sting.

Well I see that,and the engine too,but its based on An 12 isnt it?
Does P-8I have hydrocarbon sensor? It seems P-8I has MAD whereas America's P-8A doesn't have MAD and has hydrocarbon sensor. :coffee:

"The Indian variant also has the Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) – which measures minute variations and disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field caused by the underwater movement of steel-encased submarines. As the system is a little heavy – about 1500 kg – the US Navy is instead using a much smaller new hydrocarbon sensor to detect fumes from diesel submarines. The reduction in weight adds to the aircraft’s range."

..:: India Strategic ::. Navy: Boeing Delivers Indian Navy’s 1st P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft

Personally, China's Y-8 anti sub planes look a lot cooler than P-8A Poseidon. 8-)

SC-130J Sea Herc · Lockheed Martin

It seems as a replacement of P-3 Orions, turbopro based C-130J Sea Herc would takes its place ad not entirely P-8s would operate thus giving flexibility to USN and other Nations interested.
Well I see that,and the engine too,but its based on An 12 isnt it?

Yes, but it's nowhere close to the original An-12.

SC-130J Sea Herc · Lockheed Martin
It seems as a replacement of P-3 Orions, turbopro based C-130J Sea Herc would takes its place ad not entirely P-8s would operate thus giving flexibility to USN and other Nations interested.

There was supposed to be a C-130 based AWAC sort of like ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle had it not been for funding issues. SC-130J is the American counterpart of China's Y-8 maritime patrol plane.
It works, for what it's built for.

It's just not all powerful, it's detection range isn't great, and is more effective when used with other equipments. It's not American's fault, this technology just hasn't reached a point where it can be the end of submarine warfare.

India need to spend a lot more money on anti submarine warfare, just this isn't enough. This is like having just the gun for infantry, when the infantry needs artillery support, air support, protective gear amongst other things to be effective. But that doesn't mean the gun is not effective, just not effective by itself.
Americans are using some entirely new techniques to detect submarines in their version so give them some time may be 5 years or so to be mature in those new techniques. They have all the existing techs to fill the gap till then.
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